
AI and mobile phones "go both ways" to "inject soul" into communication

author:IT Times
AI and mobile phones "go both ways" to "inject soul" into communication

Defeat the magic with magic, and the "face swap scam" will be automatically recognized by AI

Author/ IT Times reporter Shen Yibin

Editor/ Hao Junhui Sun Yan

Wave your hand in the air and the camera below will record the movement of your hand and map it on the screen, and then an oil painting-like flower picture will be automatically generated. "This working principle is the diagram in the AI large model." The staff introduced.

In the MWCS2024 China Telecom booth, the "AI Flower Workshop" experience area attracted a large number of on-site visitors to draw exclusive AI flower maps. On the other side, the experience areas such as AI communication assistants, AI ringtones, and AI mobile phones are also overcrowded, and the audience has come to experience the innovative experience of combining AI and communication.

Not only China Telecom, but also AI elements are present at almost all exhibitors' booths. As the two "leaders" of modern technology, the combination of artificial intelligence and communication technology is changing the way people live and work in an unprecedented way. In particular, the arrival of 5G is like a key key to open the door to AI, and AI technology will lead people into a new era of ubiquitous intelligence.

AI and mobile phones "go both ways" to "inject soul" into communication

Enabling the era of mobile AI

Looking back at the development of communication technology, every technological leap is accompanied by the upgrading of terminal products, and at the same time creates a new era. For example, the mobile voice era created by 2G and mobile phones has allowed people to communicate anytime and anywhere; With the advent of 3G/4G, smartphones have become the most representative terminal devices, and information has become accessible.

Today, communication technology has achieved a breakthrough in 5G/5G-A, and the breadth, speed, and depth have reached unprecedented levels.

At the MWCS2024 Artificial Intelligence Pioneer Forum, Wang Tao, Executive Director of Huawei and Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Business Management Committee, explained the rapid development of 5G with a set of data: In terms of breadth, the number of 5G users worldwide reached 1.8 billion, and the user development speed was three times that of 4G in the same period. In terms of speed, the average latency of 5G networks has been increased to 17ms, which is the speed of intergenerational experience. In depth, 5G will drive a total economic output of 19.6 trillion yuan, with an industry penetration rate of more than 76%.

"In 2024, the first year of 5G-A commercialization and the first year of AI entry will collide, which will open the era of mobile AI and make intelligent services ubiquitous." Wang Tao believes that the era of mobile AI will bring three changes: first, the human-computer interaction mode will move from touch interaction to full-modal interaction; Second, content production will shift from retrieval content to AI-generated content. Third, mobile terminals will be upgraded from smartphones to more forms, such as AI assistant terminals.

In the face of the vast opportunities in the era of mobile AI, the combination of AI and communication technology needs to be more close.

The first is "Networks for AI". In the era of mobile AI, there are more and more diverse connection objects and richer interactive content, so there are higher requirements for network downlink, uplink, and low latency. As an important pillar, 5G-A can build a solid foundation in the mobile AI era by realizing one network with multiple functions.

The second is "AI for Networks", that is, to empower networks with intelligence. The communication model can accelerate the network towards AN L4 high-level self-intelligence, and provide "role-oriented copilot", that is, improve personnel efficiency through professional knowledge Q&A and auxiliary O&M capabilities. "Scenario-oriented agent" understands user intent, automatically orchestrates tasks, and autonomously handles complex scenario problems in a closed loop.

In the era of mobile AI, solid network technology provides fertile ground for innovative applications and innovative business models.

Wang Tao said that for the TOC scenario, intelligent applications continue to innovate, and consumer experience needs are also rising, thus promoting the transformation of operators from single-dimensional traffic management to multi-dimensional experience management. For example, Thai operators have launched uplink experience to ensure live streaming to help the development of the live broadcast economy. In the TO B scenario, with the gradual popularization of intelligent services, operators are ushering in new opportunities to monetize the value from "connection services" to "connection + multi-dimensional services".

AI and mobile phones "go both ways" to "inject soul" into communication

AI + calling

Smarter and more human

When it comes to communication, most people think of making and receiving calls on their mobile phones. What would it look like if AI technology were put to good use? It can be seen at the China Telecom booth in MWCS2024.

