
The people are gone, the stalls are driven away, and the electric cars are also collected! Do civilized cities still have a human touch?

author:Failure is just a repetition


Once upon a time, the streets filled with smoke and fire became deserted, the bustling stalls disappeared, and the busy figures on electric vehicles were hard to find. The creation of a civilized city seems to have made us lose some of the warmth and convenience that we were once accustomed to, which can't help but make people ponder: is there any meaning to a civilized city?

The people are gone, the stalls are driven away, and the electric cars are also collected! Do civilized cities still have a human touch?

The development of cities should not only pursue the glamour on the surface, but ignore the inner soul and human touch. Think back to the vibrant hawkers who not only offer a wide variety of goods and services, but also add a unique charm to the city.

Just like the wide and narrow alleys in Chengdu, while standardizing the management, it retains many characteristic stalls, which has become a popular attraction for tourists to linger and brings rich economic benefits to the local area.

The people are gone, the stalls are driven away, and the electric cars are also collected! Do civilized cities still have a human touch?

However, in the process of creating civilized cities, some places have adopted a simple and crude "one-size-fits-all" approach. For example, in order to rectify the city's appearance, a county banned all mobile vendors, resulting in inconvenience and complaints from surrounding residents.

According to the survey, after such a rectification, the cost of living of local residents has risen by about 10%, which undoubtedly brings a burden to everyone's life.

The construction of a civilized city requires scientific planning and management of small stalls and vendors, rather than blindly driving them away.

Taking the night market in Bangkok, Thailand, as an example, through rational planning of areas, standardized operating hours and hygiene standards, the night market has not only not affected the city's image, but has become a major feature of attracting tourists, creating a lot of employment opportunities and tourism income for the city.

The people are gone, the stalls are driven away, and the electric cars are also collected! Do civilized cities still have a human touch?
The people are gone, the stalls are driven away, and the electric cars are also collected! Do civilized cities still have a human touch?

We should understand that civilized cities cannot be created at the expense of the real economy. Hawkers are often the most grassroots entrepreneurs in the city, and their presence supports the livelihoods of many families. Data shows that in some cities, the economic value created by small vendors is a percentage of local GDP.

Netizens are also talking about this. Some said: "Without the stalls, I feel that the city has no soul." Others said: "We can't ignore the lives of the people for the sake of saving face." ”

The people are gone, the stalls are driven away, and the electric cars are also collected! Do civilized cities still have a human touch?

So, how can we achieve a balance in the construction of civilized cities? The government should formulate reasonable policies and plans. For example, special areas could be designated for small vendors to operate, while management and supervision could be strengthened to ensure environmental hygiene and order. It is also necessary to strengthen the training and guidance of small vendors, and improve their service quality and awareness of abiding by the law.

In addition, there is a need to improve the overall quality of citizens. Only when everyone can consciously abide by the rules and care for the environment can a civilized city be truly realized. For example, in Singapore, citizens generally have a high level of civility, and the streets are clean and orderly, thanks to a long period of education and publicity.

The people are gone, the stalls are driven away, and the electric cars are also collected! Do civilized cities still have a human touch?

The civilized city we want to build should not only have modern facilities and efficient management, but also be full of human fireworks and humanistic care.

The people are gone, the stalls are driven away, and the electric cars are also collected! Do civilized cities still have a human touch?

We look forward to the future of the city, on the road of pursuing civilization, to pay more attention to the needs of people, so that everyone living in it can feel warmth and happiness.


In short, the significance of a civilized city should not only be reflected in clean streets and orderly traffic, but also in the harmonious coexistence between people, the prosperity and development of the real economy, and the respect and care for each individual. Only in this way can our city truly become a beautiful home that people yearn for.

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