
A review of the achievements of cultural system reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

author:Pingliang Cultural Tourism

Culture rejuvenates the country and prospers, culture is strong, and the nation is strong.

Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to cultural reform and development, made strategic arrangements for cultural construction as an important part of the overall layout of the "five-in-one" of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and planned and promoted the reform of the cultural system as an important part of comprehensively deepening reform.

From ramming the foundation and erecting pillars and beams to comprehensively advancing and accumulating momentum, the cultural reform and development has made historic achievements, the vitality of the whole nation's cultural innovation and creativity has been greatly stimulated, the people's sense of cultural gain and happiness has been significantly enhanced, and a strong spiritual force has been gathered to build a strong country and national rejuvenation.

The party's leadership over propaganda, ideological, and cultural work has been strengthened in an all-round way

In October 2023, the National Conference on Propaganda, Ideological and Cultural Work was held in Beijing. The most important outcome of the meeting was the first proposal of Xi Jinping Cultural Thought.

Great ideas lead to great change.

As a theoretical summary of the practical experience of the party's leadership in cultural construction in the new era, Xi Jinping Cultural Thought leads the cultural reform and development work of the new journey to continuously open up a new situation and form a new pattern with a series of new ideas, new views and new assertions that are clear and practical.

Get to the root of the problem and firmly grasp the leadership of ideological work——

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "ideological work is the work of establishing the heart and soul of the country and the nation", and proposed that cultural self-confidence "is a more basic, broader and deeper self-confidence" and "the most basic, deepest and most lasting force in the development of a country and a nation".

From the National Conference on Propaganda and Ideological Work to literary and artistic work, the party's news and public opinion work, network security and informatization work, philosophical and social science work forums, and the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities...... General Secretary Xi Jinping attended a series of important meetings, delivered a series of important speeches, put forward a series of new ideas, new views and new assertions, clarified the theoretical rights and wrongs, corrected the work orientation, and promoted the reform of the cultural system in the new era in the right direction.

In-depth implementation of Marxist theory research and construction projects, improve the use of the Party's innovative theories to arm the whole party, educate the people, and guide the practice of the work system, fully implement the ideological work responsibility system, promote the in-depth integration and development of the media, improve the comprehensive network governance system, adhere to the correct guidance of public opinion work mechanism significantly strengthened...... We should build a socialist ideology with strong cohesion and leadership, so that all the people will be closely united in ideals, beliefs, values, and moral concepts.

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) established the system of upholding the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field as a fundamental system of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. This is a major institutional innovation related to the long-term development of the cause of the party and the country, the direction and development path of the mainland's culture, which embodies the successful experience accumulated and the principles formed by our party in the long-term practice of leading the construction of culture, and fully reflects that the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has entered a new realm in its understanding of the law of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics.

Strengthen the foundation and gradually improve the cultural management system——

In the spring of 2018, the newly established Ministry of Culture and Tourism was unveiled, and the in-depth integration and development of culture and tourism entered the fast lane.

The Central Cyber Security and Information Commission was established, with the Central Propaganda Department managing press and publication and film work in a unified manner, the State Administration of Radio and Television and the China Central Radio and Television Station were established, and the reform of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Writers' Association, and the Journalists' Association was deepened...... Deepening the reform of the Party and state institutions has effectively strengthened the Party's overall leadership over propaganda, ideological and cultural work, accelerated the pace of modernization of the governance system and governance capacity in the field of propaganda, ideology and culture, and released new energy for cultural development.

At the end of June 2019, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Regulations on the Propaganda Work of the Communist Party of China. As the first backbone and basic regulation on propaganda work in the party's history, the promulgation of this important document marks a new step in the scientific, standardized, and institutionalized construction of propaganda work.

Become a weathered person, gather the majestic power of building dreams with one heart——

In July 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the third meeting of the 19th Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, which deliberated and adopted the "Guiding Opinions on the Pilot Work of Building a Civilization Practice Center in the New Era".

One by one, civilization practice centers in the new era have blossomed in the land of China, uniting the masses, guiding the masses, and spreading the party's good voice to thousands of households.

The people have faith, the country has strength, and the nation has hope.

