
Fancy bribery was confirmed, and the former president of this bank was sentenced

author:Great River Finance Cube
Fancy bribery was confirmed, and the former president of this bank was sentenced

A verdict exposed the illegal fact that the president of a bank "took bribes in a fancy way".

The public prosecution alleges that from 2013 to 2021, while serving as the president of Hunan Yanling Rural Commercial Bank, Liu Naxin took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others, and illegally accepted property from others totaling 2.192 million yuan.

The court of first instance held that Liu Naxin truthfully confessed the facts of his crime after arriving at the case, and voluntarily pleaded guilty and accepted punishment, so he could be given a lighter punishment in accordance with law. Their family members may hand over all illegal gains and criminal fruits on their behalf, and may be given lenient treatment as appropriate.

The court ruled that Liu Naxin was guilty of accepting bribes from non-state functionaries and sentenced him to 3 years and 2 months in prison and a fine of 300,000 yuan. At the same time, 2.192 million yuan of illegal gains and 130,000 yuan of fruits were recovered in accordance with the law.

"Help" to invest in the bank

Yanling County belongs to Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province. Yanling Rural Commercial Bank, established in 2010, is the first rural commercial bank in the province to be restructured and established by county-level rural credit cooperatives with the approval of the former China Banking Regulatory Commission.

At the beginning of 2012, 43-year-old Liu Naxin was appointed deputy secretary of the party committee and president of Yanling Rural Commercial Bank. In July 2022, he was placed in liuzhi and placed in criminal detention early the following year, followed by his arrest.

Although he has been in office for 10 years, Liu Naxin's first bribe has nothing to do with the bank he works for.

According to the verdict, in 2013, the person in charge of the Youxian Rural Credit Union, which is also located in Zhuzhou City, contacted Liu Naxin to introduce high-quality enterprises in Yanling due to the lack of enterprise shares (the restructuring requires enterprises to account for 70% of the shares) due to the lack of enterprise shares in Youxian Rural Commercial Bank.

Liu Naxin recommended Chen and Yang to the above-mentioned person in charge. Zhuzhou Wanchang Company, controlled by Chen, and Yanling Ruifeng Company, controlled by Yang, successfully subscribed for 27 million shares and 12 million shares of Youxian Rural Commercial Bank respectively, accounting for 9% and 4% of the bank's total share capital.

Subsequently, Chen and Yang respectively proposed to Liu Naxin to reserve 500,000 shares from the shares of Youxian Rural Commercial Bank they subscribed for Liu Naxin, and then go through the transfer procedures when he has money. Liu Naxin agreed at the time, but later rejected the two's proposal on the grounds that there were no funds.

One day in February 2015, after Chen and Yang received the first equity dividend from Youxian Rural Commercial Bank, in order to thank and seek Liu Naxin's care and help, they went to his residence and gave Liu Naxin 70,000 yuan in cash respectively. After Liu Naxin accepted it, he used it for his daily expenses.

According to the trial, it was also ascertained that in June 2013, Zhuzhou Wanchang Company took out a mortgage loan of 4.9 million yuan in Yanling Rural Commercial Bank, and in August, it borrowed 8.8 million yuan from the bank. In 2014, 2017 and from 2019 to 2022, the company had loans in Yanling Rural Commercial Bank.

In April and August 2021, Yang guaranteed Lu, a specific relation, and his younger brother, respectively, and took loans of 3.6 million yuan and 1.4 million yuan from Yanling Rural Commercial Bank. In 2022, Yang has two loans of more than 3,000 yuan in the bank.

"Borrowing money" to take a stake in the enterprise

In addition to introducing others to invest in the bank, Liu Naxin himself also accepted bribes and "curved shares" in the company.

In April 2016, Tian, the legal representative of Hunan Song, asked Liu Naxin to help him handle the non-standard trust financing business of 170 million yuan in Yanling Rural Commercial Bank, and proposed that he become a shareholder of the company. Liu Naxin did not agree because of a lack of funds and a ban from the provincial association.

