
Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu


"July 1st" is a glorious festival

has been deeply inscribed in

In the hearts of the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country.

It becomes popular with people every year

An important holiday to commemorate

It has also become a part of Chinese festival culture.

Panyu has a long history, rich historical and cultural resources, and many revolutionary sites, including Xian Xinghai's life exhibition hall, Zhidizhuang Anti-Japanese Battle Martyrs Monument, Truffle Primary School, He Xiaojing and He Hong's former residence of martyrs, and 15 red revolutionary sites determined by the Party History Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee.

The years flicked by the fingers,

With the approach of the "July 1st" Party Day,

Neighbors might as well have a go

About the trip of red memories,

After all, the knowledge in books,

How can you go and see the shock for yourself.

Today, Xiaofan brings you two red tourist routes

and Red Immersive Interactive Repertoire Recommended.

See the red heart and red heritage tour

East Route: Truffle Primary School→ Shalu Fort Park→ Shilou Daling Village (Daling Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Pavilion), → Lianhuashan Tourist Area (Lotus City)

West Front: Zhidizhuang Anti-Japanese Battle Martyrs Monument→ Xian Xinghai's Life Exhibition Hall→ Shawan Ancient Town (He Xiaojing, He Hong's former residence)

Eastern Front

Matsuro Elementary School

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

Truffle Primary School, located in Longbian Village, Shiqi Town, is the former site of the Panyu County Working Committee of the Communist Party of China. There is an exhibition of the revolutionary history of Panyu and Longbian Village, showing the history of the establishment and development of the Panyu County Working Committee of the Communist Party of China and the work of the anti-Japanese united front in Panyu.

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

Truffle Primary School in Long Bian Village was originally a village-run school. In February 1942, the party organization of the second detachment of Guangyou sent Zheng Dinian, a Communist Party member, to work in Longbian Village. Zheng used the Truffle Primary School as a base to mobilize the masses to carry out the work of the anti-Japanese united front and recruit progressive young people into the party organization. In the autumn and winter of that year, the Longbian Village Branch of the Communist Party of China was established. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, all the commissioners of the Communist Party of China in Yunan (Panyu) were stationed in Longbian Village. The Panyu County Working Committee of the Communist Party of China was established in December 1948 in Shiqi Longbian Village, and its organs were located in Truffle Primary School in Longbian Village, Shiqi Town. Zhou Jianfu, secretary of the county working committee and head of the organization department, is responsible for the work of northern and eastern Yu. The Panyu County Working Committee is under the leadership of the Pearl River Working Committee. The "Minyou Daily" founded by the Yunan Wugong Team was changed to the newspaper of the Panyu County Working Committee of the Communist Party of China, and a small radio station was set up in the Truffle Primary School.

The former site of the Panyu County Working Committee of the Communist Party of China (Truffle Primary School) was announced by the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government as a registered and protected cultural relics unit in Guangzhou in September 2005, and was announced as the Panyu District Patriotism Education Base by the Guangzhou Panyu District Committee of the Communist Party of China and the People's Government of Panyu District of Guangzhou in July 2008, and was announced as the Guangzhou Communist Party History Education Base by the Party History Research Office of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China in May 2017, and was announced as the Panyu District Party History Education Base by the Party History Research Office of the Panyu District Committee of the Communist Party of China in February 2021.

Sand Road Fort Park

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

The former site of Shalu Fort, located in Shalu Fort Park, Shating Village, Hualong Town, is a provincial-level cultural relics protection unit. The ruins of the fort group are composed of two adjacent hills, Binggang and Majiaogang, and there are 9 German-made Krupp breech gun pit ruins and 3 architectural remains. As an important position and facility of the urban defense and river defense system in modern Guangdong, the Shalu Fort is an important historical witness to the anti-aggression struggle and development history of the modern and modern times on the mainland.

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

According to historical records, the Shalu Fort was built in the tenth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1884 AD), when it was the Sino-French War, in order to consolidate the coastal defense and prevent foreign enemies from attacking Guangzhou, Zhang Zhidong, the then governor of Liangguang, built five fortress forts on Changzhou Island and on both sides of the Pearl River on both sides of the Yangtze River and Changzhou, Shalu, Yuzhu, Niushan, and Pinggang Dongshan. Shalu Fort is located on the south bank of the Pearl River, facing each other across the river from Cheung Chau, Yuzhu, Niushan and Pinggang Dongshan Forts, forming a situation of "five tigers capturing sheep" on the Pearl River, which together constitute an important line of defense for Guangzhou's urban defense.

