
Extreme words, traffic leads to war, how can you match the word scholar! Liu Jixing: It's wrong to beat people, but except in Japan

author:Yu said that he was still resting
Extreme words, traffic leads to war, how can you match the word scholar! Liu Jixing: It's wrong to beat people, but except in Japan

On June 25, Liu Jixing, who labeled himself as a "Shanxi writer and scholar of literature and history," commented on the topic of "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Response to the Attack on Japanese Citizens in Suzhou": "It is wrong for anyone to hit someone, except for Japan."

Liu Jixing, who is it? The online entry says: "...... Writer, historical researcher, literary and historical writer, media person, president of Shanxi Provincial Administrative Division and Geographical Names Society, famous blogger, cultural industrialist".

As a so-called "writer and scholar" who plays with the pen, Liu Jixing's comment is obviously an extreme rhetoric.

However, this scholar seems to be extremely "exquisite" in his choice of words, or "slippery" - first, he described the topic of "Japanese citizens attacked in Suzhou" as "beating people"; Second, he expressed the "beating people" mentioned in the first half of the sentence to the general country of "fighting Japan" later, rather than the specific "beating the Japanese."

Such a play on words, although it shows the cleverness of this "scholar's" expression, his extreme words and extreme thinking are still "Sima Nan's heart - everyone knows"; Oh, no, it's "Sima Zhao's Heart".

First of all, this vicious incident, the official has said that it is "accidental", but this "scholar" Liu Jixing, when commenting, led to "beating people and fighting Japan" - this kind of "nonsense" itself is irrationally leading to the crooked place, and the purpose of using this extreme rhetoric is obviously to lead the war to traffic, and he has indeed achieved it - now, the whole network is spreading his comment, but in the end, the diversion burned, maybe this "literati scholar" did not expect, right?

Extreme words, traffic leads to war, how can you match the word scholar! Liu Jixing: It's wrong to beat people, but except in Japan
Extreme words, traffic leads to war, how can you match the word scholar! Liu Jixing: It's wrong to beat people, but except in Japan

On the Internet, on the topic of China and Japan, there are not a few extreme words like Liu Jixing who are used for traffic luring - and they have also gained traffic and "leeks", and most of them have made a lot of money.

Regarding "anti-Japanese", it is obvious to understand that we hate the Japanese invaders who massacred tens of millions of Chinese; At the same time, the object of our "anti-Japanese" is the remnants of Japanese militarism, which have always been unapologetic and introspective for the history of aggression, and all Chinese should always resolutely oppose it and fight against it to the end!

However, it is obvious that the fact that we have and uphold such a historical outlook and reality does not mean that the normal exchanges between China and Japan and the friendly people-to-people exchanges have the "original sin" and should be regarded as "flattering and pro-Japan".

"Anti-Japanese" does not mean opposing everything in Japan, let alone the other way around, to overthrow everything in Japan, still less opposing the Japanese indiscriminately, let alone inflicting "violent acts"!

As a "literati scholar", does Liu Jixing really not even have such a realistic view of history and reality? In fact, it is not credible - therefore, such a scholar is using extreme words on the Internet to attract traffic for profit, and it is not "guessing with the worst malice".

Now, more and more so-called "traffic patriotic performance artists" are emerging, which makes the "online patriotic performance business" circle also seem very involuted - for example, Liu Jixing, the so-called "scholar", himself once posted:

"My younger brother Liu Xingliang has also been talking about new quality productivity in various places these days, which is the same as the theme of my son Liu Dian's speech. Xingliang has released 21 books, but the book of new quality productivity has made Liu Dian come out first, and this is Liu Dian's 6th book. For the time being, I am the champion of my family's book publishing, and I have published 43 books. Xingliang was the runner-up, Liu Dian also entered the top three, and the Liu family compound was very competitive in science and technology and culture, and it was quite rolled."

