
Yu Chengdong has already told the truth, new test standards are imminent, and Huawei's car manufacturing is too subversive

author:Fish feed technology

Yu Chengdong has already told the truth, and the new test standard is imminent, just because Huawei's car manufacturing is too subversive, not only subverting traditional oil vehicles, but even the electric vehicle market has been subverted!

Yu Chengdong has already told the truth, new test standards are imminent, and Huawei's car manufacturing is too subversive

The first subversion is that the 500,000 luxury car no longer only recognizes the car logo, since the emergence of the M9 and the U8 has completely changed the definition of luxury cars, the Turing chassis and the Yi Sifang platform have shown excellent results! Domestic automotive technology proves that self-developed technology has the potential to transcend!

Yu Chengdong has already told the truth, new test standards are imminent, and Huawei's car manufacturing is too subversive

The second subversion is rankings! High-priced cars are no longer exclusive to foreign manufacturers, not only the performance of domestic electric vehicles, but also the choice of users, which is no longer a single "face project", but more attention to the overall driving experience! The new test standard can better bring the verification of electric vehicles and give users more confidence!

Yu Chengdong has already told the truth, new test standards are imminent, and Huawei's car manufacturing is too subversive

The third subverts the cognition of "Wenjie M7Ultra is only worth 150,000" incident, which shows that it is not that domestic cars are not good, but that domestic cars are already very good, so that they have been slandered, as the old saying goes, "no one will kick a dead dog", if it is not for the recognition of the strength of the superior, it will be compared with the strength of the product, but if you can't get better, you will use this "not smart" way to make small moves.

Yu Chengdong has already told the truth, new test standards are imminent, and Huawei's car manufacturing is too subversive

The fourth is the market swap, if the cancellation of the European imported cars 12% ~ 40% large displacement consumption tax, domestic electric vehicles will face a new round of high-end market competition, want to be competitive only to do a good job in quality, the new test standards can also become the quality of domestic cars reference verification, otherwise those "unequal test" models how to survive in the competition of Huawei cars after European cars.

Yu Chengdong has already told the truth, new test standards are imminent, and Huawei's car manufacturing is too subversive
Yu Chengdong has already told the truth, new test standards are imminent, and Huawei's car manufacturing is too subversive

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