
The girl at the bottom of the class scored 461 points in the college entrance examination, and her mother cried with joy: "She gave the best score to the college entrance examination"

author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily

Text/Peninsula All Media Reporter Niu Xiaofang Photo/Provided by the interviewee

June 25, 3:45 p.m.

Sun Yan's family, who live in Jimo, Qingdao, clearly remember this time, which was the time when their daughter found out the college entrance examination scores. To welcome this occasion, the whole family came up with the highest standard ceremony. Daughter Jiajia sat in front of the computer early to open the score check page, Mr. Zhuang, the husband who ran the online car-hailing service, did not get out of the car that afternoon, and Sun Yan herself asked for leave from the shopping mall where she worked. "That score could be a lifetime for her, so we want to spend time with our children." Sun Yan said.

Anxious parents guarding a calm daughter, in the last step of clicking on the query, Jiajia cried loudly, Mr. Zhuang held his daughter's hand over and over again to encourage and comfort: "No matter what, you have to face it yourself, and you have to learn to face it yourself at the age of 18." The results were announced, 461 points, and the family hugged and cried with joy.

The girl at the bottom of the class scored 461 points in the college entrance examination, and her mother cried with joy: "She gave the best score to the college entrance examination"

This moment, which was less than a minute, was casually filmed by Sun Yan with her mobile phone and posted on her social media account, and has been viewed more than 34.28 million times so far, and more than 193,000 people have liked it.

"Prepared several unsuccessful copywriters"

"When the girl at the bottom of the class checks the college entrance examination results" is the theme of Sun Yan's summary for this small video, she explained that Jiajia previously studied in Jimo District Experimental Senior High School, from the first year of high school to the third year of high school, and her academic performance has always been at the bottom of the class of 46 people, "When it is good, you can get to the bottom five or six." Until the college entrance examination, Jiajia's score rarely exceeded 400 points in every mock test, and only when she was in the first model, she scored 400.5 points, and she specially called her mother to report the good news. "The goal she set for herself is that it is already good to be able to pass 400 points." Sun Yan said.

Sun Yan introduced that compared with liberal arts, Jiajiayin, who had weak grades in science, considered that science would have more advantages in choosing majors and employment in college in the future, so she insisted on "wanting to challenge" and insisted on choosing physics, chemistry, and politics in high school. Among the disadvantaged subjects, mathematics has become the biggest obstacle for Jiajia. Since she was in elementary school, Jiajia's math score has always been only a few tens, and when she entered high school, "math has almost always been three or forty points", but the college entrance examination math score of 81 points may be the key to this "extraordinary performance".

"It's not that the child doesn't want to learn, it's already so hard and so tired. She slept six or seven hours a day, and she studied there every day. Sun Yan said. Jimo Experimental Middle School is a boarding high school, Sun Yan remembers that in the third year of high school, the school will study at 9:50 p.m. every evening, but sometimes the head teacher will take pictures of the students who still stay in the classroom after the evening self-study and send them to the class group, "Sometimes it is already 10:00 p.m., there are always these students who are still studying, and there will be my children in it." ”

One day before the college entrance examination, Sun Yan suddenly received a call from her daughter, asking her to send a flashlight to school. After Sun Yan delivered the flashlight, she learned that her daughter wanted to use the flashlight to continue studying after the lights went out in the dormitory at 10:20 p.m.

Regarding the theme of the college entrance examination score video, Sun Yan once imagined another version. "I didn't have the hope that the child would perform extraordinarily, so I prepared several copywriters who failed the list. Even if the child does not do well in the exam and fails, I will comfort the child, hug her, and say to her, 'You are already very good, your efforts have been rewarded, and we feel very satisfied'. Sun Yan said.

