
Li Yu, the queen of mainland banned films: What did she film? Make 4 masterpieces controversial!

author:Kawako Films

Li Yu, the light that cannot be ignored in the Chinese film industry

In this ever-changing film industry, there is a name, like the brightest star in the night sky, which is impossible to ignore - Li Yu. She is not only a director, but also an explorer who dares to wander on the edge of film art, writing about women's tenacity and desire with the language of the lens, making every picture tremble the heart.

Li Yu, the queen of mainland banned films: What did she film? Make 4 masterpieces controversial!

From taboo to breakthrough: This Summer's icebreaker journey

In the summer of 2001, when "This Summer" was quietly released, Li Yu was no longer simply telling a love story, she dropped a shock bomb in the Chinese film industry. This film, which bravely touched the river of same-sex love that almost no one dared to touch at the time, became an epoch-making lesbian premiere. Li Yu gently lifted the taboo veil with the lens, allowing the audience to see a different love, the warmth and strength, which are still evocative.

Li Yu, the queen of mainland banned films: What did she film? Make 4 masterpieces controversial!

"Red Face": Uncover the scars of history and look directly at the pain of women

Time jumped to 2005, and "Red Face" was like a strong wind, blowing away the dust that obscured the truth. Xiaoyun in the film is the epitome of all unfortunate women, and her story is like a sharp knife that cuts through the hypocrisy of society and hits people's hearts. Although the film was banned, it illuminated the silence and resistance of women in that era, and made people ponder: have we really forgotten the scars of history?

Li Yu, the queen of mainland banned films: What did she film? Make 4 masterpieces controversial!

Apple: Naked reality, the struggle at the bottom

In 2007, "Apple" brought Fan Bingbing's controversial performance to the forefront again. This movie is not only about the glitz and desperation of the footwashing city, it is a bold exposure of the shadow behind the prosperity of the city. Li Yu used her sharp lens to peel off layers of hypocrisy, allowing people to see the little people who are up and down in their desires and fate. It's a work that is both heartbreaking and resonant because it's too real, too brutal, and too close to everyone's life.

Li Yu, the queen of mainland banned films: What did she film? Make 4 masterpieces controversial!
Li Yu, the queen of mainland banned films: What did she film? Make 4 masterpieces controversial!

"Everything Grows": The fog of youth, the throes of growth

In 2015, Li Yu turned around and captured the confusion and impulse of youth with "Everything Grows". This time, from a male perspective, she still does not lose the delicacy and sensitivity unique to women. The film is like a prism, reflecting the restlessness and self-discovery of adolescence, so that everyone who has experienced that time can find their own shadow in it. Li Yu proves that she can accurately capture the subtleties of human nature, regardless of gender.

Li Yu, the queen of mainland banned films: What did she film? Make 4 masterpieces controversial!

Li Yu, an ode to the power of women in light and shadow

Li Yu's films are one adventure after another, she is not afraid of controversy, has the courage to explore, uses the lens to speak for women, and shines a beam of light for the marginalized groups in society. Her works may not be perfect that everyone can accept, but it is this imperfection, this courage to dare to face the truth and expose the truth, that makes her films so fascinating and touching.

Li Yu, the queen of mainland banned films: What did she film? Make 4 masterpieces controversial!

Friends, if you are moved by Li Yu's story, you may wish to move your fingers and like and forward this persistence and courage. Let more people see that there is such a female director in the Chinese film industry, who uses movies as a weapon to speak out for love and justice. Every little action you take is a tribute to Li Yu's spirit and a support for the infinite possibilities of film art!