
Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals are officially released; 2.24 meters Zhang Ziyu led the team to South Korea

author:Gentle streams

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals are officially released; 2.24 meters Zhang Ziyu led the team to South Korea

Women's U18 Asian Cup: Zhang Ziyu's dazzling road to winning the championship

The 2024 U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is in full swing, and Asia's highest-level youth women's basketball tournament is attracting attention. In this suspenseful game, the Chinese team relied on the outstanding performance of Zhang Ziyu, the giant tower of the inner line, to enter the final with difficulty and start a peak showdown with the strong rival South Korean team.

Zhang Ziyu, a 17-year-old inside player, has become the highlight of this Asian Cup. In the group stage, she averaged 33 points per game, completely crushing her opponents and becoming the absolute core of the Chinese team. The 2.24-meter-tall giant not only shines on the offensive end with his excellent interior scoring ability, but also acts like a steel gate on the defensive end, blocking the opponent's offensive channel.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals are officially released; 2.24 meters Zhang Ziyu led the team to South Korea

Looking back on the performance in the group stage, Zhang Ziyu is simply a "monster". In the opening 109-50 win over Indonesia, she scored 37 points and grabbed 15 rebounds to show her dominance from the start. In the second game, she defeated New Zealand 90-68, and she once again hit the luxurious statistics of 28 points and 18 rebounds. Although the final game was relatively fierce with Japan, Zhang Ziyu still scored 25 points and 11 rebounds, leading the team to a 97-81 victory and easily advancing to the semifinals.

And in this Chinese U18 women's basketball team, Zhang Ziyu is not alone. Her teammates also played well, paving the way for the team to win three in a row. Wang Huiqian and Zhang Mengyi, who are in the guard position, have excellent performances in the role of playmaking offense and outside shooters. Interior partner Zhou Wenjing also gave Zhang Ziyu good support on the defensive end, making it difficult for opponents to form an effective attack on the inside. It can be said that the Chinese U18 women's basketball team is like an efficient machine, and all aspects have shown a good level.

In the semi-finals, the Chinese team ushered in the challenge of the South Korean team. As the traditional power of the Asian women's basketball team, the South Korean team is also excellent, and has achieved good results in world competitions many times. But in the face of a Chinese team with such an absolute advantage as Zhang Ziyu, the South Korean team is obviously difficult to fight.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals are officially released; 2.24 meters Zhang Ziyu led the team to South Korea

Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance is destined to be the focus of this semi-final. On the court, as long as she stands under the basket, the opponent's offense will be helpless. On the offensive end, Zhang Ziyu was able to easily dominate the pace of the game with his excellent scoring ability and excellent rebounding control.

The South Korean team undoubtedly has its own excellent players, but it is undoubtedly a huge challenge to compete with Zhang Ziyu on the inside. For such an inside monster, the South Korean team must formulate a careful tactical deployment and make reasonable use of player resources in order to hope to win back.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals are officially released; 2.24 meters Zhang Ziyu led the team to South Korea

But even so, the Chinese team still has a clear advantage. In terms of the starting lineup, in addition to Zhang Ziyu, the Chinese team has the inside master, as well as Wang Huiqian, Zhang Mengyi and other excellent outside players. The Chinese U18 women's basketball team is undoubtedly the biggest favorite in this Asian Cup, they have already locked in the qualification for next year's U19 Women's Basketball World Cup, and now the goal is to strive to win the Asian Cup.

A successful victory over South Korea will see China face an equally strong Australia team in the final. As another favorite in the Asian Cup, the Australian team also showed strong strength in the group stage, winning all three games to reach the semi-finals without any suspense.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals are officially released; 2.24 meters Zhang Ziyu led the team to South Korea

In the final of this pinnacle showdown, Zhang Ziyu will undoubtedly become the magic weapon of the Chinese team again. Her excellent interior control, efficient offensive approach, and excellent defensive ability will cause huge problems for opponents. As long as Zhang Ziyu can continue to play well in the final, the Chinese team's hopes of winning the Asian Cup will be greatly increased.

