
How to promote the renewal of logistics equipment? Follow the event for the latest policy developments

author:Great River Finance Cube

Standing at the starting point of the new decade, the 2024 China Zhengzhou Logistics Expo, the annual event of the logistics industry in the Central Plains, will be held in the Zhongyuan International Convention and Exhibition Center in Zhengzhou Airport Area on July 3~5.

As an important part of this event, the 2024 Henan Logistics Industry Equipment Renewal and Trade-in Policy Promotion Conference and Project Signing Ceremony will be held on the afternoon of July 4.

Taking advantage of the policy, it is time for the logistics industry to update equipment and trade in the old for the new

The quality of an event is closely related to agenda setting. Standing at the starting point of the new decade, the expo closely follows the policy orientation and the hot spots of the times, and specially sets up the logistics industry equipment renewal and trade-in policy promotion meeting, and logistics industry experts comb and interpret the latest policies on the spot, bringing the equivalent of real money to the participating institutions.

What is the policy basis for large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in in the logistics field? Let's start with a set of data.

As a major manufacturing country, the mainland ranks first in the world in terms of the number of equipment owned. With the deepening of high-quality development and the continuous expansion of equipment renewal demand, it is initially estimated that this will be a huge market with an annual scale of more than 5 trillion yuan. According to the forecast of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the total sales of automobiles in mainland China will exceed 31 million units in 2024, and the replacement demand of the automobile market will account for 44% of the total demand, and it is expected to increase to about 48% by 2025.

On March 13 this year, the State Council officially issued the "Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Trade-in of Consumer Goods" (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) to coordinate the expansion of domestic demand and deepen the supply-side structural reform. The plan proposes that by 2027, the scale of equipment investment in industry, agriculture, construction, transportation, education, cultural tourism, medical care and other fields will increase by more than 25% compared with 2023; The amount of end-of-life vehicle recycling will about double compared to 2023.

In addition, on June 7, the Ministry of Transport and other 13 departments jointly issued the "Action Plan for Large-scale Equipment Renewal of Transportation" to promote a new round of upgrading of transportation equipment and support the construction of a green and low-carbon transportation system. Among them, the logistics field includes the phase-out and renewal of old diesel trucks, the scrapping and renewal of old operating ships, the elimination and renewal of old locomotives, and the replacement of old equipment for postal express delivery.

Specific to Henan, on April 16, the provincial government issued the "Henan Province to promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in implementation plan", combined with the actual situation of Henan Province, the implementation of transportation equipment green transformation project and car trade-in project. On June 7, the General Office of the Provincial Government issued the "Several Fiscal Policies of Henan Province to Promote Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade-in", proposing to support the renewal and replacement of hydrogen fuel cell heavy-duty trucks and the replacement of pure electric heavy-duty trucks.

Li Peng, vice president and secretary general of Henan Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, said that the equipment renewal and trade-in of the logistics industry is not only of great significance to improving the production efficiency of enterprises and promoting industrial upgrading, but also has a positive effect on stimulating domestic demand and promoting high-quality economic development.

Logistics enterprises have a strong willingness to transform, and automation and intelligent equipment have attracted attention

As the saying goes, "sharpening a knife is not a mistake for a woodcutter". For the logistics industry, the update of vehicles and other equipment has an obvious effect on the competitiveness of enterprises. At present, with the continuous deepening of the transformation of the logistics industry to automation, intelligence and greening, logistics enterprises have an unprecedentedly strong willingness to update equipment and trade in the old for the new.

For logistics leaders, the renewal of logistics equipment is not new. However, at present, many small and medium-sized logistics companies are also looking at this field.

"Focusing on practical results and promoting cooperation is the top priority of the meeting. In the process of preparing for the expo, we found that some logistics companies have a very strong willingness to transform. Driven by policies and affected by the economic situation, the business of trade logistics, special line logistics and urban distribution logistics has declined, and many logistics companies have increased their demand for automated, intelligent and green equipment. Li Peng said that although equipment renewal will increase the cost of enterprises in the short term, in the long run, it is more in line with the development trend of the industry.

