
After the age of fifty, the best way to enrich yourself: stop

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

I don't know if you have noticed that many plants know how to adapt to nature.

Late at night, the clover will close its leaves and sleep well; water lilies, which will close the petals to prevent frostbite; The acacia tree, at dusk, gathers its feather-like leaves.

The orange trees, apple trees, and tea oil trees in my hometown are also divided into large and small years, and last year was fruitful, but this year's harvest is much less. This is the fruit tree "resting" in preparation for the next year's harvest.

It turns out that life is one by one, and if you keep rushing forward, it will be too much.

Our life seems to be long, but in fact, there are only two periods of the first half of our life and the second half of our lives.

If you want to live happily, you should open yourself in the first half of your life and close yourself in the second half of your life.

I deeply believe that after the age of fifty, the best way to enrich yourself is to "stop".

After the age of fifty, the best way to enrich yourself: stop


Career stops, leave a piece of money, retirement.

After thirty or forty years of work, I'm really tired. But if you don't work, the cost of living is a big problem.

There are always people who think that they have to work all their lives, otherwise they will fall into difficulties in life.

A smart person, after the age of fifty, will definitely arrange retirement.

With a pension and some savings in hand, the rest of your life will be much better. I didn't work, but I enjoyed the fruits of my work.

Of course, having a house is even better. The house can be a little smaller, but it's warm, so you don't have to be fenced out and you don't have to worry about being evicted by the landlord.

No matter how good your career is, you will eventually lose it. It's better to start from now on, save money and leave pension money. A low-profile life will allow you to live nobly for the rest of your life.


Socialize and stay a little lonely and recuperate.

I've seen a lot of people shouting "I want to exercise" while going to drink and socialize.

Drinking alcohol hurts the body, this is a truth that everyone in the world knows.

What's even more sad is that you are always socializing and mingling around, and your time is not free and wasted.

Dealing with people is troublesome and can also make you tired.

After the age of fifty, you step back in your career, and social interaction becomes less important.

Too many people look like friends, but they are really not friends, just friends of interest, or hypocritical people are calling you "friends".

Learn to be alone, you have time to exercise, and you can also read. It's just that you don't do anything, stay alone, look at the scenery outside the window, and relax yourself.

Tell the people around you, sorry, I missed you. After telling you three or four times, people will naturally not continue to invite you.

After the age of fifty, the best way to enrich yourself: stop


Stop in love, leave a wife, and raise affection.

In the era of free love, there are many divorced people.

There are also some people whose marriage can't survive, so the couple decides to go through the divorce procedures when the child graduates from college.

There are also some people who bravely marry for the second or third time until they find true love.

What is true love?

Yishu said: "People love some people, and they marry others. ”

Zhu Deyong said: "When you want to get married, you can't meet a good partner; When you meet a good partner, you want to be a bachelorette again. ”

Come to think of it, true love is an illusory feeling. At the end of the day, there will be some regrets.

No matter who you have loved, or who has walked into the depths of your heart at the moment, remember to stop, and then cherish the wife around you.

You also have to understand that the quarrel between husband and wife is fundamentally for the sake of the better family business, and they care about each other, and they must not be separated at the beginning.

The only person who can nourish your emotional world is your wife. If you don't believe it, wait until you're too old to walk, and then look at it.

Who wants to accompany you for free? Maybe the children don't want to. My wife is old, but she still takes care of you.


Parenting stops, leave a foot away, and nurture the relationship.

Don't continue to subsidize your children. They've grown up, and you should let them fly.

Family relationships, at this time, have changed a lot. You should see that society has to change dynasties, and the same is true for families.

A generation of new people replace the old people, how can the old people always be there?

Before, we controlled everything for our children, forcing them to become talents, find jobs, etc. Later, we obeyed our children, wandering, taking children, and being in our hometown.

When you and I are in good health, watch your children from afar, and then arrange your own life. Each other is at ease, and it is also the love of each other.

Two generations have become two families, and the real parents are their children.

It turns out that it smells far away and smells near. Parents who can let go get more love from their children and handle family relationships well.

After the age of fifty, the best way to enrich yourself: stop


Desire stops, leave a calm, nourishing the heart.

There is a terrible phenomenon in man: the old desires are realized, like a broom, thrown in the corner; New desires are born, like eating salt to quench thirst.

Ibsen said, "What is the first vocation of life? The answer is, be yourself. ”

Be led by desire, and you will go to the abyss.

Stop and see what you have gained, what you have lost, what you are destined not to get, and what you are dispensable.

If you don't get it, it doesn't matter, watching from a distance and appreciating it is also a gesture.

If you get it, cherish it and enjoy it slowly, so that you can truly be worthy of your efforts.

Take care of your mood and there will be light in your eyes. When you look at anything, you will find beauty, and whoever you look at, it is very natural, it does not tend to be inflammatory, and it does not belittle the poor.

Emperor Kangxi said: "If people's hearts are weak, what they learn will advance, and if they are profitable, they will learn to retreat." ”

To free up the place of the mind, it is not perfect, but there is the beauty of blankness. Like a breeze blowing, it leaves no traces.


"The river is endless, and life is not endless": stop, not decadence, in order to start better.

After the age of fifty, there is a feeling that "time flies".

Luo Zhenyu said: "When you should be riding a rocket, you should have changed to walking, which is longevity." ”

Yes, the rest of your life is expensive, and you don't know how to support yourself, so you take the money and work hard, but you are always poor.

Take the initiative to get rid of the cage of life, let go of desires, unload fatigue, and walk off the altar, people have returned to a low place, but the spirit is more noble.

Look at you, gray hair, crow's feet, dull skin, it's time to regulate for a while.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.