The Sand Road Fort has been garrisoned since its construction until the end of the Sino-French War. In the twenties and thirties of the 20th century, some Whampoa Military Academy students were stationed here for training and repair. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Shalu Fort was blown up by the Japanese army, the gun body was disassembled and transported, and the bunker was destroyed. Fortunately, part of the buildings of the Shalu Fort still survived the Japanese artillery fire.

After more than 100 years of baptism of artillery fire and climatic and environmental factors, the cultural relics of the Shalu Fort have been seriously damaged, a large number of supporting facilities have collapsed or even been buried underground, the passages are blocked, and the grass is overgrown. After the renovation, 9 forts, 3 building remains, and related roads and drainage facilities were repaired by the end of 2020, and the gun pools, bomb points, tunnels, and roads were restored to their original appearance.

Shilou Daling Village

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

The Daling Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Pavilion is located in Daling Village, Shilou Town. During the period from the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, under the leadership of the Daling Township Branch and troops of the Communist Party of China, Daling Village actively carried out revolutionary activities. In order to express the deep memory of the martyrs, the Daling Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Pavilion was established.

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

During the period from the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in October 1938 to the defeat of Japanese imperialism in August 1945, the Communist Party of China successively led the Second Guerrilla Detachment in Guangzhou City and the Second Detachment of the Pearl River Column of the Guangdong People's Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Force to carry out victorious anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines in Panyu and other places. At that time, Daling Village was one of the many anti-Japanese guerrilla war strongholds behind enemy lines. The people of this stronghold, with the leadership of the Daling Township Branch of the Communist Party of China and the help of the troops, have actively carried out various anti-Japanese and national salvation activities, among which the activities of supporting the troops are the most numerous and the results are the most remarkable.

In May 1939, the Panyu Junjie Anti-Japanese Comrade Society was established in Dashi Liuchun Garden, and the people of Daling Village actively participated in the establishment of the Daling Township Branch of the Junjie Anti-Japanese Comrade Society. Chen Chao served as the director to carry out anti-Japanese propaganda and organize the people's anti-Japanese self-defense force. At the end of 1940, the general branch of the second Guangyou detachment of the Communist Party of China successively sent Communist Party members Liang Tie, Ma Qiusheng, Chen Fa and others into Daling Village to establish the Daling Village Party Branch of the Communist Party of China. Under the cover of carrying out anti-Japanese propaganda activities as teachers at Daling School, they organized mass organizations such as youth reading clubs and women's associations, strengthened leadership over the anti-Japanese self-defense forces, recruited advanced young people to join the Communist Party, and mobilized young people to join the army and participate in the war. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, dozens of young people from Daling Village participated in the Second Guangyou Detachment (the Second Detachment of the Later Pearl River Column). These comrades fought bravely in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and 14 of them died honorably on different battlefields.

In order to cherish the memory of these martyrs who died bravely for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the Shilou Town Government and the Daling Villager Committee built the Daling Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Pavilion in 1996. In July 2008, the Daling Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Pavilion was identified as the patriotic education base of Panyu District.

Lotus Mountain Tourist Area (Lotus City)

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

Lotus City, located in the Lianhuashan Tourist Area, a national 4A-level tourist attraction, is a provincial-level cultural relics protection unit and a coastal defense education base in Guangzhou. Far control Humen, close to the lion ocean, the terrain is dangerous, and it has the reputation of "the city defending the mountain". The ancient city wall is well preserved, and the exhibition halls and barracks are abundant. There are three exhibition halls, including the History Exhibition Hall, the Haiphong History Museum, and the Haiphong Modern Hall.

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

Lotus City was built in the third year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty (1664), which was a coastal defense fortress of the Qing Dynasty, which was used to resist the attacks of the southeast Japanese and Taiwan's Zheng anti-Qing and Ming forces, as well as to prevent internal and external collusion, witnessing the heavy disasters brought by the Opium War to the Chinese nation.

Lotus City is a legacy of the "sea ban" in the early Qing Dynasty. In 1661, Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty issued an edict to strictly order the southeastern coastal residents to move 50 nautical miles inward, away from the seaside, and implement a sea ban, so as to stop the collusion between the coastal residents and the Japanese and overseas anti-Qing and Ming restoration forces. At that time, Peng Xiang of Panyu Zhixian County apportioned materials and laborers to the two divisions of Tantang and Shawan to dismantle the bricks and stones, build the city walls, build piers, build barracks, and build the Lotus City on Lotus Mountain.