It is understood that at this forum, Yutong, Sinotruk, FAW and Deli New Energy and other car companies will appear to explain the equipment update support policies, application scenarios and solutions on the spot, and bring hydrogen energy vehicles, pure electric vehicles, unmanned driving and other technology-leading vehicle equipment.

Zhu Xingqun, assistant general manager of Jinan commercial vehicle sales department of China National Heavy Duty Truck Group and manager of Yushan Branch, said in an interview with reporters that the society is currently facing the stage of conversion of old and new production capacity, and the old equipment and old working methods have affected the production efficiency of the logistics industry.

"The trucks with diesel engines in China III, China IV and China V are currently very inefficient, and the current competition in the logistics industry is fierce, and some enterprises are under heavy operating pressure." Zhu Xingqun said that at present, Sinotruk's new gas vehicle freight has a comparative advantage over fuel vehicles, the car has accounted for 20% of gas heavy trucks, reliability and economy have been confirmed by the market, "I hope that through this expo, more logistics companies can complete the upgrading of heavy trucks and reduce operating costs."

Li Peng said that in terms of equipment update exhibition, intelligent warehousing equipment, AGV robots, stackers, automated three-dimensional warehouses, etc. will be exhibited, focusing on the automation and intelligent equipment of the logistics industry, and providing an opportunity for exhibitors and visitors to exchange and learn from each other.

Reshape the new logistics ecology, and update logistics equipment to help develop new quality productivity

Achieving technological upgrading and industrial transformation through equipment renewal is an important path to promote new industrialization and develop new quality productivity, and it is also the due meaning of accelerating the development of the transportation and logistics industry.

At present, the state has mobilized resources from policy guidance, financial support, industry investment, industrial coordination and other aspects to escort the renewal of transportation and logistics equipment. Various localities, including Henan, have also introduced relevant policies and implementation plans to help develop new quality productivity in the logistics industry.

What is the new quality productivity of the logistics industry? Duan Jing, director of the office of Zhengzhou New Energy Vehicle Application and Promotion Center, believes that the new quality productivity of the logistics industry refers to the ability to upgrade the logistics business model, improve efficiency and achieve green and sustainable development driven by scientific and technological innovation and digital transformation.

"Accelerate the renewal and transformation of equipment and the trade-in of consumer goods, promote the continuous increase in the proportion of advanced production capacity and efficient products, and promote the continuous upgrading of energy conservation and carbon reduction from the source, which is not only conducive to expanding domestic demand, but also conducive to improving the energy utilization efficiency of terminal energy-using products. In the long run, it is conducive to achieving strategic goals such as carbon peaking and carbon neutrality and beautiful China. Duan Jing said.

Wei Changlong, executive general manager of Zhengzhou Changtong Industrial Co., Ltd., said that the intelligent, electrified and green vehicles of logistics enterprises are the future development trend. "The operating costs of electric vehicles are certainly lower than those of gasoline vehicles, and at the same time, the advantages of electric vehicles are very obvious in terms of environmental protection, right of way and energy consumption." Wei Changlong said that at present, the company has formulated an overall vehicle renewal plan from the aspects of safety, green environmental protection and intelligence, and has reached a preliminary vehicle renewal procurement agreement with FAW Jiefang.

It is understood that this policy promotion meeting will promote a new round of large-scale equipment renewal, reduce social logistics costs, accurate, efficient and cost reduction, and reshape the new logistics ecology through various forms such as policy interpretation, theme promotion, project release, project signing, and exhibition display.

The new quality productivity of the logistics industry is not only reflected in the innovation and application of technology, but also in green and low-carbon development, organizational change and other aspects. These comprehensive factors have jointly promoted the development of the logistics industry in the direction of intelligence, digitalization and sustainability, and improved the overall efficiency and competitiveness of the industry.

How to promote the renewal of logistics equipment? Follow the event for the latest policy developments

Editor-in-charge: Chen Yuyao | Reviewer: Zhang Yipeng | Review: Li Zhen | Supervisor: Wan Junwei

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