
"He played so badly, he suddenly came in", the controversy over the certificate of students with sports specialties entering prestigious schools

author:Big River Newspaper

Dahe Daily Yu video reporter Zhang Jingjing

In another college entrance examination season, rumors of many celebrities involved in the falsification of national athlete certificates have made the public pay close attention to the qualifications and paths of sports students to enter prestigious schools.

Recently, the list of qualified high-level athletes at Peking University was announced, and the boys on the list of Beijing No. 4 Middle School were once again concerned because their mothers were suspected of being well-known actors, and their records of scoring 0 in many games were questioned by netizens: The qualifications of national first-class athletes are watery?

A blogger posted that the "Basketball Player Technical Grade Standards" shows that as long as the school team gets a ranking in the national competition, even if the team member does not play, he will have the opportunity to get the title of first-class athlete, and it is not excluded that the certificate has room for black-box operation.

As of now, the relevant actors have not spoken out to respond to the matter.

How do I get National Class 1 athlete status? What are the admission criteria for "high-level sports teams" at prestigious schools? Is there a vulnerability in black-box operations? Recently, a number of insiders have been interviewed by the reporter of Dahe Daily Yu Video "Seeing" in response to the above questions.

"He played so badly, he suddenly came in", the controversy over the certificate of students with sports specialties entering prestigious schools

In June 2023, Weibo netizens took photos during the traditional high school basketball finals in Beijing

Not all team members will receive certificates

Lu Yang (pseudonym) is a sophomore sports student at a "double first-class" university, he obtained the national first-class basketball athlete certificate in his sophomore year, and was admitted to his current university through sports single recruitment in his third year of high school.

According to him, generally speaking, if you want to obtain the "National Class 1 Athlete" certificate, you need to play a specific official competition every year, and according to the competition ranking, the first team at the provincial level will get two places for "National Class 1 Athlete", and the second, third and subsequent rankings can only get the "National Level 2 Athlete" certificate.

The higher the level of the event, the greater the probability of getting a first-class basketball player certificate. If you can reach the northern region or even the national finals, there will be more places for the first place to get a certificate.

"There are about 20 people on our high school team, but only 15 people can be registered for a game, and only 12 people play." Lu Yang's high school is a strong basketball school in a northern province, and the men's basketball team has won the provincial championship for more than 20 consecutive years.

"So basically, the provincial first-class athlete certificate every year has been obtained by our school, and we have no shortage (of this place)." He said.

"He played so badly, he suddenly came in", the controversy over the certificate of students with sports specialties entering prestigious schools

However, there are only two or three provincial events that can get a certificate, and you must be the first in the province to have a first-class certificate. It is equivalent to playing only provincial competitions, and a team can get up to four to six first-class athlete certificates a year.

There are nearly 20 people in the whole team, and if there are only 2 first-class athlete certificates after winning the championship, who should the certificates be given to, and who can decide?

The coach of the team decides.

"I got it in my second year of high school, and if six or seven of the sophomore team members have a first-class athlete certificate, it will be given to the first-year team members. However, in the whole province, except for our school, there are few first-class certificates in other schools. ”

Therefore, in the provincial basketball school where Lu Yang is located, even if a player is a substitute on the court, it is possible to "turn" a national first-class athlete certificate.

"He played so badly and suddenly came in, it must be abnormal"

Lu Yang said that in this model, there is indeed room for "rent-seeking". Some related households will send their children to local sports schools, open up the relationship with coaches to let children enter the school team, and finally ensure that they can give their children a first-class athlete certificate, and with this certificate, it is possible to win a chance to go to a prestigious school.

Such a relationship was there when Lu Yang was in high school, but "there are at most one or two related households that are stuffed in each class, because our school can give one or two certificates to related households at most, and the coach can decide who to give the first-level certificate."

The team members also knew that this person was stuffed in. "It's definitely not normal for him to play so badly and come in all of a sudden. Usually let him do logistics work, and basically don't let him play in games, what is he doing when he goes up? Lose? ”

But if the purpose of his coming is to get a certificate, he must also participate in official competitions with the team that can get a certificate, and he must have a certain amount of playing time, "will let him play for a few minutes, meaning".

Lu Yang said that the schools in Beijing are still somewhat different from those in the local provinces. "In schools in Beijing, there are more competitions that can get certificates than we do, so more people can get certificates. Beijing's strong basketball school should be more than our school lacks a first-class certificate. ”

"He played so badly, he suddenly came in", the controversy over the certificate of students with sports specialties entering prestigious schools

2023 Beijing Youth Basketball Championship (picture from the official website of Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau)

In the list of qualified candidates for the special test of high-level athletes of Peking University announced this time, some netizens questioned whether the relevant team members had low scores or even 0 points in previous competitions, and whether the qualifications of first-class athletes were water.

In this regard, Jin Dong (pseudonym), a basketball coach of a sports single-recruitment training institution in Henan who has been in the industry for many years, believes that it is impossible to see what there is in terms of score alone, and how many points a basketball player has scored cannot actually determine his actual level and contribution. "It's similar to playing football, 11 people on the field, playing an 8:0 goalkeeper, and not scoring a point, can you say that the goalkeeper is not good?"

