
Which of these celebrities who forgot to "pull the curtains" and caused their reputation to decline, which one surprised you?

author:Fried chicken says gossip

First, Chen He, an actor who once won the hearts of the people with the image of a "good man" in "Love Apartment", has now become a "scumbag" spurned by everyone. "A good man is me, I am a good man, Zeng Xiaoxian.

This line once made him the dream lover of a generation of girls, and it has also become a major label in his life. Imagine what kind of expression will be on Chen He's face that once fascinated girls when these photos are made public? Is it panic or regret not being in the first place? And his wife Xu Jing, who has been in love with him for 13 years, walked from campus to the palace of marriage, but was ruthlessly abandoned in just two years, what kind of pain will she feel in her heart? This incident dealt a devastating blow to Chen He's career and reputation.

The image of the former "good man" is gone, replaced by the label of "scumbag". His career began to decline and gradually disappeared from public view. Even the restaurant he opened later was implicated, and black information was frequently exposed.

After the incident, Chen He posted an article admitting his mistake and said that he had divorced Xu Jing. However, instead of quelling public anger, this explanation has sparked more criticism.

Which of these celebrities who forgot to "pull the curtains" and caused their reputation to decline, which one surprised you?

Reasonable Chinese people will never allow scumbags to appear on the screen as stars, and Chen He's public image has plummeted. Chen He's case undoubtedly teaches us a lesson: in this era of information explosion, every move of public figures is in the spotlight, and once they stumble, they may be doomed.

Even though he later formed a new family with Zhang Zixuan, and he seemed happy in the photos he occasionally posted, in the eyes of the public, the image of the former "good man" is irretrievable.

Second, Lin Dan, this name used to be the pride of the Chinese badminton world. From the age of five to becoming a national team player, his life trajectory seems to be to achieve a legend.

At the Rio 2016 Olympics, he stood on the winner's podium and enjoyed the infinite glory of victory. The title of "Super Dan" not only represents his brilliant achievements on the field, but also symbolizes his heroic status in the hearts of the Chinese people.

Which of these celebrities who forgot to "pull the curtains" and caused their reputation to decline, which one surprised you?

However, at the most glorious moment of his career, an extramarital affair storm pushed him to the forefront of public opinion. What's even more chilling is that all this happened during his wife Xie Xingfang's pregnancy.

Those undrawn photographs recorded Lin Dan lingering with another woman in the hotel, ruthlessly destroying the illusion of family happiness that he had carefully constructed. Imagine how Lin Dan would feel when he saw these photos go viral. Is it remorse? Is it panic? Or is it a shame for one's actions? And Xie Xingfang, an equally excellent badminton player, did her world collapse instantly the moment she learned of her husband's betrayal? This incident caused an uproar on the Internet, and Lin Dan's reputation plummeted.

Third, the former national hero instantly became the object of everyone's spurning. Netizens expressed their disappointment with him, and some even verbally abused him. Although Lin Dan later apologized publicly, the stain never seemed to be erased.

Even when he retired with honorable results in 2020, people still can't forget how this former "Super Dan" lived up to everyone's expectations. Lin Dan's case tells us that even sports stars who stand at the top can lose their hard-won honor and respect because of momentary negligence and indulgence.

Which of these celebrities who forgot to "pull the curtains" and caused their reputation to decline, which one surprised you?

This is not only a serious blow to an individual's reputation, but also a tarnish on the entire sportsmanship. In this era of high transparency of information, every move of a public figure can be magnified, and a small mistake can lead to an instant collapse of the favorability accumulated over the years.

Fourth, Zhou Dongyu, this innocent girl who became famous for "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree", used to be a clear stream in the entertainment industry. Her baby-fat face and clear eyes make people's first impression of her simple and cute.

With this movie, she won the Best Newcomer Award and became a highly sought-after little flower in the film industry. However, reality gave the audience a resounding slap in the face. When those photos of frolicking in the hotel were exposed, people were shocked to realize that the seemingly innocent little girl was so bohemian in private.

In the photo, Zhou Dongyu and a man were playing in the hotel, and were photographed by the paparazzi because they forgot to draw the curtains for a while. Imagine how Zhou Dongyu would feel when she saw these photos? Is it panic? Is it regret? Or is it the fear of the collapse of your own image? Although she later explained that it was just having fun with her high school classmates, the blood-pumping spectacle was so exciting that no explanation seemed to convince the public.

Which of these celebrities who forgot to "pull the curtains" and caused their reputation to decline, which one surprised you?

What's even more embarrassing is that then a photo of her and Zeng Zhiwei holding hands was revealed. For a while, labels such as "water-based poplar" and "sugar daddy" came like a tide, drowning her.

Fifth, the image of the once pitiful innocent girl completely collapsed at this moment. Even her peer Haiqing publicly dissed her sugar daddy money at an awards ceremony. When the camera focused on Zhou Dongyu, what kind of bitterness and helplessness was hidden under her barely squeezed smile? At that moment, she was afraid that a storm had already set off in her heart.

Zhou Dongyu's case undoubtedly teaches us a lesson: in this entertainment industry full of temptations, how difficult it is to keep your heart. And once you stumble, the favorability you have accumulated may be wiped out in an instant.

For public figures, every detail of their private lives can become the object of magnification and scrutinization, and a carelessness can lead to irreparable consequences.

