
Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

author:Yong A said gossip

The entertainment industry has set off another storm. Recently, a group of reverie-inducing photos went viral: Zhang Yuqi interacted intimately with a mysterious man on the balcony of a mansion. In the picture, Zhang Yuqi leans lazily against the corner, holding a cigarette between her fingers, and the smoke is swirling; The man thoughtfully crouched beside the small coffee table, fanning away the smoke for her.

The two behaved intimately, like a couple in love. The figure of this mysterious man is similar to the silhouette of the handsome guy who has been in and out of Zhang Yuqi's house frequently recently. Could this be Zhang Yuqi's new love? Known as "Xiao Yaxuan in the Mainland", has she started a new relationship? Let's walk into Zhang Yuqi's world together and unveil the legendary and ups and downs of the life story of this "tough first sister".

Zhang Yuqi's acting career can be called a wonderful inspirational legend. In 2002, at the age of 15, she was accidentally discovered at KFC where she was working, and a 30-second job advertisement was filmed.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

The gears of fate turned, and this short-lived advertisement happened to be seen by Stephen Chow, the "King of Comedy". Zhang Yuqi's fresh and refined temperament deeply moved Stephen Chow, and he immediately decided to sign this young girl and make her a "star girl".

In 2006, the opportunity came. Stephen Chow handed over the role of "Teacher Yuan" in "Yangtze River No. 7" to Zhang Yuqi. Dressed in a blue and white cheongsam, a high ponytail, an elegant figure, and a pure and lovely image, Zhang Yuqi became famous in a fight.

The audience was fascinated by this new face, and a new chapter in her acting career began. A series of wonderful works followed. She has successively starred in films such as "Jump Out" directed by Feng Delun, "Shaolin Girl" supervised by Stephen Chow, and "Night Shanghai" directed by Zhang Yibai.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

In 2008, Zhang Yuqi ushered in an important turning point in her acting career. In "Women Are Not Bad" directed by Tsui Hark, she challenged to play the 30-year-old strong woman Tang Lu, breaking through the boundaries of age.

This role won her the crown of Best New Actor at the 28th Hong Kong Film Awards, and her acting career took to the next level. In 2010, Zhang Yuqi played the role of "Tian Xiao'e" in "White Deer Plain", and her amorous performance made the audience fall in love with it.

With her outstanding performance, she won many awards, and her acting career once reached its peak. However, the road to acting has not always been easy. After terminating the contract with Xinghui Company, Zhang Yuqi fell into a trough for a while.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

Fortunately, in 2016, Stephen Chow once again reached out and invited her to play the role of "Ruolan" in "The Mermaid". Zhang Yuqi returned to the big screen with this role and won the love of the audience again.

In recent years, Zhang Yuqi has frequently appeared in variety shows, showing a different side from the past. In "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", her uninhibited character and extraordinary talent left a deep impression on the audience.

Even if she was late at the recording site, the director team didn't dare to wake her up, and sighed: "Who dares to shout!" This scene fully reflects Zhang Yuqi's status and influence in the circle.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

In "Daughters' Love 4", Zhang Yuqi directly withdrew from the recording because she was dissatisfied with the editing of the program team. Although this move caused controversy, it also showed her bold and uncompromising personality.

From the young "Star Girl" to the domineering "Social Sister", Zhang Yuqi interprets her acting life in her own way. In this circle full of temptations and traps, she has always maintained her true colors and bottom line.

Zhang Yuqi's acting career is not only her personal growth history, but also a vivid portrayal of how an actress insists on herself and keeps breaking through in the complex entertainment industry.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

Zhang Yuqi's love life, like her character, is magnificent and full of drama. Her love history is like a realistic version of "the domineering president falls in love with me", but in this story, Zhang Yuqi is the domineering protagonist.

In 2011, Zhang Yuqi married director Wang Quanan, who was 22 years older than him, which caused a sensation in the entertainment industry. This "year-old love" was extremely sweet at first, Wang Quanan spared no expense to invest in movies for Zhang Yuqi, and also helped her solve the contract dispute with Xinghui Company.

