
The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

Boy Pie

2024-06-30 21:52Creators in the field of parenting

For children, instead of working blindly, it is better to determine the direction that suits them first, take the right path, and even if they walk very slowly, sooner or later they will reach the end.


The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

Five years ago, in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, Gong Zheng's mother made a difficult decision:

Let my son go to secondary school.

My son is seriously biased, and his grades have always been at the bottom.

The high school entrance examination was only 450, and I couldn't even go to a local ordinary high school.

As a teacher at a key high school, the mother has high hopes for her son.

But she could only sigh when she saw that her son failed English and Chinese, but only got a high score in science.

After a deep and sincere discussion with her son, she decided to respect his wishes and let him go to secondary school.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, letting children study secondary school is a choice with no future.

However, no one expected that Gong Zheng, who was forced to be diverted at the beginning, turned around gorgeously after three years of secondary school.

In 2022, Gong Zheng was admitted to Zhejiang Sci-Tech University with a perfect score in mathematics and a total score of 562 points, the second best score in the province.

The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

Gong Zheng's successful counterattack has reassured countless parents who are worried that their children will not be able to go to high school:

Temporary success or failure cannot determine a child's life.

A child's future is very long, and there are countless paths to success.

As long as the situation is undecided, anything is possible.

The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

Gong Zheng has never been an exception.

Gu Huijing, the "auto repair girl" who was concerned by the People's Daily, CCTV News and other central-level media, was also like Gong Zheng and was not admitted to her favorite high school because of her serious bias.

The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

When she told her parents that she wanted to go to a vocational school to study auto repair, her parents were shocked.

When her classmates knew that she was going to learn auto repair, they made fun of her:

"In the future, I will look for Gu Huijing to repair the car."

Relatives looked at her with questioning eyes, as if being high meant being inferior.

But despite the eyes of the outside world, she was still firm in her choice, and secretly competed in her heart:

"The more you think like that, the more I have to try to be what I want to be."

After entering the vocational school, she immediately signed up for the training team set up by the school for the professional skills competition of vocational college students in Guangdong Province, and became the youngest and only girl in the training team.

In more than two years of vocational high school life, in addition to attending classes and resting, she stayed in the training base.

Drill the bottom of the car to check the car failure, disassemble and assemble the generator, and align the four wheels...... Most of these auto repair shops are operated by men, and she is very busy.

The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

Her feet were often red and swollen from wearing work shoes all day.

The skin on her hands is always dry and peeling because of frequent contact with chemical detergents.

When she is stressed, she will also hide and cry her nose.

However, the hard-working people live up to the sky.

In April 2020, she won the first prize in the automotive electromechanical maintenance competition at the professional skills competition of Guangdong Vocational and Technical College, becoming the first female student in the province to participate in such an event and win the first prize.

The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

Because of love, so indomitable.

Because of hard work, you are invincible.

As Gu Huijing told reporters:

"Whether it's vocational education or going to university, just choose the path that suits you.

There are many ways to excel in life, not necessarily to prove one's ability with academic performance, but also to be recognized for those who work hard for their hobbies. ”

The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

I remember that a principal abroad once wrote a heartfelt letter to parents:

"Your child's exams are about to begin.

I know you're very anxious about whether your child will be able to behave well.

However, keep in mind that among these students taking the test will be an artist, and they don't need to know much about math.

There will be an entrepreneur who doesn't care about history and English literature.

There will be a musician whose chemistry grades don't matter.

There will be an athlete whose physical fitness is much more important than physical performance.

If your child gets a high score, that's great!

But if they don't, don't take away their confidence and dignity.

Tell them it's okay, it's just an exam! Eventually, they will be replaced by the bigger things in life.

Tell them that no matter how many marks they get, you love them and don't judge them by that.

Be sure to do it, and when you do, you'll see your child conquer the world.

A test or a low score will not take away their dreams and talents.

And, please don't think that doctors and engineers are the only happy people in this world. ”

The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

Every child is a piece of fine jade, and they have their own dazzling light.

Measuring a child by a single standard and not seeing the child's strengths and interests is likely to stifle the child's talent in a certain area.

My cousin didn't get good grades when he was a child, but he was particularly fond of swimming and often represented the school in swimming competitions.

A coach of the provincial swimming team also invited him to join the provincial swimming team.