In May, Tian again proposed that Liu Naxin buy shares in the name of his relatives as an employee of Hunan Song, and could contribute 1 million yuan to 1 million shares according to the standard of 1 yuan per share for employees.

Liu Naxin agreed, but he didn't have enough funds and needed to borrow from others. Tian said that after completing the shareholding procedures, he would repay the 1 million yuan loan for him, and Liu Naxin agreed.

Subsequently, after Liu Naxin borrowed 1 million yuan from a friend, he arranged for his brother-in-law Peng to take his two brothers-in-law, as well as Liu Naxin's cousin and other three people, to open bank cards to pay the share capital of the shares on behalf of Liu Naxin.

Liu Naxin also arranged for Peng to take three people to Hunan Songcheng Company to sign a labor contract and go through the formalities for shareholding. The bank cards and shareholding information of the three people were handed over to Peng for escrow.

In June 2016, Tian transferred 1 million yuan to Liu Naxin's designated account through his personal account and repaid the loan of 1 million yuan for him.

In the first half of 2017, Tian told Liu Naxin that he asked the company to "pay wages" to the bank cards of the three people when they went through the shareholding procedures every month from May 2016. Liu Naxin arranged for Peng to go to the bank to check and confirm, and asked him to take out the money for safekeeping.

In July 2018, because Tian had not arranged for the aforementioned three people to work in Hunan Songwe, Liu Naxin asked Tian to stop transferring money to three bank cards.

According to the verdict, from May 2016 to July 2018, Tian transferred a total of 212,000 yuan to three bank cards in the name of paying wages.

According to investigation, after Liu Naxin became a shareholder of Hunan Song, the company did not distribute dividends to Liu Naxin. At present, Tian's company still has a loan of 152 million yuan in Yanling Rural Commercial Bank that has not been repaid.

The anti-corruption of the Hunan rural credit system has been promoted

In addition to Liu Naxin, many people in the rural credit system of Hunan Province have been investigated in recent years. Thereinto:

In April 2019, Yang Xiaofeng, former Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Huaihua Rural Commercial Bank, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation;

In April 2019, Jiang Ming, former secretary of the Party committee and chairman of Hongjiang Rural Commercial Bank, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation;

In April 2020, Liu Xinglong, former secretary of the Party committee and chairman of Hunan Shaoshan Rural Commercial Bank, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation;

In July 2020, Lv Shaoshuang, former secretary of the Party committee and chairman of Yongzhou Rural Commercial Bank, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation;

In July 2022, Zhao Yingyun, former secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan Rural Credit Union, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision;

In July 2023, Hunan reported 8 typical cases of provincial enterprises relying on enterprises to eat enterprises, including Yang Ye, former secretary of the Party committee and chairman of Yiyang Rural Commercial Bank, engaged in power-for-money transactions and arbitraged funds to privately set up "small treasury";

In October 2023, Li Qin, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee, vice chairman and director of Hunan Rural Credit Union, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

Among them, the 2022 Hunan Anti-corruption Warning Record "Loyalty and Betrayal" feature film launched by the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision disclosed that Zhao Yingyun was suspected of accepting bribes of 27 million yuan, and according to his own account, he accepted gifts and gifts of more than 2,300 yuan.

A few days ago, the Hunan Provincial Rural Credit System held a discipline inspection work conference and a special rectification work promotion meeting for relying on enterprises to eat enterprises. The meeting demanded that we should make every effort to do a good job in political supervision and daily supervision, party discipline study and education and warning education, the special action of "two leading and five rectifications" to rectify unhealthy tendencies and prevent corruption, the handling of clues and the investigation and handling of cases, and the special rectification of the problem of relying on enterprises to eat enterprises.

Editor-in-charge: Shi Jian | Review: Li Zhen | Supervisor: Wan Junwei

(Source: Brokerage China)

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