However, the good times were short-lived. Wang Quanan could not resist the temptation of the outside world and frequently derailed. After Zhang Yuqi learned the truth, she was furious and staged a scene of "kicking the car door", without caring about the other party's director's identity.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

In 2014, Wang Quanan was imprisoned for soliciting prostitution, and this marriage also came to an end. After experiencing this failed marriage, Zhang Yuqi did not lose confidence in love. In 2016, she and Yuan Bayuan, who had only known each other for 70 days, got married again, and gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins a year after marriage.

However, the marriage was also fraught with problems. Yuan Bayuan was exposed to cheating, has illegitimate children, and is in debt of tens of millions, and is a "pseudo-rich man". In 2018, a fierce conflict broke out between the two over family trivialities, which even alarmed the police.

After the divorce, Yuan Bayuan frequently broke the news about Zhang Yuqi's privacy, and the relationship between the two was completely torn apart. In the face of these predicaments, Zhang Yuqi showed amazing courage and determination, and resolutely chose to end this painful marriage.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

Looking back on Zhang Yuqi's early emotional experience, it is also wonderful. During the filming of "Jump Out", she had an affair with director Feng Delun. Feng Delun took care of her in every way, gave flowers and gifts, and publicly said that he would take good care of her.

However, when Zhang Yuqi learned that Feng Delun actually had a genuine girlfriend Karen Mok, she decisively cut off the relationship, showing her principle of not wanting to be a third party. After that, Zhang Yuqi and Huayi's agent Liu Tao fell into an affair.

However, as soon as this relationship sprouted, it was strongly opposed by Xinghui Company, worried that the artists he cultivated would be poached. In desperation, this relationship ended without a problem. In 2010, Zhang Yuqi fell in love with Wang Xiaofei, one of the "Four Youths in Beijing", and the two often showed their affection in a high-profile manner and kissed on the street.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

However, this relationship also ended because of Wang Xiaofei's "mom bao" character. Zhang Yuqi couldn't bear Wang Xiaofei's obedience to her mother Zhang Lan's arrangement, and the two frequently broke out into fierce quarrels.

Soon after the breakup, Wang Xiaofei and Da S got married in a flash, which made Zhang Yuqi feel angry. In every relationship, Zhang Yuqi is fully devoted, but at the same time, she will not wronged herself. Whether the other party is a wealthy businessman or a director, as long as she does something wrong, she dares to resist, and even does not hesitate to use force to maintain her dignity.

This attitude of daring to love and hate shows Zhang Yuqi's independent personality charm. Today's Zhang Yuqi is still full of expectations for love. She admitted that she really didn't see men very well, but this did not affect her continued pursuit of happiness.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

At the "Tucao Conference", she humorously ridiculed her emotional experience and showed an optimistic and open-minded attitude. In her opinion, love should move forward bravely, no matter how many failures you experience, you must keep hope and embrace bravely.

Zhang Yuqi's emotional world is as wonderful as her life. Her experience tells us that in love, we must be brave to pursue, but we must also know how to protect ourselves; Be fully engaged, but also be independent.

This attitude of daring to love and hate is where Zhang Yuqi's charm lies. On August 8, 1987, Zhang Yuqi was born in Dezhou City, Shandong Province, formerly known as Zhang Shuang. Since she was a child, she has shown extraordinary beauty and can be called a beauty embryo.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

However, fate does not seem to favor this naturally beautiful girl, whose childhood was full of hardships and challenges. The divorce of her parents brought a huge blow to the young Zhang Yuqi.

Dependent on her mother, she had to face the cruel reality of life prematurely. At school, because of her outstanding appearance and single-parent family, she often became the target of ridicule and exclusion by her classmates.

In the face of this predicament, Zhang Yuqi showed extraordinary strength. In order not to make herself look bullied, she resolutely cut her hair short, dressed herself as a "female man", and used a tough appearance to protect her fragile heart.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

The name "Zhang Shuang" also brought her a lot of trouble. Because of the broadcast of a sanitary napkin advertisement, she is often joked. In order to get rid of this trouble, she changed her name to "Zhang Yuqi" after discussing with her mother, and started a new chapter in her life with a new name.