In 1841, the Governor of Liangguang, Qi Shan, and the British representative Yilu secretly discussed the "Nose Piercing Grass Treaty" here. As the best-preserved castle-style coastal defense fortress in Guangzhou, it has witnessed the beginning of China's modern history, demonstrated the fighting spirit of the Chinese nation to safeguard national sovereignty and national independence, and resist oppression and aggression.

After the restoration of the original appearance in 1983, the repair and reinforcement again in 2003 and the rich improvement of the tour content in the city, the Lotus City has also been renewed, and is now a cultural relics protection unit of Guangdong Province, a patriotic education base in Guangzhou City, and a coastal defense education base in Guangzhou.


Monument to the martyrs of the anti-Japanese battle in Zhijizhuang

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

The Monument to the Martyrs of the Anti-Japanese War in Zhidizhuang is located on the tart sand hill outside Zhidizhuang in Lirendong, Nancun Town. In order to commemorate the 48 martyrs including Wei Guoyao who died honorably in the battle of Zhidizhuang on July 26, 1944, the former Panyu County People's Committee established a monument and mausoleum here on October 13, 1956.

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

In July 1944, in order to develop the excellent situation of the anti-Japanese struggle and cooperate with the fighting of the Zhongshan and Shunde brothers, the second detachment of Guangyou decided to organize an attack on Shiqiao. On the one hand, the leaders of the brigade deployed reconnaissance of the city bridge, and on the other hand, they mobilized more than 250 people from the eastern front of southern Yu to assemble in the countryside north of the city bridge. On the evening of 24 July, after combat mobilization, the troops marched towards Shiqiao. During a typhoon and heavy rain, the main road north of the bridge was flooded and impassable, and the troops withdrew to Uejizhuang for concealment. Located 7 kilometers northwest of Shiqiao and adjacent to Liin-dong, Uejiso is a small village surrounded by mountains. The west of the village is Hulu Gang, Changgang, to the south is Tart Shagang, the east is Baihu Gang, Yanzi Gang, and behind is Songgang. The hill is covered with trees and wild plants, and the village is surrounded by dense bamboo forests, forming a barrier for the troops to hide. Just as the troops withdrew to Zhidizhuang to hide and wait for another attack, they were unexpectedly detected by traitor spies.

At dawn on July 26, more than 500 Japanese troops stationed in Shiliugang, a suburb of Guangzhou, rushed to surround Zhidizhuang. The leaders of the brigade immediately organized a separate breakout. Zheng Shaokang, Wei Guoyao, Huang Ping, Li Hai and other comrades respectively led the troops to transfer; The troops led by Comrade Wei Guoyao broke through to the southwest, and they fought and retreated; Squadron Leader He Dasheng led Zeng Jiu and a total of 8 people, with the cooperation of the Zhidizhuang militia and the masses, to use the terrain and features to flexibly organize firepower, skillfully maneuver with the enemy, and cover the troops to break through. It has repelled many frantic attacks of the Japanese army, effectively killed and wounded the enemy, and defended the village.

In the battle of Uejisho, more than 70 Japanese soldiers were killed and wounded, including 4 commanders. During the battle, the new Second Brigade of the Second Detachment sacrificed 48 people, including Captain Wei Guoyao, and wounded more than 20 people. The martyrs used their blood to write a glorious page of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in the southern region of Yunan.

The Monument to the Martyrs of the Anti-Japanese War in Zhidizhuang was announced as a cultural relics protection unit in Guangzhou by the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government in August 1993, as a patriotic education base in Panyu District by the Panyu District Committee and Panyu District People's Government of Guangzhou City in July 2008, as a CPC history education base in Guangzhou by the Party History Research Office of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China in October 2013, and as a CPC history education base in Panyu District by the Party History Research Office of the Panyu District Committee of the CPC in February 2021.

Xian Xinghai's life exhibition hall

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

Xian Xinghai's life exhibition hall, located in Panyu Museum, is currently the largest exhibition of Xian Xinghai's life and deeds in China, vividly reproducing the great life of the people's musician Xian Xinghai. The museum is equipped with infrared focused sound technology, and when the audience walks into the listening area, the shocking "Yellow River Cantata" will automatically sound.

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

The exhibition hall of Xian Xinghai's life was built to commemorate the centenary of Xian Xinghai's birth and was officially opened to the public on June 13, 2005. With an exhibition area of more than 3,000 square meters, Xian Xinghai's life exhibition hall is currently the largest Xian Xinghai life exhibition hall in China.

