
From today, the service in China will be officially discontinued! Netizen: My youth has come to an end

author:Langya News Network

From June 30, 2024, the Kindle China e-book store will stop the cloud download service; Undownloaded eBooks will not be available for download and reading, and users will not be able to download the Kindle App from the app store. At the same time, Kindle customer service will also be discontinued.

From today, the service in China will be officially discontinued! Netizen: My youth has come to an end

According to the Amazon Kindle service account, Amazon has announced last year that it will stop the operation of the Kindle e-book store in China from June 30, 2023, and will not be able to purchase new e-books after that. For eBooks that have already been purchased, you can download them until June 30, 2024, and you can continue reading thereafter.

Amazon has established an extensive business base in China and will continue to innovate and invest. Amazon's business in China includes Amazon overseas shopping, Amazon global selling, Amazon advertising, cross-border e-commerce business including Amazon Global Logistics, Amazon Web Services, and Amazon intelligent hardware and services.

Many netizens commented, "Now I can really only cover instant noodles."

From today, the service in China will be officially discontinued! Netizen: My youth has come to an end
From today, the service in China will be officially discontinued! Netizen: My youth has come to an end

Problems related to the cessation of the operation of the Kindle e-book store in China

1. When will the Kindle China e-book store be closed, and will I not be able to buy books in the future?

The Kindle China e-book store will be open until June 30, 2023, after which you will not be able to purchase new books. Until June 30, 2024, you can continue to download the eBooks you have already purchased to your local device.

2. Will my Kindle e-reader still work? What about the books I have already purchased?

You can continue to use the Kindle eBook Reader to read the eBooks and personal documents you have downloaded. Until June 30, 2024, you can continue to download the eBooks you have already purchased to your local device.

3. Can I still download Kindle content from the cloud?

Until June 30, 2024, you can also continue to download Kindle content from the cloud. To ensure that you still have access to your content after that, please download all your eBooks and personal documents to your Kindle library.

4. Can I still use my Kindle app?

You can continue to use the Kindle app to read the eBooks you have already downloaded. After June 30, 2024, you will no longer be able to download the Kindle app from the App Store.

5. Can I still use my Kindle account?

You can continue to use your account to read your Kindle books and personal documents.

6. Can I still download Kindle content from the cloud?

Until June 30, 2024, you can also continue to download Kindle content from the cloud. To ensure that you still have access to your content after that, please download all your eBooks and personal documents to your Kindle library.

7. How do I download and back up Kindle books and personal documents in batches?

If you need to download content in bulk, you can use a browser to access [Manage My Content and Devices], select all the eBooks or personal documents you want to download (up to 200 items can be selected at a time) on the [Content] interface, click Send, and then select the device or Kindle app you want to send to in the pop-up window to transfer the purchased eBooks or personal documents to the selected Kindle device or Kindle APP.

If you need to back up your content in bulk, it is recommended that you download your Kindle content and save it to your PC's local hard drive at the same time. You can use USB to connect your device to the PC, then access the Kindle device on the PC, find and copy the corresponding eBook file to the local hard drive of the PC, and you can back up multiple eBooks at once (batch backup is only available for content downloaded to the Kindle e-reader).

Please note that when you log out, all downloaded Kindle books and personal documents will be erased. It is recommended that you keep your Kindle device and Kindle app logged in so that you can continue reading downloaded Kindle content.

8. Can I still use the Send to Kindle feature?

You can continue to use the Send to Kindle feature for one year after the closure of the Kindle China e-bookstore, i.e., until June 30, 2024.

9. My Kindle Unlimited membership has not expired, can I request a refund?

If your membership expires after June 30, 2023, we will refund you the portion of your membership fees that have not expired after June 30, 2023.

10. Can I return a Kindle book that I have already purchased?

There will be no change to the current Kindle book return policy.

11. Can I keep my previous notes and notes?

Your annotations and notes can be kept in your Kindle eBook.

12. Can I still read e-books using online translation, X-Ray, and quick flip books?

These reading features will not be affected.

13. Can I read Kindle books on other devices?

In addition to Kindle e-readers, you can also use the Kindle app on your phone or computer to read.

14. Does Kindle provide customer service after the Kindle e-book store closes?

Kindle customer service will be available until June 30, 2024. For questions about Kindle eBooks and e-readers, such as Kindle e-reader warranties and e-book invoice requirements, you can contact Kindle Customer Service by this date.

Source: Beijing News, Finance Associated Press, Metropolis Express

Editor: Little W

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