Extreme words, traffic leads to war, how can you match the word scholar! Liu Jixing: It's wrong to beat people, but except in Japan


And Liu Dian and his uncle Liu Xingliang both participated in the "Lvliang Lecture Hall Speech" - So, what is the origin of this lecture hall? According to the introduction of the "Lvliang Lecture Hall" by "Lvwang Financial Media":

"As the organizer of this event, Lvliang Mobile actively invites the party members and leading cadres of the city's municipal organs and important customers of the company to work together."

I don't know if you thought at this time that not long ago, Zhang Weiwei's class fee of 180,000 yuan for a class was revealed, and the institution that paid for it was the state-owned enterprise "China Mobile"! ——It seems that the involution of the literati of the Liu family is inextricably linked with Zhang Weiwei.

Some people may say, "Can't you do patriotic business?" Do you want to do a business that hates the country? ”

In fact, the so-called "patriotic business", the "patriotism" in it, is not patriotic in the real sense, but just a kind of "mouth patriotic", these people just use some extreme and irrational patriotic words to create ethnic division and tearing, the real purpose is just the traffic and the interests behind it! Therefore, this is not a real and sincere patriotic word and deed, but purely a means of traffic business!

In the past, there were Sima Nan, Chen Ping, Lu Qiyuan and other "traffic patriotic performance artists", and they had already "become famous" one by one, and their pockets were bulging; Later, Liu Jixing, Liu Dian, Liu Jiliang and other well-known "traffic patriotic business" families continued to join.

Extreme words, traffic leads to war, how can you match the word scholar! Liu Jixing: It's wrong to beat people, but except in Japan
Extreme words, traffic leads to war, how can you match the word scholar! Liu Jixing: It's wrong to beat people, but except in Japan

At the same time, there are more "Mao Xinghuo" like Sima Nan as his teacher - he even shouted many times "If you can't sue the writer Mo Yan, you will use violent means" Yunyun.

It can be seen that such "traffic patriotic businessmen" have the characteristics of "non-shocking and endless" words, they just want to use the extreme, even extreme expression of words, to earn eyeballs, attract attention, win traffic, and earn soft!

The reason why such "traffic liars" make the business of "touching porcelain and patriotism" more and more involved is not how smart and clever they are, but that there is a problem with our education and training, cognitive system, and thinking soil!

"It's not that there are too many scammers, but that there are not enough fools", think about it: why is it that we are the most popular place for MLMs, and the most people are deceived by MLMs? Also, why are we the most deceived group in the world's telecom fraud? The answer will be self-explanatory!

Why do so-called "scholars" like Liu Jixing dare to throw out their extreme "attack Japan" rhetoric? It is because of such a speech and audience environment - such a discourse, although it is obviously extreme, but there are many followers, and "leeks" are cut one after another, and they can still "blow and grow in the spring breeze".

Moreover, this is still a field of "politically correct" security speech, so Liu Jixing, a self-proclaimed scholar, dared to express it so irrationally and extremely.

Extreme words, traffic leads to war, how can you match the word scholar! Liu Jixing: It's wrong to beat people, but except in Japan

However, such an extreme "traffic patriotic performing arts business", after such a reverse "hundred flowers bloom", the evil result will be that a group of brainwashed lawless people will run rampant on the Internet, which will not only produce hype events such as "soaking urine on the sun", but also produce greater evil consequences - just like Liu Jixing's guidance of "except for fighting Japan", in reality, we will see the evil results planted by this discourse, and bear the "flower of evil" that "harms others and is not beneficial to ourselves"!

But Liu Jixing, don't stop "people who pretend to be asleep will never wake up" - you must know that the "rabble" created in this way will eventually backfire you, as well as our society and country! [Original Comment: Yu Says It's Closed]

Extreme words, traffic leads to war, how can you match the word scholar! Liu Jixing: It's wrong to beat people, but except in Japan
Extreme words, traffic leads to war, how can you match the word scholar! Liu Jixing: It's wrong to beat people, but except in Japan

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