
It turns out that in ancient times, only the poor wore underwear!

author:Hana Tsukiyo 11
It turns out that in ancient times, only the poor wore underwear!

What are you waiting for? Wealth and good fortune are hidden in attention! Hurry up and join us for the arrival of luck and fortune!

From "I don't know what underwear is" to "There are thousands of types of underwear": a history of the evolution of human underwear

In the history of clothing development, the evolution of underwear definitely occupies a strong stroke, today, we will talk about the ancients did not wear underwear, this topic may sound a little "spicy" at first glance, but a deeper understanding, you will find that there is a lot of interesting historical and cultural information

It turns out that in ancient times, only the poor wore underwear!

Imagine if you traveled back in time and walked down a bustling street, what would you see? Peddlers and pawns shouted along the streets, dignitaries and nobles passed by in sedan chairs, and the most surprising thing was that the lower half of their bodies, regardless of men, women and children, were "honest with each other"! For those of us who are accustomed to modern clothing, this scene is estimated to feel quite "spicy to the eyes"

In the early stage of human civilization, due to the low level of productivity, people's functional needs for clothing were far greater than aesthetic needs, and a wide robe was enough to cover the cold, and there was no need for underwear

"Calf nose robe": the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient working people

With the development of society, some groups engaged in manual labor, such as farmers, soldiers, etc., began to feel the inconvenience of "walking the world in one robe", in order to facilitate labor, they invented a kind of shorts called "calf nose cassette", similar to modern shorts, but without the cover of the front and back crotch

It turns out that in ancient times, only the poor wore underwear!

The appearance of the "calf nose robe" can be said to be the prototype of ancient underwear, although it did not completely cover people's private parts, but at least liberated the legs, improved labor efficiency, this "practical first" principle, but also reflected the attitude of people at that time

Interestingly, this kind of clothing, which seems to be somewhat "strange" today, was regarded as a symbol of "vulgarity" by the aristocracy at the time, and in the hierarchical ancient society, clothing was an important symbol of status, with wide robes and large sleeves representing pampering and pampering, and "calf-nosed robes" representing manual labor, and there was an insurmountable gap between the two

The "counterattack" of underwear: from "vulgar" to "essential" reflects social changes

The aristocracy believed that wearing "exposed" clothing such as "calf nose robes" was a loss of identity, and they would rather endure the inconvenience caused by the wide robe while maintaining their dignity and status, and this behavior of "preferring to die of heat rather than wearing shorts" may seem incomprehensible today, but in the social context of the time, it was a normal phenomenon

It turns out that in ancient times, only the poor wore underwear!

In modern times, with the introduction of Western culture, briefs that pay more attention to privacy and comfort have gradually entered people's field of vision, and underwear is no longer a symbol of status, but has become an indispensable underwear for everyone

From the initial "era of no underwear", to the emergence of "calf nose clothes", and then to the popularization of modern underwear, the evolution of underwear not only reflects the continuous exploration of human beings for their own needs, but also reflects the progress and development of social civilization

Looking back at history, we can draw wisdom from it, looking forward to the future, we should be full of expectations, what do you think the future of underwear will look like? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views

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