
Tong Yanfang|My Jinshi calligraphy and painting

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Tong Yanfang|My Jinshi calligraphy and painting

Source | "Chinese Calligraphy" 2022 No. 7 Author | Tong Yanfang shared | Shuyi Commune (ID: shufaorg)

In my study, there are often some gold and stone rubbings and calligraphy and painting works of the sages hanging for observation and worship. Of these, two are never rotated. One is the "Year of the Dynasty" by Mr. Lai Chusheng and Mr. Tang Yuner in 1943, the composition is unique, the virtual and the real are distinct, the right side of the painting, the huge wine jar, quite textured, the red plum pitch back to the side, each showing its own life. The tumbler on the left side is full of fun, and the ingots are bright and bright. He said: "In the New Year, Tang Yun and Negative Weng cooperated in Bored Zhai." This is the second division's extreme self-deprecation and yearning for a better life. The other is the original rubbings of "Jin Han Shou Shendao Que", with Zhao Zhiqian's inscription for Wei Jiasun, and Hu Shu and Shen Shuyong Zhujun approved. There are also Chu Deyi and Xuangu Yubian questions, which have been approved by Mr. Liu Gonglu and Mr. Tang Yun. The beginning of the extension of the front is as good as new, the year of the dynasty is eternal and affectionate, Xin Xi appreciates it, and often remembers the teacher's grace. Everything in the world is to be born out of fate, and Mr. Chu Sheng and Tang Yuner taught me the fate of gold and stone calligraphy and painting, which will benefit me all my life.

Under the guidance of Master Meng Ruo, I had the honor to come to Chu Sheng and Tang Yun to create calligraphy and painting seal carving. The appraisal collection is more based on Mr. Tang's preaching and solving doubts, tasting the ancient and modern, distinguishing the authenticity, and having to enjoy the fine paintings and calligraphy collected by Mr. Tang and the gold and stone tablet plates, and the rare book name extension. I have today's small success, in addition to diligent pursuit, all thanks to the second gentleman's love and cultivation. I am always grateful, and collect the calligraphy, painting, seal carving, and study of Mr. Chu Sheng and Mr. Tang Yun to study and carry forward. Things often gather in good places, and after years of accumulation, they are quite large-scale.

Mr. Lai Chusheng is an artist with a distinctive artistic style, which can be called calligraphy, painting and printing. "Style is people", simple, straightforward, honest, Geng Jie's personality is closely related to his vigorous and simple, crisp and concise artistic style. Mr. Lai was kind and friendly, and a few months before his death, his body was quite weak, and he still asked Tang Yun, Lai Shaoqi and other friends to catch up, as if saying goodbye. Although there are not many words, the emotions are sincere and unforgettable. He also asked me to ride rice to the former Kichijoji abbot Xuewu monk's house to ask, Xuewu inquired about the recent situation of the teacher, cherished each other, and wept with emotion.

Tong Yanfang|My Jinshi calligraphy and painting

Mr. Lai Chusheng worked hard and self-motivated all his life, and he was seriously ill in his later years, and he also recorded Tang poems in cursive every day, and visited the famous monuments of the Eastern Han Dynasty such as "Zhang Qian", "Ritual Vessels", "Heng Fang", "Cao Quan", "Yi Ying", "Ode to Shimen", "Ode to the Western Narrows", and Han wooden tablets and paper fragments. On New Year's Day 1974, after stomach surgery, he wrote a small poem: "A knife letter is not dead, and the remnants of breath are allowed to be delayed." If I plan for five years, I will arrange for two thousand.'" A month before his death, he wrote on a notepad and said: "New Year's Day is a birthday, and the name is old and new. Nai flowers and plants, and the ink is pushed in the Chen." A breath remains, and the heart is strong. Mr. Lai's extraordinary art reminds us that art needs talent, and we must be good at learning and making good use of it, but the key is to be diligent and self-motivated, and work hard to awaken inner strength and wisdom, which is the most real thing in the world is spirit. I want to remember it all the time!

Tong Yanfang|My Jinshi calligraphy and painting

Mr. Tang Yun is a master of contemporary Chinese painting, good at flowers, landscapes, figures, talented, free and easy, and has been well-known in the art world in the first year. I have a small scroll of ink and wash landscapes painted by Mr. Tang in 1941 at Mr. Lai's house with Shi Tao's brushwork, the pen and ink are beautiful, and the artistic conception is broad. Mr. Tang was 31 years old at the time. Mr. Tang Yun is good at writing, large-scale screen books, vertical and horizontal, and his writing is like a fast horse cutting array, and he is chic. The small characters are thin and straight, sharp and beautiful, and the pictures of the questions reflect each other, which is endlessly interesting. He can learn the strength of Lu Gong and can get the charm of the ancients, but he can learn the simplicity of Ni Zan and can have the image of chaos, which is not attacked, and can learn to be good.

Mr. Tang Yun is fond of gold stone tablet editions, many of which have been handed down to the world, and he has made a preface to the "Epitaph Examination of the Six Dynasties" written by Wang Zhuanghong, an expert in inscriptions: "Yu is fond of antiquities, where statues, knives and cloths, pot inscriptions, inkstones, bricks and tiles, and steles are extended to a good product that is placed on the desk, and especially good ink tuo, has to be remembered for dozens of masterpieces, and the time of creation is always played, and there is something to be gained in painting." Mr. Tang's study hangs ancient and modern famous calligraphy and paintings, and the scholar's room plays Chen several cases, and Mr. or writes books and paintings, or Mingyan tastes tea, and is well-read, and playful. Although I am not sensitive, I am deeply infected. So follow the example of Mr., make a book engraving time, collect gold and stone rubbing, famous seal carving, seal letters, study room clear offerings, and the ancient apprentices, friction examination. Read the preface to Mr. Ding Fuzhi, one of the founders of Xiling Seal Society, "The Collection of Calligraphy and Painting of the Jinshi Family" and say: "The Jinshi family has been expected by the art forest for a long time. Leisure sent, or books or paintings, all have a strange atmosphere, and its outstanding and not, inch by inch of the plain, to cherish", to give me inspiration, so to set the gold stone family calligraphy and painting seal carving as the focus of the collection. Ji Jin Le stone, tulip ancient incense. As a result, the combination of creation and connoisseurship has been throughout my life.

Recalling the long process of learning art, the teacher's kindness, friendship, learning, perception, and fun can be remembered. It is far more important than the goal, and the examination and introspection of art are essential. At present, the art of calligraphy, painting and seal carving is unprecedentedly prosperous, and the creative ideas are active, which is unprecedented. For this reason, respect for artistic diversity is particularly important. Life cannot be separated, and self-cultivation cannot be alone. Inheritance and innovation are the only way to make progress in art.

The years do not live, the seasons are like flowing, and in the blink of an eye, I have been in the Xiling Seal Society for 40 years. The purpose of "preserving gold and stones, studying seals" will help us to pass on the past and the present. I worship the traditional classics in gold and stone, calligraphy and painting, seals, seals, and scholarly furniture, and I have never stopped studying and passing on them. At the same time, it is understood that inheritance is important, but transmission is even more important. In particular, I should bear in mind the purpose, carry forward the teacher's kindness, take the cessation as the body, take the renewal as the way, and persevere for the rest of my life.

Tong Yanfang|My Jinshi calligraphy and painting
Tong Yanfang|My Jinshi calligraphy and painting

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Tong Yanfang|My Jinshi calligraphy and painting


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Tong Yanfang|My Jinshi calligraphy and painting
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