From the formulation of the "Opinions on Cultivating and Practicing the Core Socialist Values", etc., to promote the incorporation of the Core Socialist Values into laws and regulations, to the implementation of the Civic Ethics Construction Project, to promote the normalization and institutionalization of education on ideals and beliefs; From carrying forward the spiritual lineage of the Chinese Communists with the great spirit of party building as the source, to promoting the introduction of the Law on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs and the Law on Patriotic Education, and establishing and improving the system of honors and commendations for meritorious services of the Party and the state...... Adhere to the core values of socialism to lead cultural construction, and better build the Chinese spirit, Chinese values, and Chinese strength.

People come first to meet the new needs of a better life in the new era

"Socialist literature and art, in essence, is the people's literature and art." "Literature and art must not lose their way in the tide of the market economy, and they must not deviate on the question of who they are, otherwise literature and art will have no vitality."

In October 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on literary and artistic work, which profoundly expounded and scientifically answered a series of major questions on how to prosper and develop socialist literature and art under the new historical conditions, and pointed out the way forward for cultural development in the new era.

To implement the requirements of the general secretary, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Prosperity and Development of Socialist Literature and Art", "Opinions on the Reform of the National Literary and Art Award System", and "Opinions on Deepening the Reform of State-owned Literary and Art Academies" have been promulgated, and the people-centered creative orientation has become more distinct, and the guidance and incentive mechanism for the creation, production and dissemination of cultural products has been improved.

In response to the call of the general secretary, the vast number of literary and artistic workers have gone deep into life, taken root in the people, and worked hard to climb the plateau and climb the peak, and the new pattern of Chinese literature and art in the new era has been new, the realm has been new, and the weather has been new - the movie "Changjin Lake", the novel "The Protagonist", the TV series "Mountains and Seas", the dance drama "The Eternal Wave" and a number of cultural masterpieces that enhance the people's spiritual strength have been emerging, and the mainland has become a major producer in the fields of books, TV dramas, and animation, and the scale of the film market has repeatedly set records.

In the new era, the people's demand for spiritual culture has jumped from "whether there is or is it lacking" to "whether it is good or not, whether it is fine or not". As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Chinese modernization is the modernization of material civilization and spiritual civilization in harmony. Material and spiritual prosperity are the fundamental requirements of socialist modernization. ”

Times questionnaire, wonderful answers. Adhere to the social benefits in the first place, the unity of social benefits and economic benefits, the supply-side structural reform in the cultural field has been further promoted, the modern cultural industry system, the market system and the public cultural service system have been continuously improved, and the high-quality cultural supply has enhanced people's sense of cultural acquisition and happiness, and promoted the common prosperity of people's spiritual life.

On the one hand, focusing on the construction of the macro system, the "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Modern Public Cultural Service System" and the Public Cultural Service Guarantee Law were promulgated, the standardization and equalization of basic public cultural services continued to advance, and the basic cultural rights and interests of the people were effectively protected.

On the other hand, we should focus on the implementation of small and small things, adhere to the principle of benefiting the people with culture and culture, accurately match the content and supply methods of cultural supply, and promote cultural services to be more grounded.

At present, the mainland has a six-level public cultural service network covering urban and rural areas, with more than 3,300 public libraries, more than 12,000 screen screens in township cinemas, and nearly 200,000 rural bookstores providing digital reading services. All public libraries, cultural centers, art galleries, cultural stations and more than 90% of museums are open to the public free of charge. Zhejiang's "Rural Cultural Auditorium", Jiangxi's "Farmhouse Bookstore + E-commerce", Hunan's "Ten Elementary Schools in front of the Door", ...... Innovative practices in various places ignite the people's "cultural nostalgia".

In October 2022, the "Implementation of the National Cultural Digitalization Strategy" was included in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Digital technology empowers cultural development, realizes a panoramic presentation of Chinese culture, and stimulates the pride and self-confidence of the whole nation's culture.

From the in-depth promotion of the construction of the national public cultural cloud platform, smart radio and television, smart library, smart museum, etc., to the integration and embedding of digital culture with social scenarios such as film and television, and travel; From the continuous enrichment of online cultural consumption such as cloud exhibitions and cloud tourism, to the rapid development of new business formats such as online literature, video, and live broadcasting, the digital cultural service capacity has been greatly improved, and the digital cultural industry has become a "new engine" to stimulate consumption potential.

According to the data, in 2023, enterprises in cultural and related industries above designated size will achieve operating income of 129515 billion yuan, an increase of 8.2% over the previous year. The supporting role of the cultural service industry has been enhanced, the entertainment and leisure industry has recovered rapidly, and the new cultural industry has a significant driving effect.