The daughter was also a "school bully", and her mother was also a "strict mother"

In fact, before high school, Jiajia was also a "good student looked up to by others" and "the pride in the eyes of her parents". Sun Yan introduced that although mathematics has always been weak, Jiajia's academic performance has always been at the top of the class from the first grade to junior high school, and she can also maintain the top 60 in the grade during junior high school. "I didn't expect to be slapped in the face in the first exam in high school, and I finished 40th in the class." Sun Yan said that at that time, she still treated her daughter's learning with the mentality and expectations of elementary and junior high school, and could not accept the cliff-like decline in her daughter's performance ranking, so she severely criticized her.

Every time she is criticized and blamed, her well-behaved and sensible daughter never refutes, and always comforts her parents with "I will work hard, I will do well in the exam next time", but Sun Yan never expected that her daughter has been slumped since then, and her grades have been worse and worse every time.

The reversal of attitude came when her daughter was a sophomore in high school. coincided with the epidemic, her daughter began to take online classes at home, and Sun Yan found that at 5:50 every morning, her daughter had already put on her school uniform and turned on the computer camera to start studying, and she finished her homework at night, and it was 11 o'clock in the night. "At that time, I thought, it's not easy, we haven't slept enough in the morning, and the children have already gotten up and put on their school uniforms to study." Sun Yan sighed, "We neglected the child's inner feelings at that time, in fact, it was the child himself who couldn't accept it the most. ”

After that, Sun Yan changed her strict attitude towards her daughter in the past and began to learn to encourage and praise her daughter more. "I can't change her grades, I just learn to change myself." Sun Yan found that with the change of her attitude, her daughter became more and more relaxed in her studies, and the distance between her and herself, which was originally slightly estranged, gradually narrowed, and the mother and daughter had a precious intimate relationship. In the consistent encouragement and tolerance of her family, even if her grades did not improve significantly, Jiajia never gave up.

"To be honest, parents don't want their children to get a good score and get ahead. We all know that grades can't determine her life, but at least it is the best path to success, and we all hope that our children's three years of hard work can get a good return. Since we have paid, we will accept it calmly regardless of the results. Sun Yan said.

"I don't want to waste this result, I want to 'save the capital'"

In addition to the "hot" short videos in the online world, this warm and ordinary little family returned to its ordinary daily life after that moment. After checking the results, Mr. Zhuang went out for a drive, Sun Yan cleaned up at home, and Jiajia didn't eat dinner until 9 p.m. — a plate of fried kidney beans and a chicken leg as a reward.

Born in a warm family with a harmonious family atmosphere, Jiajia has been obedient and sensible since childhood. Jiajia, whose parents are running around to make ends meet and go home once every two weeks, often needs to make do with herself before rushing back to school. Jiajia, who has an independent and strong personality and never spends money lavishly, is so sensible in Sun Yan's eyes that it makes people feel distressed.

My mother eliminated an old mobile phone with only 64G memory, and Jiajia used it for another 5 years. "She knew that it was not easy for her dad and I to get up early and work late to make money. She said that she wanted to change her mobile phone, but she didn't need to change it too well, just change it before going to college. Considering that laptops are essential when going to college, Jiajia also took the initiative to propose: "You don't need to change it too well, just use it a little bit." Sun Yan said that she had secretly made plans, "Before going to college, she will be given a mobile phone and laptop, within 10,000 yuan." ”

Now, Sun Yan's family faces a new challenge.

After the excitement of checking the scores, Jiajia quickly put all her energy into researching how to fill in the volunteers. "Yesterday (June 28) I was rummaging through the volunteer book and saw it was almost 10 o'clock. Today, I went out to listen to the lecture of the volunteer to fill in, and she listened to it wherever there was a class. Sun Yan said frankly that because her daughter's grades had been unsatisfactory, the family was not prepared to fill in the volunteers, and now, her daughter's results beyond the undergraduate line have made the whole family start to join a new "battle".

She really attaches great importance to it, and feels that it is not easy to get this score, and she doesn't want to waste it. To be honest, this grade is very embarrassing, and it is not easy to choose a good school in the province. Sun Yan said bluntly, "There is no specific goal yet, but the child insists on 'protecting the capital', and we have to discuss it together." ”

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