Which of these celebrities who forgot to "pull the curtains" and caused their reputation to decline, which one surprised you?

It happened at a party initiated by Han Hong. The party invited many well-known figures in the entertainment industry, including Ge You and Zhao Wei. It was supposed to be an ordinary gathering of friends, but it caused an uproar because of an unexpected move.

This scene happened to be captured by the paparazzi present, and the photos quickly spread all over the Internet. Imagine how Ge You would feel when he saw these photos. Is it shocking? Is it frustration? Or is it the helplessness of ruining one's own reputation? And how does his wife feel when she sees these photos? In the face of overwhelming doubts, the parties hurriedly came out to clarify, saying that they were just whispering and that it was a matter of shooting angles.

But this explanation does not seem to calm the anger of netizens. Many people were extremely disappointed in Ge You, and some even scolded them emotionally. This incident caused quite a stir on the Internet, and many people turned black to Ge You.

Sixth, you must know that Ge You was a respected boss in the entertainment industry at that time and was highly respected by people. Such a reaction undoubtedly made him feel pressured. In the face of this turmoil, Ge You firmly said: "I will never change my wife in this life."

Which of these celebrities who forgot to "pull the curtains" and caused their reputation to decline, which one surprised you?

Is this a sign of loyalty to his wife? Or is it being explained to the public? Maybe only Ge You knows it in his heart. Ge You's case tells us that even a respected veteran actor may fall into the whirlpool of public opinion because of an inadvertent move.

In an age where everyone can be a "paparazzi", public figures need to be extra cautious in their every move. In this era of information explosion, the private lives of celebrities seem to have become the "public property" of the public.

Seventh, whether it is Lin Dan's extramarital affair, Chen He's derailment, or Zhou Dongyu and Ge You's "intimate" behavior, they were all exposed for a common reason - forgetting to draw the curtains.

This seemingly insignificant detail became a turning point in their lives. Imagine how ironic it is for these celebrities to let their guard down in their private spaces where they think they are safe, only to be unaware that their every move is in the eyes of others.

Which of these celebrities who forgot to "pull the curtains" and caused their reputation to decline, which one surprised you?

Eighth, the paparazzi and the media have undoubtedly exacerbated this privacy leakage problem. Their lenses are like ubiquitous eyes, peeking into the lives of celebrities all the time.

is like Lin Dan's photo, which was supposed to be a private moment in the hotel room, but was photographed by the paparazzi "openly" because the curtains were not closed. Similarly, Zhou Dongyu's frolic scene in the hotel, which was supposed to be a private moment of relaxation, became the focus of public discussion because of negligence.

Ge You's action at a friend's party also caused an uproar because it was filmed. These cases tell us that in today's society, the privacy rights of public figures seem to be becoming more and more fragile.

Their every move is scrutinized by countless pairs of eyes, and a small oversight can lead to catastrophic consequences. However, we can't help but ask: should celebrities pay such a heavy price for their negligence? Should they also enjoy the privacy that ordinary people deserve? While pursuing the truth, should we also maintain a basic moral bottom line? These cases undoubtedly sound a wake-up call for us: in this era where everyone can become a "paparazzi", not only celebrities need to be vigilant at all times, but ordinary people must also learn to respect the privacy of others.

Which of these celebrities who forgot to "pull the curtains" and caused their reputation to decline, which one surprised you?

As public figures, they do need to be more careful about protecting their privacy, but at the same time, we, as the public, should also give them the respect and space they deserve.

Through these shocking cases, we can't help but reflect: as public figures, how much impact does the behavior of celebrities have on fans and society? When Lin Dan's derailment was exposed, how many young people who once admired him felt disappointed and confused? This former "Super Dan" is not only the pride of the badminton world, but also a hero in the hearts of many people.

Nine, his actions not only hurt his family, but also made countless fans feel betrayed. Looking at Chen He's example, when his "good man" personality collapsed, how many people had doubts about love and marriage? The image of a "good man" who was once deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in "Love Apartment" completely collapsed because of a derailment.

This is not only a loss of personal morality, but also an impact on social values. Zhou Dongyu's case tells us how heavy the price of the collapse of the character is.

Which of these celebrities who forgot to "pull the curtains" and caused their reputation to decline, which one surprised you?

From an innocent girl to being labeled as a "water-based poplar", her experience has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for many young people. Even if he is as highly respected as Ge You, he fell into the whirlpool of public opinion because of an inadvertent action.

This proves once again that in this era of high transparency of information, every word and deed of public figures can be magnified scrutinize. Maintaining a good image is not only a professional necessity for celebrities, but also a social responsibility.

Imagine if these stars could have been mindful of their influence, would they have been able to avoid these tragedies? Ethics are essential to the long-term development of a star's career.

10. Look at the protagonists in these cases, whose careers have been affected to varying degrees because of these scandals. Chen He gradually faded out of the public eye, Lin Dan's image plummeted, and Zhou Dongyu's reputation has been difficult to recover so far.

Which of these celebrities who forgot to "pull the curtains" and caused their reputation to decline, which one surprised you?

These cases teach us a vivid life lesson: no matter where you stand, ethics are fundamental to one's life in the world. For public figures, they should lead by example and use their actions to convey positive energy and influence more people.

In this alluring entertainment industry, keeping one's heart and sticking to the moral bottom line is the real way to success.

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