For the Chinese U18 women's basketball team, this Asian Cup is of great significance. First of all, they have already qualified for next year's U19 Women's Basketball World Cup, which is undoubtedly a valuable achievement. Secondly, if it can finally win the championship, it will not only make the Chinese women's basketball industry in Asia to a higher level, but also inject strong impetus into the future development of the Chinese women's basketball team.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals are officially released; 2.24 meters Zhang Ziyu led the team to South Korea

For Zhang Ziyu personally, this Asian Cup is also a rare stage. She is only 17 years old, but she has already shown amazing talent and potential. Through her outstanding performance in this Asian Cup, Zhang Ziyu not only made herself a new star in Asian basketball, but also made more people pay attention to her talent. I believe that as long as Zhang Ziyu maintains a down-to-earth attitude and continues to train hard, she will definitely be able to fight more and more bravely in the future women's basketball tournaments and become the mainstay of the Chinese women's basketball team.

Overall, the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup is undoubtedly a wonderful basketball feast. With Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance, the Chinese team successfully entered the final and fought the final battle against a strong opponent. This is not only a rare opportunity for the Chinese women's basketball team to show in the future, but also to give wings to a new star like Zhang Ziyu. Let's look forward to whether the Chinese team can win the Asian Cup at home and add another brilliant chapter to the Chinese women's basketball career!

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals are officially released; 2.24 meters Zhang Ziyu led the team to South Korea

Zhang Ziyu led the Chinese team to win the championship

As we mentioned earlier, the Chinese U18 women's basketball team advanced to the Asian Cup final with the outstanding performance of the inside giant Zhang Ziyu and is about to face the equally strong Australian team. The Chinese team's sweeping performance in the group stage and semi-finals has fully demonstrated their strength.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals are officially released; 2.24 meters Zhang Ziyu led the team to South Korea

In the final of this pinnacle showdown, Zhang Ziyu will undoubtedly become the magic weapon of the Chinese team again. This 2.24-meter-tall interior player has extraordinary scoring ability on the offensive end, and can hit 30+ gorgeous statistics in a single game. With her excellent inside control, she was able to easily dominate the rhythm of the game. In addition, Zhang Ziyu's influence on the defensive end is also amazing, she can effectively block the opponent's interior attack, forcing the opponent to choose a three-point shot.

In contrast, although the Australian team is also quite strong, it is undoubtedly a huge challenge to balance Zhang Ziyu on the inside. Although the interior players of the Australian team are also tall, it is still quite difficult to compete with Zhang Ziyu on the offensive end. On the other hand, although the outside players of the Australian team can put pressure on the three-point line, they also have a long way to go to break through the interior defense of the Chinese team.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals are officially released; 2.24 meters Zhang Ziyu led the team to South Korea

Therefore, as long as Zhang Ziyu can continue his excellent performance in the final, the Chinese team is expected to finally reach the Asian Cup. Even if the Australian team will do their best to fight back, it will still be a huge challenge to win back against a Chinese team with such an absolute advantage as Zhang Ziyu.

It is worth mentioning that the other players of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team are also worthy of recognition. In the group stage and semi-finals, Wang Huiqian, Zhang Mengyi and other outside players played well, injecting a lot of impetus into the team's attack. Inside partner Zhou Wenjing gave Zhang Ziyu strong support on the defensive end and won many key victories for the team. It can be said that the Chinese U18 women's basketball team is a strong overall team, and their outstanding performance in the Asian Cup makes people look forward to their future.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals are officially released; 2.24 meters Zhang Ziyu led the team to South Korea

If the Chinese team can finally defeat Australia in the final and win the Asian Cup, it will undoubtedly be a milestone achievement. It will not only make the Chinese women's basketball industry in Asia more advanced, but also inject strong impetus into the future Women's Basketball World Cup. At the same time, it will also be an important milestone in Zhang Ziyu's personal career, and she will become the mainstay of the Chinese women's basketball team in the future.

Overall, the Chinese U18 women's basketball team has undoubtedly become an emerging force in Asian basketball. Under the leadership of Zhang Ziyu, they will strive to win the championship in the finals and add a new page to the cause of the Chinese women's basketball team. Let's look forward to whether the Chinese team can win this resounding Asian Cup championship trophy at home!

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