
Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights



On July 16, 2019, China Railway Group announced that it would start the survey work of the Xining-Golmud railway, which means that the construction of a second railway into Tibet will begin.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

However, by this time the railway from Xining to Lhasa had already been built, so why was a second railway to Tibet being built?

What impact did the establishment of the railway have on Tibet?

New railways will be built to boost Tibet's economic development.

In 2014, a new railway was built in Tibet, and the Xining-Lhasa railway stretches from the coast of China to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and it took four years to build bridges and lay tracks.

On September 26, the opening of the Xining-Lhasa railway connected the two cities of Xining and Lhasa, and the establishment of the Xining-Lhasa railway brought unprecedented development opportunities to Tibet.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

However, the Xining-Lhasa railway was not built into Lhasa, but to Zhangmu Town in Lhasa, which also stemmed from the plateau climate of Tibet.

The plateau climate in Tibet has brought great trouble to the leveling and paving of bridges on the railway, so the railway team pointed out that Lhasa would need to introduce advanced equipment for a lifetime to complete, and in order not to delay the cause of Tibet's plateau march, it was decided to build a station line in Zhangmu Town.

Not only that, the Xining-Lhasa railway is also the first plateau railway on the mainland.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

In order to allow more railways to go to the plateau, or to reduce the impact on flora and fauna of the Everest Tunnel, a railway was born of the Pearl Peak Tunnel.

In the construction of the Everest Tunnel, the railway team was responsible for the construction of the 1,800-meter Everest Tunnel, and before the construction of the Everest Tunnel, the longest tunnel record built in China was a certain tunnel of 1,817 meters, and now this record is about to be broken by the mainland.

The local people used their physical strength and energy to support the construction of the road, and in the process of building the tunnel, they constantly had to face high and low temperatures.

In the process of building the Everest Tunnel, many people fell ill and even sacrificed themselves, but with the mediation of the higher authorities, the construction was successful.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

The construction of the Xining-Lhasa railway is intended to help Tibet's economic development on the one hand, and the development of plateau cities such as Lhasa on the other.

With the construction of the Xining-Lhasa railway, Lhasa has replaced Chongqing as the second plateau city after Chengdu, and can also enjoy the convenience of oxygen exchange in plateau cities with Xining.

Since 2006, Xining has been preparing for the Xining-Lhasa railway.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

As for the impact of the construction of the Xining-Lhasa railway on Lhasa's economy, the Xining-Lhasa railway will soon be passable, but in 2014, Xining already has a Xining-Golmud railway, and it only takes about 2 hours from Xining to reach Golmud.

Why do you have to walk a long way to Lhasa?

The Xining-Golmud railway was built for regional economic development, while the Xining-Lhasa railway was built for Tibet's economic development.

Seize the commanding heights and rationally plan the railway.

With the development of the mainland railway, many cities have built railways, so why was the Xining-Golmud railway built?

It was also intended to help Tibet's economic development, but the Xining-Lhasa railway failed to meet Lhasa's economic development.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

Therefore, the Xining-Golmud railway has not been able to meet the economic development of Golmud, but has to seize the commanding heights.

The Xining-Golmud railway was built to seize the commanding heights.

In the process of building railways, national policymakers have formulated the country's large-scale railway construction plan, carried out macro planning for domestic railways, and clarified the development goals of railways.

At the same time, various provinces will make cooperative arrangements and carry out local railway planning, so that all regions can get the development and improvement of railways.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

The Xining-Golmud railway was planned to be built in this macro plan, so the Xining-Golmud railway was built.

The Xining-Golmud Railway also bears an important historical mission, and in the process of building the Xining-Golmud Railway, the mainland's survey and the adaptability of the railway have been greatly improved.

During the construction of the Everest Tunnel, detailed observation and research were carried out on various geological disasters, landslides, rockfalls, etc., and according to the local geological characteristics, the layout was reasonably carried out and the safety area was demarcated.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

In the process of building the Xining-Golmud railway, the mainland has carried out railway construction in the plateau area many times, and we have accumulated a lot of experience, so when building the Xining-Golmud railway, we have carried out many explorations and observed the local environment, and finally selected a suitable section for construction.

During the construction of the Xining-Golmud railway, especially during the construction of the Chaka Salt Lake Bridge and the Sanchuan River Bridge, many surveys were carried out, and many verifications were carried out on the location and planning of the bridges to ensure the safe passage of the completed railway.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

In the process of railway construction, we not only seized the commanding heights and carried out the planning of the railway, but also carried out reasonable planning of the railway on a number of lines, so that the Xining-Golmud railway can have its three major layouts.

The three major layouts will help Tibet's development.

The mainland's railway development is not carried out blindly, but is carried out in accordance with the country's development and needs, and rational railway planning is carried out.

The mainland's railway planning has three major layouts, namely the connection of the Eurasian land bridge, the coastal railway, and the railway in the Central Plains.

The Xining-Lhasa railway belongs to the railway in the Central Plains, going west to Yili and then to Xinjiang, and the curve curves are not only the first railway in the mainland to go west.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

It is also the first railway in the mainland to go abroad, connecting domestic and foreign transportation, and can also help the development of underdeveloped areas in the west.

The Xining-Golmud railway is a coastal railway, which can redistribute goods transported by sea and can also bring the development of coastal areas to the western region.

At the same time, it will be able to bring the resources of the Great Northwest back to the coastal areas.

In addition, it will be able to push the mainland's Belt and Road Initiative forward and strengthen cooperation between China and neighboring countries.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

The Xining-Lhasa Railway and the newly built Xining-Golmud Railway have undergone a series of layouts to finally form the best route planning.

At that time, when the Xining-Lhasa railway was built, this place is still a remote no-man's land, and the Xining-Golmud railway is built in the world's second largest production capacity city, and the Xining-Golmud railway, one of the three major railways in the mainland, is not only that, the Xining-Golmud railway is also the connecting line of the three major railways in the mainland, connecting the northeast on the one hand, connecting Xinjiang on the other, and connecting the international on the other, which can be said to be the most important railway military artery in the northwest after completion. It can also play a very important role in the northwest region.


The construction of the Xining-Golmud railway is not only a large-scale development of the mainland railway, but also a perfect improvement of railway facilities in remote areas in the western region and a new situation in the economic development of the western region.

Why did China invest more than 300 billion yuan to build the second railway into Tibet? The three major layouts seize the commanding heights

A large number of railway lines in the country are for the development of Tibet, for the purpose of opening up passages for Tibet, and in order to cooperate with Tibet's development.

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