Integrity and innovation, enhance the appeal and influence of Chinese civilization

The central axis of Beijing extends to the north, at the foot of Yan Mountain, and the Central Headquarters of the National Version of China Pavilion is located here.

In June 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to the National Library of China and the Chinese Academy of History for investigation and research, attended the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, and delivered an important speech, issuing a great call to take on a new cultural mission and strive to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

The source is long, and the roots are deep. How to continue the long-standing Chinese culture and enrich the construction of contemporary culture with ancient wisdom is a "must-answer question" in the process of cultural system reform.

He presided over the collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee with the theme of archaeology and the exploration of the source of Chinese civilization, visited historical and cultural heritage sites such as the Confucian Temple and the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, and made important instructions on cultural relics, archaeology, and intangible cultural heritage...... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the mainland has focused on building a system for the inheritance and development of excellent traditional Chinese culture, actively promoting the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, and promoting the brilliance of Chinese culture in a new era.

Institutional mechanisms continue to be built——

The "Opinions on the Implementation of the Project for the Inheritance and Development of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture" for the first time promoted the continuation of Chinese culture and the inheritance of Chinese cultural genes in the form of a central document; Establish the cultural relics work policy of "protection first, strengthen management, excavate value, effective use, and make cultural relics come alive" in the new era; The "Opinions on Strengthening the Protection and Inheritance of Historical and Cultural Heritage in Urban and Rural Construction", "Several Opinions on Strengthening the Reform of the Protection and Utilization of Cultural Relics", and the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Protection and Utilization of Revolutionary Cultural Relics" have been promulgated to build a strong institutional guarantee for the protection of cultural heritage.

The cultural heritage string song never stops——

From the convening of the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, the symposium on the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, to the in-depth implementation of the project of inheritance and development of excellent traditional Chinese culture and the project of exploring the source of Chinese civilization; From carrying out the fourth national cultural relics census to promoting the construction of the Great Wall, the Grand Canal, the Long March, the Yellow River and the Yangtze River National Cultural Park with high standards; From the construction of the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, the National Edition Museum of China, the China Arts and Crafts Museum, and the China Archaeological Museum, to the publication of the major cultural project "Fuxing Library" and "The Great Collection of Chinese Paintings of the Past Dynasties...... The development of cultural inheritance has been comprehensively promoted, spreading a magnificent picture and stirring up the atmosphere of rejuvenation.

Ancient civilization pioneers and innovates——

In the autumn of 2017, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China passed the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment). "Promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture" is written into the party's fundamental law.

From the creation of a national demonstration area for the protection and utilization of cultural relics, to create a "test field" for the reform of cultural relics protection and utilization; to the overall protection and living inheritance, so that cultural heritage can enter the lives of ordinary people; and then further promote the integration of culture and tourism, and constantly enrich the cultural connotation of tourism...... The Chinese culture, which has continued for more than 5,000 years, has flourished and flourished, better adapting to the development of the times and the needs of the people.

The new cultural consciousness will help the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on the vast land, and the words written in ancient books to come alive, and enrich the historical and cultural nourishment of the whole society.

Civilizations are colorful because of exchanges, and civilizations are enriched by mutual learning.

"We need to foster a civilization concept of equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness, transcend the estrangement of civilizations through exchanges among civilizations, transcend the clash of civilizations through mutual learning among civilizations, and transcend the superiority of civilizations through the coexistence of civilizations." In the new era, the Chinese Communists draw wisdom and strength from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, break down the barriers to cultural exchanges with an open mind, absorb the nutrients of civilizations of various countries with an inclusive attitude, and better promote Chinese culture to go global with a confident and open attitude, and promote the common progress of civilizations of all countries in exchanges and mutual learning.

Accelerate the construction of Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative system, tell Chinese stories well, and disseminate Chinese voices; Strengthen the capacity building of international communication, comprehensively improve the efficiency of international communication, and form an international discourse power that matches the comprehensive national strength and international status of the mainland; It has put forward and actively implemented the Global Civilization Initiative, and successfully held the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, the Liangzhu Forum, the Shanghai Forum of the World Conference on Chinese Studies, and the Wuzhen Summit of the World Internet Conference...... Based on more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization and relying on the vivid practice of the mainland's reform and development, China's image in the new era is more credible, lovely and respectable.

The country is magnificent, the people are heroic, and the future is great. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Culture, China is writing a brilliant new chapter in the construction of a socialist cultural power with firmer cultural self-confidence in the new era.

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