
Of the nine most disappointing attractions in the world, Germany is on the list

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Every city you visit is a must to visit the local places of interest and classics. But have you ever had the experience of visiting the site only to find out that the so-called hot spots are nothing more than that, and the expected spectacular scene has become a construction site, a busy street or a boring stone monument? platform has selected 9 of the most disappointing attractions from 83 popular attractions around the world, including one in Germany, so come and see if you've ever been.


London Eye, London, United Kingdom

London Eye, London, England

Of the nine most disappointing attractions in the world, Germany is on the list

The second highest Ferris wheel in Europe is located in England's capital London. The London Eye holds a proud 135 meters - which you can conquer in modern capsules to enjoy a unique view of the royal city. A special experience that should not be missed on a trip to London. At least that's the theory. In practice, many visitors are one thing above all else after the tour: disappointed. And around 40 euros go.

The second-tallest Ferris wheel in Europe is located in London, the capital of the United Kingdom. The modern cabin takes guests up to a height of 135 meters and offers a panoramic view of the royal city. In theory, this should be a must-see experience on a trip to London, but in reality many visitors feel disappointed after taking the flight. And also lost 40 euros.


Hollywood Walk of Fame, Los Angeles, USA

The Hollywood Walk of Fame,

Los Angeles, USA

Of the nine most disappointing attractions in the world, Germany is on the list

The sparkling world of stars and starlets in Hollywood is a real tourist magnet. If you're ever in Los Angeles, you also have the Walk of Fame on your itinerary. Once there, you walk from star to star - and sometimes realize that you have somehow imagined the place to be more exciting. At least that's how some visitors feel, if you believe the reviews. They think the place is overrated.

Hollywood's dazzling world of stars has a fatal attraction for tourists. A trip to Los Angeles is definitely a visit to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. There, one will walk along the stars – and then you will realize that the previous imagination of this place is too good. As you can tell from the reviews, at least some tourists think that this place is overrated.


Blue Lagoon Hot Springs, Reykjavik, Iceland

Blue Lagoon, Reykjavik, Iceland

Of the nine most disappointing attractions in the world, Germany is on the list

It is presented as THE epitome of wellness and relaxation - and yet it consists only of bright blue shining water, in which countless tourists often cavort together to get the best place in the water. The Blue Lagoon in Iceland is known far beyond the country's borders - and yet many holidaymakers only consider it an overpaid tourist attraction.

The Blue Lagoon is synonymous with wellness and relaxation – there is only the dazzling blue water, which is often crowded with tourists competing for the best spot in the water. Iceland's Blue Lagoon is famous – but ultimately seen by many tourists as a bad deal.


Less than Lian, Brussels, Belgium

Manneken Pis, Brussels, Belgium

Of the nine most disappointing attractions in the world, Germany is on the list

A little naked boy peeing in a fountain – so far, so unspectacular. And yet the Manneken Pis in Belgium's capital Brussels is considered one of the city's most important sights. The reason: The statue is now also considered a symbol of freedom of expression, spirit of resistance and democratic values. Nevertheless, many tourists are disappointed by the visit to the statue – because in the end you only see a little peeing boy.

A naked little boy peeing into a fountain - it's just that unremarkable. But Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is one of the city's most important attractions. Here's why: the statue is now also seen as a symbol of freedom of speech, the spirit of resistance and democratic values. Although many visitors are disappointed after seeing it, because people only see a little boy peeing.


Las Ramblas, Barcelona, Spain

Las Ramblas, Barcelona, Spain

Of the nine most disappointing attractions in the world, Germany is on the list

The notorious Las Ramblas gourmet and shopping mile in Barcelona regularly attracts crowds of visitors and locals. They stroll through the alleys, feast in the restaurants and let themselves be carried away by the colourful hustle and bustle in the Spanish metropolis. However, not every tourist seems to like this – some visitors apparently expected more and find the visit rather "overwhelming and exhausting".

The Las Ramblas, Barcelona's famous and notorious food shopping street, often attracts tourists and locals alike. They wander through the alleys, from restaurant to restaurant, and through the hustle and bustle of the Spanish metropolis. But it doesn't seem to be a fan of all visitors – some of them expressed disappointment, finding it "suffocating and exhausting".


Bronze statue of The Little Mermaid, Copenhagen, Denmark

The little Mermaid,

Copenhagen, Denmark

Of the nine most disappointing attractions in the world, Germany is on the list

The Little Mermaid not only inspires thousands on the big screen, but also the statue of the same name in Denmark's capital Copenhagen attracts numerous visitors. However, the statue, which has stood on the coast of the port town for more than 100 years, does not always cause enthusiasm. There are also numerous disappointed reactions in the reviews. Many consider it too small and the background overrated. Small consolation: The walk to the statue should be worthwhile.

Not only did The Little Mermaid captivate thousands of viewers on the movie screen, but the statue of the same name in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, also attracted many visitors. But the statue, which has been erected on the coast for more than 100 years, does not ignite everyone's enthusiasm. There are also many people who express disappointment. They thought it was too small, and the backstory was exaggerated. The only consolation: the walk to the statue is said to be worth the walk.


Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

Of the nine most disappointing attractions in the world, Germany is on the list

Visiting the Eiffel Tower is "not worth the time and effort". This is the harsh verdict of a visitor in the reviews. The French city of love and its world-famous landmark do not seem to sweep every tourist off their feet. On the contrary, the disappointment is relatively great, according to the net ratings. The main point of criticism: the long queue to visit the landmark, which can also be seen from other corners of the city.

"It's not worth the time and effort at all" to visit the Eiffel Tower, is a harsh assessment from one tourist. The love capital of France and its world-famous landmarks don't seem to please every tourist. If you look at it according to the evaluation of netizens, it seems that the proportion of disappointment is higher. The main point that has been complained about is that the queue to visit the Eiffel Tower is too long, and the Eiffel Tower can actually be seen from other corners of the city.


Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, Germany

Checkpoint Charlie,

Berlin, Germany

Of the nine most disappointing attractions in the world, Germany is on the list

Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin is a memorial to a long-gone reality of life in our capital. No wonder that many Berlin tourists flock to the historical monument day after day to see it. It's just a shame that many of them come with great expectations – and leave disappointed. Above all, the size of the monument causes confusion among many visitors, who imagined the checkpoint to be larger.

Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin is a memorial to the long-past realities of life in the German capital. So it's no surprise that there is an endless stream of tourists visiting this historical monument every day. It's just that many of them come in high spirits and return in disappointment. Mainly because many tourists are confused by the size of this checkpoint, which they imagine is larger than here.


Times Square, New York, USA

Time Square, New York, USA

Of the nine most disappointing attractions in the world, Germany is on the list

Strolling through Times Square in New York and sniffing the big city air – that's probably what many people dream of. Once there, however, disappointment often spreads: Instead of landing in a unique location, you quickly find yourself in the chaotic traffic of New York. No wonder that the attraction gets a particularly large number of disappointed reviews. Time Square is said to be "boring", "dirty" and drastically "overrated".

Perhaps many people dream of strolling past New York's Times Square and breathing in the air of the metropolis. But you're often disappointed when you arrive: you'll soon find out that it's not a great place, but in the middle of New York's chaotic traffic. It's no wonder that this attraction gets so many disappointing reviews. Times Square is often marked with terms like "boring", "dirty", and "more famous than real".


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