"Even if many indicators are zero, you may run for two minutes on the court, you don't get a rebound, you don't score or assist, just running and running, that doesn't prove that the level is not good, at least it creates space for teammates, and it is also valuable." Jin Dong said that the basketball game mainly depends on the cooperation of the whole team. In other words, if you're at a very low level, you can hardly see how high or low you are if you are stuffed into a very strong team.

Irregular spaces are being compressed, and many schools are eliminating high-level sports teams

However, in the entire examination process, the national first-class athlete certificate is only one of the key thresholds for sports students.

Generally speaking, there are two paths for students with sports specialties: sports single recruitment and high-level sports teams. In addition, you can also participate in the college entrance examination and take the sports unified recruitment. Among them, high-level sports teams have higher requirements.

Sports students who participate in sports single recruitment are the most common. Sports Unified Enrollment is a major set up by many comprehensive universities, mainly in the direction of social services such as leisure sports, physical education, and social sports guidance and management.

"He played so badly, he suddenly came in", the controversy over the certificate of students with sports specialties entering prestigious schools

Only high-level sports teams, starting from 2024, must obtain a national first-class athlete or above technical level to apply for the examination. This is an enrollment method set up by colleges and universities within the scope of the Olympic Games and the World University Games for professional athletes with excellent performance in cultural courses.

Lu Yang said that its "more difficult" is reflected in the candidates' cultural courses and physical conditions, "There are higher requirements for personal skills, bodies, cultural courses, talents, and actual combat." ”

From 2024 onwards, the requirements for the enrollment of high-level sports teams in cultural courses and professional tests will become higher and higher, and the standards will become more and more uniform.

Candidates' cultural examinations uniformly use the college entrance examination results, requiring that they must reach the undergraduate line of the college entrance examination in the province of origin, and the candidates who have obtained exceptional admission qualifications also need to reach 65% or more of the undergraduate line, which has changed the situation that sports students can enter high-level sports teams with two or three hundred points in the past.

The professional tests are all included in the national unified examination, which is led by the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China, which has changed the procedures of colleges and universities organizing school examinations separately in the past.

"This year, the examination requirements and fairness have been standardized, and the irregular space for the enrollment of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities has been significantly compressed. It is almost impossible to get into a high-level sports team and go to a prestigious school by special means. Jin Dong said.

Since 1987, the "high-level sports team" has become an important base for reserve talents in competitive sports and a useful supplement to the traditional sports talent training model. Along the way, it has cultivated a number of world champions and Olympic champions for the mainland.

However, some institutions have pointed out that over the years, a series of problems have been exposed, such as the low quality of births, the magnification of contradictions in academic training, the fact that students rely on the falsification of athletes' technical grade certificates to obtain admission qualifications with reduced scores, the poor performance of high-level athletes' cultural courses, and the school's low requirements for cultural courses for high-level sports teams.

From 2024, many domestic universities such as Harbin Institute of Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and other universities will stop recruiting "high-level sports teams".

It's very, very difficult to find a place to cheat

Specific to the requirements of the high-level sports team of Peking University this year, candidates must obtain the title of national first-class athlete and above technical level, and must participate in the national sports special unified test.

After the results of the college entrance examination are announced and before the voluntary application is filled, within the scope of qualified candidates whose scores in cultural courses meet the admission requirements, Peking University will determine the list of shortlisted candidates according to the enrollment plan and the test results of physical education majors.

In Jin Dong's view, each one is a difficulty, and it is not easy to pass.

"For sports students, it is very difficult to pass the undergraduate line in cultural courses." He said that most physical education students waste all their energy on training, and some students failed to pass the previous physical culture class when they required 180 points.

The second is the special test, "before the school organized itself, there may be room for rent-seeking, but this year is different, it must pass the national unified test, the unified test has surveillance video, the national network, all tests must be tested by the candidates themselves, no fake." Finally, admission is based on ranking. ”

Jin Dong said that the only link where there may be a "gray area" is the referee. "For example, it may be known in advance which referee or judge is going to come to the test area to invigilate, and parents will 'do the work' in advance to make the child's score higher. But in fact, the five judges were all temporarily selected by the General Administration of Sports of China, who can have such a strong strength to know their arrangements in advance? So, it's very, very difficult to find a place to cheat. ”

"He played so badly, he suddenly came in", the controversy over the certificate of students with sports specialties entering prestigious schools

Specific to the players involved in the enrollment of Peking University, the reporter noticed that his guard, the public account "Tomorrow's Star TheFutureBaller", had interviewed the basketball team of Beijing No. 4 Middle School, and some players praised the players involved: "Although he is not tall, he can lock the opponent with defense on the court, and that defensive attitude is what I need to learn." ”

In addition, another article covering the Beijing Youth Basketball Championship mentioned that the team involved once represented No. 4 High School in overtime against another school, scoring a team-high 19 rebounds and 12 steals, "his role may not be reflected in the scoring."

Lu Yang said that he had heard the names of some of the more famous players in Beijing No. 4 Middle School in the high school basketball circle, but had not heard of the players involved. However, judging from the available public information, he appeared on the qualified list of Peking University's high-level sports teams, which is in line with the process.

"But we always seem to feel that something is wrong, what is wrong?"

Source: Dahe Daily Yu Video Editor: You Xiaopeng

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