
Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!



Entertainment is rising again, Yang Ying's live broadcast room "overturned"?

In the colorful ocean of the entertainment industry, every wave of a star can stir up thousands of waves, and this time, it is the turn of the "traffic queen" Yang Ying (Angelababy) to stand on the cusp.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

When the bright stars on the red carpet met the spotlight in the live broadcast room, a heated discussion about coffee positions, mentality and changes was quietly staged, which made people ask: Is this a cross-border adventure in the entertainment industry, or a precursor to the dim starlight?

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

The "running man" raid in the live broadcast industry: Yang Ying's extraordinary journey

If the entertainment industry is a never-ending feast, then Yang Ying is undoubtedly a frequent guest at this banquet.

From the energetic, witty and brave female man in "Running Man" to the darling of the covers of major fashion magazines, her every step is glamorous.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

However, when she decided to step into the new battlefield of live streaming and fight side by side with Simba, the "first brother with goods", this decision was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

The "checkered embarrassment" in the live broadcast room: true or misunderstood?

On the day of the live broadcast, in Simba's live broadcast room, Yang Ying showed off in a checked outfit, and her half-tied ponytail looked casual and natural.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

However, although the beauty effect in the live broadcast room tried to make her more perfect, her makeup seemed a little too heavy.

It is undeniable that her facial features are still delicate and her beauty is online, but her performance in front of the camera is very different from before.

Different from the confidence and calmness shown in the spotlight in the past, Yang Ying seemed a little restrained in this live broadcast.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

She was hunched over her chest, her hands didn't seem to be in a suitable position, she smiled awkwardly the whole time, and lacked the star aura of the past.

This unnatural state surprised the audience and sparked speculation about her change in mentality and state.

Faced with Simba's cannon-like praise, Yang Ying seemed a little overwhelmed.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

Simba did not hesitate to call her "the most easy-going artist" or even "the most beautiful female artist", such a top hat did not make Yang Ying feel excited and proud, but made her look a little shy and uncomfortable.

And when interacting with the staff in the game, Yang Ying's helplessness was even more surprising.

She seems to be unprepared for this kind of interactive part of the live broadcast, and has completely lost the ease and confidence of other stages.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

Netizens are hotly discussed: Is the coffee position slipping or finding another way?

This live broadcast performance quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and netizens expressed their opinions one after another.

Some people believe that Yang Ying's state may be caused by recent career failures.

Just a few days ago, Yang Ying's footage in "Running Man" was inexplicably censored, and this incident triggered all kinds of speculation about her career prospects.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

Some people speculate that she may have a conflict with the program team, and some people think that this is a signal of her declining status in the entertainment industry.

In addition, some netizens ridiculed: "Yang Ying originally debuted as an Internet celebrity, but this time she really became an Internet celebrity!" It's back to the original track! ”

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

Although this kind of remark has a certain irony, it also reflects the views of some netizens on her live broadcast behavior, believing that this is her helpless choice after her development in the entertainment industry was blocked.

Some netizens bluntly pointed out: "After Yang Ying was banned, every time she attended an event, she seemed to have no confidence!"

There is a bitter feeling in the smile! ”

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

Although this kind of remarks is a bit excessive, it also reflects the dissatisfaction and concern of some viewers about Yang Ying's recent state.

The past, Huang Xiaoming's comparative notes

At the same time, Yang Ying's ex-husband Huang Xiaoming seems to be proud of both career and love.

Huang Xiaoming not only filmed the popular variety show "Chinese Restaurant" abroad, but also received the Golden Goblet Award after returning to China, and the sweet interaction with his new girlfriend was frequently on the hot search.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

The farewell scene at the airport is the first public show of affection since the exposure of the relationship between the two, flowers, hugs, photos, every detail reveals sweetness and happiness.

Such a comparison makes Yang Ying's situation even more embarrassing.

The former husband and wife, now showing such a huge difference in career and emotional development, is inevitably embarrassing.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

But we should also realize that everyone's life trajectory is different, and a person's future cannot be determined just because of a momentary comparison.

Yang Ying's "Road to Transformation": Challenge or Opportunity?

In this discussion about coffee positions and mentality, we may think from another angle: Does Yang Ying's live broadcast attempt mean that she is actively seeking change and exploring more possibilities in her career?

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, the courage to step out of the comfort zone is a rare courage in itself.

Admittedly, the performance in the live stream may not be satisfactory, but isn't it an opportunity for growth? Just like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon, although the process is painful, it is the beginning of a new life.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

In entertainment, mentality determines everything

Looking back on Yang Ying's acting career, from model to actor, to today's live broadcast to test the waters, every change is accompanied by various voices from the outside world.

But in this era of "black and red is also red", how to maintain oneself in the torrent of public opinion and how to find one's own rhythm in the challenge is the real test.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!

Perhaps, as she once said in an interview: "I am who I am, fireworks of different colors."

What Yang Ying needs is not only the understanding and support of the outside world, but also the firmness and calmness in her heart.

Yang Ying's coffee position is a big landslide! appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for the first time, and there was no star and no temperament in the whole process!


All in all, every movement in the entertainment industry is a kind of public voyeur and interpretation of the life of celebrities.

Yang Ying's live broadcast "turmoil" is not so much a slippery slope as an opportunity for self-exploration and growth.

In the entertainment industry, who can predict the changes in the next second? Let us wait for the answer given by time with a normal heart, and at the same time, we also look forward to Yang Ying being able to shine on her stage again with a fuller attitude.

After all, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills, and it depends more on mentality.

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