But the aunt thinks:

First, swimming training affects learning.

Second, I went to college with sports expertise, and there was no prospect.

In this way, my cousin missed the road to Rome and continued to follow his aunt's instructions to wander through various cram schools.

But my cousin's grades did not improve, and his exam results were a mess.

He said that he really worked hard, but it was not the material for studying, and in the end he could only stay in the county and find some odd jobs to support his family.

There is a saying that God has prepared a low branch for every child.

Let the child find his own branches, and the child may soar into the sky.

Zhou Hao, who was admitted to Peking University with a good score of 660 points, has been very fond of disassembling machinery since he was a child.

He really wanted to go to Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics to study mechanics, but his parents insisted that he go to the biology department of Peking University.

After a year of painful struggle, he resolutely dropped out of Peking University and walked into the admissions office of Beijing Industrial Technician College.

Everyone thought he was crazy.

Only he knows that this is the right path for him.

The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

Sure enough.

He rekindled his enthusiasm for learning in his favorite major, and he immersed himself in the laboratory every day to design programming and process parts, and repeatedly practiced the techniques taught by his teachers without stopping for a moment.

Soon, with his strong self-discipline and love, he became the fastest and best quality student in his major.

In 2014, he stood out from 811 players and won the championship of the 6th National CNC Skills Competition.

Many companies sent him invitations, but he chose to stay in school as a teacher and continue to study CNC technology.

In 2018, he won the first prize in the mechanical competition on behalf of Beijing Institute of Industrial Technology in the first National Vocational Ability Competition for Teachers of Technical Colleges.

The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

I once heard this passage:

"There is no such thing as a good child or a bad child in this world, only the difference between misplaced and right.

Raising a child who loves football into a table tennis player is definitely the opposite. ”

There is no template for education, and every child has his or her own track.

Only by respecting and supporting children's interests and hobbies can children's internal motivation be stimulated and children can win on their own tracks.

Putting a child in the wrong position will not only stifle the child's talent in another way, but also make the child difficult and painful to walk on a track that is not suitable for him.

As the saying goes, choosing the right track is more important than running hard.

Only by finding your child's strengths and talents can you crack the code of your child's future happiness and success.

The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

In fact, whether it is Gu Huijing, the "auto repair girl", or Gong Zheng, who is about to enter Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, they have all embarked on a different path under the strange eyes of others.

But in the end, they did not live up to their talent and persistence, and bloomed a gorgeous flower on their own fertile soil.

They prove to us that

Those children who are not admitted to high school may not have a bright future.

All roads lead to Rome.

The path to success for children is not only to go to high school and enter university.

If a child likes to read and delve into academics, we do our best to support him to climb higher education.

If the child is serious and can't read the book, instead of forcing the child to work tirelessly to score and force the child to copy the path of others without good results, we should strive to explore and support the child's interests and talents, so that the child can move forward bravely in the track that he likes and suits himself.

Albert Einstein once said:

"If you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will feel like a fool for the rest of its life."

Every child has their own superpowers.

Whether children can unleash their superpowers is a test of parents' vision.

Whether parents have a pair of eyes to see their children's talents, and whether they have the wisdom and consciousness to support their children to go out of the ordinary, determines the height of their children's future life.

When director Dumpling gave up studying medicine and went to do his favorite animation, his mother did not blame him, but used her monthly pension of only 1,000 yuan to support Dumpling to do animation behind closed doors.

After 3 years of gnawing at the old age and 10 years of retreat, there was "Nezha's Demon Boy Descending", which broke 4.7 billion at the box office, and also made dumplings famous in one fell swoop.

Liang Congjie, the son of Liang Sicheng, the father of modern Chinese architecture, was unable to attend Tsinghua University due to a difference of two points.

Mother Lin Hui was unwilling, and when she rechecked the test paper, she found that her son's test paper read, "I don't like architecture, I like history." ”

Although Lin Huiyin was angry, he still decided to respect his son's choice and encouraged his son to apply for the history department of Peking University and study the history he liked.

Since then, China has had one more excellent historian.

So you see, the best education is not to give children a uniform script.

It's about letting children find their own track and get out of their own light.

As long as we can see farther and be more rational, the future of children will be infinitely wonderful and possible.

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  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school
  • The high school entrance examination scored 450 points and was forced to be diverted, and the ending was unexpected after three years of secondary school

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