This decision shows Zhang Yuqi's decisiveness and courage in the face of difficulties. The hardships of life did not defeat Zhang Yuqi. In order to realize her artistic dream, she decided to attend an opera school.

However, expensive tuition fees are a huge burden for this single-parent family. In order to support her daughter's dream, the mother had to pawn all the dowry. Faced with her mother's sacrifice, Zhang Yuqi felt deeply guilty, and she used her weekends to work and study while working several jobs at the same time.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

Her spirit of not being afraid of hardship and tiredness has laid a solid foundation for future success. Her mother often said to her, "Women have to rely on themselves and be independent." This sentence is like a proverb, deeply engraved in Zhang Yuqi's heart.

Even if life is difficult, she never admits defeat, and is always determined to change her fate through her own efforts, so that her mother, who has worked hard all her life, can enjoy happiness. It is this arduous growth experience that has shaped Zhang Yuqi's strong, independent, and fearless character.

This kind of character trait not only helps her move forward bravely in her acting career, but also allows her to dare to love and hate in the emotional world, and never wronged herself. Zhang Yuqi's story teaches us that the environment can shape a person, but what is more important is how an individual grows in the face of adversity.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

She used her own experience to explain what it means to be truly strong and what it means to be indomitable. In the bizarre entertainment industry, Zhang Yuqi stands out with her maverick way of life.

She is not afraid of authority and dares to face problems head-on, and this attitude has earned her a unique status and respect in the circle. In the face of the director, Zhang Yuqi never made promises. In the program "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", when the director criticized her for her poor makeup, she responded unceremoniously: "I don't have oil, that's called highlight, you don't understand."

This straightforward attitude, although it may offend people, has also won the admiration of many people. Zhang Yuqi also dared to speak out on social issues. When Luo Zhixiang broke out of the leg splitting scandal, she directly released a video of cutting "Octopus", and did not shy away from expressing her attitude.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

In the face of Yu Minhong's "theory of female depravity", she was even more outspoken in her criticism, showing her sense of social responsibility as a public figure. In "Daughters' Love 4", Zhang Yuqi directly withdrew from the recording because she was dissatisfied with the editing of the program team.

Although this move caused controversy, it also showed her unwillingness to compromise and her insistence on principle. Zhang Yuqi's maverick behavior not only reflects her personality charm, but also shows her responsibility and courage as a mature artist.

In this circle, which often needs to be observed, she interprets truth and bravery in her own way, and has become a model of "strong woman" in the eyes of many people. Zhang Yuqi once said an impressive sentence: "What does the world have to do with me? My wife has money, beauty, a house and a car, and in a hundred years, without you and me, why should I be afraid of what others think of me.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

This sentence vividly sums up her attitude towards life. In love, Zhang Yuqi showed the courage not to be afraid of failure. Even after several emotional setbacks, she still maintains her enthusiasm and expectation for love.

Every time she starts over, she shows her love for life and her pursuit of happiness. In her career, she insists on herself and does not follow the crowd. Whether it is rejecting the unspoken rules or facing doubts, Zhang Yuqi has always maintained her true colors.

She is not afraid of offending people, nor does she succumb to unspoken rules, and uses her strength and personality to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. Zhang Yuqi's philosophy of life embodies the independence and self-confidence of a modern woman.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

She doesn't need to be attached to others, and she is not afraid of the eyes of the world. She interprets the charm of contemporary women in her own way: there is both a tender side and a domineering personality.

From "Star Girl" to "Social Sister", from a young girl to a contemporary female model, Zhang Yuqi's growth process shows how a woman insists on herself in a complex environment and lives a wonderful life.

Her story will undoubtedly inspire more people to pursue their lives bravely, fearless of the world, and live their true selves.

Zhang Yuqi's fierce love history: She has been a beauty since she was a child, but no director dares to uncover the rules in the entertainment industry

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