Walking into the China Telecom booth, the first thing you see is a look up U8, since the release of the mobile phone direct connection to the satellite business, the world's first car equipped with Tiantong satellite communication function was unveiled.

The staff told the "IT Times" reporter that in the case of communication guarantee provided by Tiantong satellite, the car can provide two-way voice call and two-way SMS communication services for the car owner even in places where the ground mobile network and fixed network are not covered by the deep mountains and old forests, the Gobi Desert and other places, so as to ensure the safety of the car owner and the vehicle.

In the early days of mobile communications, CRBT was called "waiting tone service", that is, when the caller made a call and waited to be connected, it would hear a piece of pleasant music. Nowadays, CRBT can not only be listened to, but also watched short videos.

"We can customize personalized short videos for users based on AI capabilities." AI video CRBT area staff while talking and demonstrating to reporters, you can see a number of model templates such as Chinese style and technology style on the CRBT end, the user takes a photo and enters it, AI will integrate his facial features into the template through image processing technology, and a user-exclusive video can be generated in about 20 seconds.

AI and mobile phones "go both ways" to "inject soul" into communication

In addition to making phone calls, people often receive harassing calls when answering calls, or miss important calls because they are busy with work, and AI communication assistants are born for this. When a user encounters a harassing call, the AI assistant will take the initiative to warn the caller to comply with the law and social ethics while completing the intelligent pick-up. "On the one hand, it can reduce the incoming of harassing calls, and on the other hand, it can also intercept some fraudulent calls and protect the security of user information." The staff introduced.

The AI security anti-fraud function on ZTE's booth also has practical application needs. According to ZTE staff, this function is based on the anti-fraud model, which inputs millions of key fraud corpora as training materials, and at the same time identifies through the AI ultra-long text detection function to accurately locate the fraud risk in calls or text messages. Moreover, the application of multi-modal hierarchical model computing can automatically identify AI synthesized voices and synthetic videos, so the previous use of acquaintances' voices or faces to commit fraud will be intercepted to a certain extent.

AI and mobile phones "go both ways" to "inject soul" into communication
AI and mobile phones "go both ways" to "inject soul" into communication

The "two-way rush" between AI and terminals

In the AI exhibition area of China Telecom's booth, a folding screen mobile phone attracted the attention of reporters, which is the AI mobile phone jointly customized by Telecom and Samsung. Today's smartphones can only be equipped with AI functions by downloading a large model app. This AI mobile phone embeds the Baidu Wenxin large model into the bottom layer of the system, and directly retrieves, summaries, and maps through its own browser, and texts and memos can also be sorted out through the large model. Mobile terminals have become one of the most suitable carriers for AI+ communication.

AI and mobile phones "go both ways" to "inject soul" into communication

"It is the unshirkable mission of terminal manufacturers to enable hardware to benefit the public through device-side AI." Zhao Ming, CEO of Honor, shared at the MWCS2024 Artificial Intelligence Pioneer Forum that compared with cloud AI, terminal AI has natural advantages for empowering individuals. First of all, the mobile terminal is closer to the user, not only has 24-hour always-on computing power to help users handle complex work, but also perceives the user's physiological indicators, such as service distribution through intent recognition. Privacy protection is also more user-friendly and personalized than in the cloud.

Zhao Ming said that the screen is the core component of people's use of terminals, and after AI empowerment, it will have an automatic recognition and protection effect on the eyes. Honor's AI defocus eye protection technology can turn the mobile phone screen into a customized defocus lens according to the user's eye environment and habits. The test shows that after 25 minutes of reading with AI defocus eye protection technology, the transient myopia index is reduced by an average of 13 degrees, and the maximum is 75 degrees, realizing the leap from "prevention" to "mitigation" of screen eye protection technology for the first time.

Typesetting / Ji Jiaying

Photo/ IT Times

Source/"IT Times" official account vittimes


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AI and mobile phones "go both ways" to "inject soul" into communication
AI and mobile phones "go both ways" to "inject soul" into communication

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