
Behind the tragic "Twelve Dumplings" incident on the whole network, I saw the ugliest scene of human nature

author:Love pineapple

Behind the tragic "Twelve Dumplings" incident on the whole network, I saw the ugliest scene of human nature

Behind the tragic "Twelve Dumplings" incident on the whole network, I saw the ugliest scene of human nature

Women, be sure to keep your eyes open

Did you know that marriage is like a big test in life for women? If you choose the right person, you can reap a happy life; If you choose the wrong person, your marriage can become the hell of your life.

Recently, I saw an uproar on the Internet about the "Twelve Dumplings" incident. Although it was only a small detail, it made me see the ugliest side of human nature. Let's take a look at the whole story.

Behind the tragic "Twelve Dumplings" incident on the whole network, I saw the ugliest scene of human nature

One girl's mother died of illness, and before she died, her mother made 17 dumplings for her. The girl only ate 5, and the remaining 12 dumplings she cherished and preserved, and wanted to keep them for the rest of her life. However, when the girl returned home, she found that the 12 dumplings had been eaten by her boyfriend.

When the girl questioned her boyfriend, the boyfriend began to hesitate, and finally admitted that it was because he saw that the girl's mother had not eaten lunch and cooked the 12 dumplings for her. In this regard, the girl was extremely disappointed, directly quarreled with her boyfriend and proposed to break up.

But after the breakup, the boyfriend didn't realize his mistake, but thought that the girl was unreasonable, and began to spread rumors behind her back that she was cheating and wasting her 7 years. Seeing this, I couldn't help but be angry for the girl.

Behind the tragic "Twelve Dumplings" incident on the whole network, I saw the ugliest scene of human nature

To be honest, I really had a hard time understanding my boyfriend's behavior. Although meals are for health, they should not completely ignore the feelings of others. What's more, those 12 dumplings are not just a meal for the girl, but also a memory of her last time with her mother. This is something invaluable to girls. But the boyfriend eats it without caring and completely ignores the girl's feelings, which is too selfish and lacks empathy.

Moreover, it is even more incomprehensible that the boyfriend started to spread rumors behind his back after the breakup. In a 7-year relationship, the girl has never done anything to be sorry for her boyfriend, and even covered all the expenses, but why did she end up with the other party's bad words? Is this what is called "repaying the favor"?

Through this, I found that some men really have a hard time understanding women's feelings. They will always pursue their own selfish interests and completely ignore each other's feelings. In their eyes, "a little thing" seems to be able to ignore without thinking about what it means to the other person. This kind of selfishness also makes them always subconsciously look for the mistakes of others when facing difficulties, instead of reflecting on their own problems.

Behind the tragic "Twelve Dumplings" incident on the whole network, I saw the ugliest scene of human nature

And this incident also reminded me of another hot topic - "My girlfriend's parents are gone, do I still need to give a bride price?" “

The background of this question is this: a guy has been dating his girlfriend for 3 years, and he has reached the point where it is time to talk about marriage. As a result, when mentioning the bride price, the girlfriend offered to ask for 100,000 yuan. In this regard, the boy asked, "Since the woman's parents are no longer there, why do you still need to accept the bride price?" “

On the surface, this boy seems to make a lot of sense, after all, the woman now lives independently and has no parents to take care of. And the bride price is a traditional custom between parents, since the woman's parents are no longer there, why insist on this practice?

Behind the tragic "Twelve Dumplings" incident on the whole network, I saw the ugliest scene of human nature

However, if we think about this question more deeply, we will find that the boys' ideas are not quite right.

First of all, even if the woman's parents are no longer there, as a member of a new family, the man should respect their family traditions and culture. For many families, the bride price is a kind of inheritance and a kind of respect for the woman's family. Is it selfish and disrespectful to want to dismiss this tradition just because it doesn't fit the boys' minds?

Secondly, even if there is no bride price, the woman's life still needs financial support. If boys have the ability to pay a bride price, why don't they want to? Is he really just trying to get a "free babysitter" for nothing in this way? Such an approach will undoubtedly make the woman feel hurt and taken advantage of.

