
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

author:Shanghai Jiading
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)


Sending you a cool

Recently, the first batch of lotus flowers in Jiading quietly bloomed

Green lotus cover green water

Hibiscus is dressed in red and fresh ......

It is opened on the aesthetic point of Jiading people

It also shows the spirit of the city

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Purple gas comes to the park

Purple air comes to the lotus pond in the park

Patches of emerald green lotus leaves are clustered with delicate flowers

It's like a vivid picture

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Under the breeze

The surface of the water ripples

The reflection of the lotus flower reflects each other, like a dream

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Punch-in address

Flower viewing address: Tianzhu Road Shengxin Road intersection

Admission: Free

Public transportation: Rail Transit Line 11 (Baiyin Road Station), Jiading 14 Road (Tianzhu Road Yongsheng Road Station)

Jiading New City Lotus Base

In Jiading New City Lotus Base

Lotus flowers and lotus leaves sway in the wind

There was a rustling sound

It's like a symphony of nature

It makes people feel the tranquility and beauty of early summer

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

The petals of the lotus flower have a faint pink color

Like a girl's cheeks, shy and beautiful

Golden stamens dot the dots

It adds a touch of beauty

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Punch-in address

Address: 3000-2 Hot Spring Road (150 meters southwest)

Admission: Free (9:00-17:00)

Public transportation: Jiading 6 Road (Shengxin Road Hongde Road Station, walk 750 meters)

Liuyun Lake

On the shore of Liuyun Lake, lotus flowers are in full bloom

Each one is picturesque

Delicate petals and graceful figures

It forms a moving picture

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

The beauty of the lotus flower is not only in the "face"

It is more in its spirit of "getting out of the mud without staining".

They are rooted in the sludge

But it can bloom pure and immaculate flowers

This tenacity and noble quality

It is the unique charm of lotus flowers

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

On the shore of Liuyun Lake, high-rise buildings stand in a lake, and lotus flowers become the most beautiful window view for residents, and also witness the development and changes of the city

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

They are in an elegant posture

Bloom quietly

Sprinkle wisps of fragrance in all directions

It brings a different kind of vitality and vitality to this land

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Stroll along the lakeside promenade

It is as if you are in a sea of lotus flowers

The lotus flowers are slender and intoxicating

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Punch-in address

Flower viewing address: Haoxiang Road Fanglin Road intersection

Admission: Free

Public transportation: Jiading 125 Road (Fanglin Road Yanlu Road Station)

Shanghai Automobile Expo Park

The drizzle hits the lotus, and the water is quiet like a dream

In the summer rainy season, lotus flowers bloom in a variety of ways

Or in full bloom

Or with buds to be stored between lotus leaves

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

On the riverside in the afternoon, the smoke and rain are hazy

The dew on the lotus is scorching like a pearl

A dense curtain of rain fell

The water rippled

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Raindrops dance on the lotus leaves

Gather into a piece of mercury

Until the lotus leaves are overwhelmed

A clear wave poured down, with a unique sound

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Punch-in address

Address: 7575 Boyuan Road

Admission: Free

Public transportation: Jiading 116 Road (Boyuan Road Moyu South Road Station)

Jiabei Country Park

The summer breeze blows, and the wisps of fragrance are .....

These days

The lotus flowers in Jiabei Country Park are gradually in full bloom

Bring out the most wonderful colors of the season

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

The jasper-like lotus leaves are spread out in large areas

Emerald green cascading on top of each other

Pink, white, red

Each color of the flower 恬淡挺立

Graceful and quiet, poetic and picturesque

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Pink lotus flowers and green lotus leaves

Aiei Seiju

The summer atmosphere is instantly full

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Punch-in address

Flower viewing address: No. 5051 Huyi Highway

Admission: Free

Public transportation: Jiading No. 21, No. 55, No. 57, No. 61 (Pengmen Center Road Station, Huyi Highway)

Xincheng Park

Lotus pond after rain

The green leaves are like washing, and the emerald color is dripping

Heavy rain for a few days

But the lotus flowers are blooming more and more

The fragrance is overflowing

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

The wind blows through the lotus leaves, and the water droplets are lightly sprinkled

Dewdrops dot the tips of the flowers

Like jade beads dripping emerald

Approaching the lotus pond

The aroma is overflowing and refreshing

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Lotus flower after being baptized by rain

Elegant and tenacious

Fresh with power

It's like a gentleman's style

Independent of the world, elegant and refined

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Punch-in address

Address: No. 335, Tacheng East Road (near Hezheng Road)

Admission: Free

Public transportation: Jiading 5 Road (Tacheng East Road and Zheng Road Station)

Jiangshangqiao Cultural Park

It hasn't come out yet

The protagonist of summer - lotus

Can't wait to make the debut

The fragrance of light lotus is overflowing in Jiading

A thousand postures, a thousand styles

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Flower bones with buds waiting to be released

It is set off with the dark green lotus leaves of the fields

Swaying between the sky and water

Add a touch of beauty to your summer days

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

"The moonlight boat flute is uneven, and the wind sets the pond lotus and is fragrant"

"The lotus flower is deep in the field leaves, and the leaves are newborn and tilian"



Recite the poems of the ancients and enjoy the beauty of the flowers

In the reminiscence of the past

The profound cultural heritage of this elegant ancient city

There is a new realization

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

Punch-in address

Address: No. 2888 Cao'an Highway

Admission: Free

Public transportation: Rail Transit Line 14 (Lexiu Road Station Exit 1), Jiading 65 Road (Cao'an Highway Jinyuan 1st Road Station), Jiading 129 Road (Huangjiahuayuan Road Haibo Road Station)

At the moment, Jiading is full of lotus rhyme

Grab your camera

Capture them in beautiful form

Click to enjoy the flowers↓

Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (1)

Correspondents: Huang Liu, Lu Yuqin, Jiang Yichao, Zhou Hong, Yang Chenwei, Dong Hong

Photo: Li Qi

Editor: Xu Yu

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Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)
Report! The first wave of lotus flowers this summer has bloomed (2)

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