The content of the exhibition is based on Xian Xinghai's life trajectory and the immortal music he created, reproducing Xian Xinghai's great life. It is divided into six parts: "The Sea of Starry Night", "Struggle for Music", "Roar for the Nation", "The Banner of the New Music Movement", "The Soul of the Motherland", and "The Musical Giant of the Times".

These 6 parts cover more than 200 popular songs, 4 choruses, 2 operas, 2 symphonies, 4 symphonic suites, 1 symphonic poem, 1 orchestral rhapsody, etc., composed by Xian Xinghai at different times in his life.

The exhibition hall adopts advanced focused sound technology, as well as multimedia touch screens, language guide machines and other equipment, through which visitors can consult Xian Xinghai's life, chronology, works and other materials.

Shawan Ancient Town (Former Residence of He Xiaojing and He Hong Martyrs)

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

The former residences of He Xiaojing and He Hong martyrs are located in Shawan Ancient Town, a national 4A-level tourist attraction, and are municipal-level cultural relics protection units. There is a "Shawan Red Culture Exhibition", which displays the history of the martyrs' families, the life deeds of the martyrs, the history of the Shawan Revolution, the family style and family motto of Shawan, etc., and vividly tells the touching stories of the revolutionary martyrs.

Follow the historical footprints and feel the red Panyu

He Xiaojing (1921-1941), formerly known as He Xueqing, also known as He Xiaojing, graduated from Shawan Deming Primary School in his early years, and later studied in Guangzhou Vocational School Middle School. At the end of 1936, He Xiaojing participated in the youth group of the Guangzhou Art Association Troupe led by the Guangdong Underground Party. In Guangzhou Tianzi Wharf, Long Causeway New Reclamation, Henan Dajitou and other places, Chang He Xiaojing and his youth group performed street plays such as "Put Down Your Whip" and "Since 918". In 1938, He Xiaojing served as the deputy captain of the First Brigade of the Guangzhou Youth Anti-Enemy Vanguard. In the summer of the same year, He Xiaojing was transferred to work in Foshan Dali Social Education Experimental Zone. In November, He Xiaojing became a member of the Communist Party. In 1939, He Xiaojing was transferred to work in the Political Work Corps of the 12th Group Army in Shaoguan. After the Southern Anhui Incident in 1941, He Xiaojing firmly carried out the party's tasks, and was unfortunately arrested and imprisoned. In the winter of the same year, He Xiaojing was killed in Furong Mountain, Shaoguan, and was only 20 years old when he died.

He Hong (1926-1945), formerly known as He Xuehong, He Xiaojing's younger sister. In the spring of 1938, He Hong participated in the Youth League organized by the Guangdong Provincial Education Experimental Zone to carry out anti-Japanese propaganda work. In April 1939, he went to Shaoguan Normal School to study, actively participated in the student movement led by the party, and played an important role in the children's drama "Children Without the Motherland" and "The Last Lesson". In 1942, He Hong joined the Communist Party of China. In the winter of 1944, He Hong joined the Lu Xun Art Propaganda Team of the Political Department of the Dongjiang Column. In August 1945, He Hong marched into northern Guangdong with Wang Zuoyao and Yang Kanghua's troops, and when he passed through the border of Shixing and Nanxiong on the way, he was hidden and hospitalized on the spot due to illness, was tracked and searched by the enemy, and was tragically killed, and was only 19 years old when he died.

The former residence of He Xiaojing and He Hong martyrs was built in the late Qing Dynasty, the whole is a brick and wood structure, it is one of the relatively complete traditional "three rooms and two corridors" courtyard houses in Shawan, and it is the place where the revolutionary martyrs He Xiaojing and He Hong sisters were born and lived when they were young. It has been included in the list of revolutionary cultural relics in Guangdong Province, Guangzhou Municipal Cultural Relics Protection Unit, Panyu District CPC History Education Base, and Panyu District Red Revolution Site. It has been renovated according to the original appearance and turned into a "red culture exhibition hall" to display the life of the martyrs and the red history of Shawan, family customs and family mottos.

Bay Area Film and Television City's "Red Cotton Tree under the Party" red immersive interactive repertoire

Panyu is a hot land

It is engraved with many red imprints

"July 1st" Party Founding Day

In the footsteps of the revolution

Look for red memories

Take a "red journey through time"

Source: Honest Panyu, Civilized Panyu

Panyu Financial Media and Guangzhou Panyu released previous issues

Panyu District National Archives, Panyu Party Building

Panyu Museum, Bay Area Film and Television City

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