Behind the tragic "Twelve Dumplings" incident on the whole network, I saw the ugliest scene of human nature

Finally, even if the marital property is joint, this one-size-fits-all approach is likely to affect the feelings of both parties. Because for many women, bride price is not only a material need, but also a spiritual sustenance and sense of belonging. If even this small wish cannot be fulfilled, the woman is likely to feel that her feelings are ignored and not valued.

In general, this problem also reflects that some men tend to focus too much on personal interests and completely ignore the feelings of the other person when facing marital problems. They always think that nothing else matters as long as they meet their needs. This kind of selfish mentality will undoubtedly bring huge hidden dangers to the marriage.

Of course, I'm not saying that every male is like that. There are also many good men who know how to respect and care for women. For example, I saw a blogger on the Internet who had not had children in two years of marriage and completely respected his wife's choice. Not only that, but the husband will support and encourage his wife to do what he likes and never force her to do housework. This genuine thoughtfulness and tolerance is undoubtedly the foundation of marital happiness.

Behind the tragic "Twelve Dumplings" incident on the whole network, I saw the ugliest scene of human nature

Similarly, in another case, a boy's reluctance to pay a bride price because his wife's parents had died. I believe that even when the parents are gone, the man should respect the woman's traditions and give her the care and support she deserves. After all, marriage is not only a legal relationship, but also an emotional belonging. If even this little wish cannot be fulfilled, then what is the point of marriage?

It can be said that it is very important for women to choose a partner who knows how to respect and understand you. As the well-known host Tu Lei said: "Marrying the right person spoils you as a child, and marrying the wrong person will make you crazy." "Marriage is not only a legal contract, but also an emotional exchange and life sharing between two people. If you can't get even the most basic respect and consideration, how can you have a happy marriage?

Therefore, when choosing a marriage partner, women must keep their eyes open and stay away from men who are selfish and lack empathy. They may be pleasing on the outside, but deep down they are selfish and indifferent, which will only make women suffer in marriage. On the contrary, choose men who truly know how to care and tolerate you, so that you can have a happy and healthy life.

Behind the tragic "Twelve Dumplings" incident on the whole network, I saw the ugliest scene of human nature

It's not easy to find a partner who really understands you. Because in this society, there are always some selfish men who will only put their own needs first and completely ignore the feelings of women. The most heart-wrenching thing is that when these people have a crisis in their relationship, they start to slander and attack the woman behind their backs. This kind of behavior is just outrageous.

I think women must stay away from these selfish men. Because not only will they not give you happiness, but they will make you miserable in your marriage. On the contrary, choose men who truly know how to respect and care for you, so that you can be happy along the long road of marriage.

Some people say that a happy marriage is like a mirror that reflects a person's true face. When a man can genuinely care and be considerate of you, take care of your feelings, and support each other even when encountering difficulties, then this person must be worthy of your lifelong stay. Conversely, if a man doesn't have even the most basic empathy and respect, then why would you entrust your life to him?

Behind the tragic "Twelve Dumplings" incident on the whole network, I saw the ugliest scene of human nature

The most terrible thing in the world is not ghosts, but the ugliness of human nature. When interests and selfish desires precede feelings, even the strongest relationship can become fragile. So, women must keep their eyes open and stay away from those selfish men because they will never be able to give you true happiness.

Choosing your life partner is undoubtedly a major event that needs to be carefully considered. We can't just look at the flowers in front of us and ignore the true face of the other person's heart. Because marriage is not only a temporary joy, but also a matter of the direction of our lives after that. If we choose the wrong person, marriage is likely to become the biggest regret of our lives.

So, dear female friends, when choosing a marriage partner, you must keep your eyes open and stay away from men who are selfish and lack empathy. They may give you momentary joy, but in the end they will only leave you bruised in your marriage. Instead, choose good men who truly know how to respect and care for you, because only they can give you a lifetime of happiness and peace.

Women, be sure to keep your eyes open. Because the happiness of marriage is not only related to a person's life, but also to the happiness of a family. If even this most basic choice is wrong, the consequences will be dire. Therefore, dear female friends, you must choose carefully, and believe that you will eventually meet the person who really understands you and spend the rest of your life with it.

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