
I've decided to quit Tik Tok! It's so hard to make a mid-video! Those who say that they make money are liars!

author:Brother Peng's self-media cy
I've decided to quit Tik Tok! It's so hard to make a mid-video! Those who say that they make money are liars!
I've decided to quit Tik Tok! It's so hard to make a mid-video! Those who say that they make money are liars!

It's too difficult to be a self-media, I decided to quit Douyin! It takes three or four hours a day to work overtime to shoot videos, from finding copywriters to writing copywriting, then shooting videos, and editing videos! The income is a few cents, I decided, I quit Douyin directly, you in front of the screen, are many of you like this? It's hard work, making a video, either the playback volume can't go up, or the unit price is very low! It's better to screw honestly, at least, have an income of dozens of yuan every day, and be able to solve your own food and clothing problems! Do you guys in front of the screen think the same way? Have you made money doing self-media? Which one do you find easier than a brick-and-mortar store? Isn't it a lot of people who are a few cents a day a day.

I've decided to quit Tik Tok! It's so hard to make a mid-video! Those who say that they make money are liars!

Slowly, there is no more motivation to persevere, if it were me, I would not be able to persevere! But let's say something unpleasant, the current environment is so difficult to do, many people who do business by themselves can't even beat the wages of workers, what about ordinary office workers, some wages have been pressed for months, to say something unpleasant, the money earned in the hand is their own, and the salary of Xu can't be paid in his hand, it is all in the shadow! Actually, it's a mid-term video, it's still very fragrant, you look at my income, every day, although it's not much, but there are also fixed three-digit numbers.,

I've decided to quit Tik Tok! It's so hard to make a mid-video! Those who say that they make money are liars!

After a month, let's not talk about more, there is no problem at all to earn gas money, food money, and cigarette money, our daily income is a few cents, and it really doesn't make sense to insist! Because of us, we haven't mastered the right method at all, and it has a lot to do with our choice of track, in fact, what about the current video, the benefits are still very considerable!

I've decided to quit Tik Tok! It's so hard to make a mid-video! Those who say that they make money are liars!

Its income is distributed on three platforms at the same time, let's make a video, not only the watermelon on the income for us, but also the headlines on Douyin for us, as long as there is playback, we will have income, there may be a lot of people, I feel, I don't know what to shoot and what track to choose, there is no theme, there is also a square dance, there is also a meal, there is also a landscape, there is also a square dance, there are too soft and too miscellaneous, at all, there is no playback, many people asked Brother Peng, why do you have so many views of your video? What tracks will be more profitable? In fact, to say a word of conscience, let's do the track of oral broadcasting and live appearances, which is now in the video,

I've decided to quit Tik Tok! It's so hard to make a mid-video! Those who say that they make money are liars!

The simplest is also originality, the highest unit price, the highest fan attraction, the fastest track, many people, I feel that I can't erase this face, let's talk about a bad money and face, which is important? Earning money is king, you can't eat, what's the use of this face? I am, let's have a perseverance to persevere, choose a good track, insist on output, improve the quality of the work, and if you can stand it, you will be out of the game if you can't stand it! As for the medium video, it's a place to boil people! You in front of the screen,If we also want to get a good result on the road of Chinese video,You have to work hard to improve yourself,Polishing your own works well,Today, I will share it here,If we have passed on the road of Chinese video, what do we not understand? Welcome everyone in the comment area, leave me a message, I'm Brother Peng. Only share practical knowledge every day, pay attention to dry goods, and don't get lost. See you next time!

I've decided to quit Tik Tok! It's so hard to make a mid-video! Those who say that they make money are liars!

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