
On the third anniversary of the birth of the "heart", the patient of the artificial heart implantation of the provincial people's doctor said: "Thank you for the 'Chinese heart'"!

author:Litchi News

"In the blink of an eye, I have regained the 'heart' for three years, thanks to the team of director Shao Yongfeng of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital for implanting me with the 'Chinese heart', it is your superb medical skills and selfless dedication that allow me to embrace life again, defeat the disease, and stand the sun again" On June 29, in the hall on the 8th floor of the new building of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital (the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University and Jiangsu Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital), "rejuvenate the 'heart' and compose a beating 'heart' of life—— At the press conference on the third anniversary of the successful launch of the artificial heart in the Department of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, Mr. Liu, a patient who was implanted with the first artificial heart in Jiangsu and the first domestic artificial heart "implantable magnetic levitation ventricular assist device", sighed in the video. Three years ago, he underwent artificial heart surgery to rejuvenate his life, and since then, a total of 32 patients with end-stage heart failure have been "restarted" because of the implantation of artificial hearts.

On the third anniversary of the birth of the "heart", the patient of the artificial heart implantation of the provincial people's doctor said: "Thank you for the 'Chinese heart'"!

At the event, more than 10 artificial heart implant patients from around Jiangsu Province wore uniform customized T-shirts and "went home", and doctors and patients gathered together to share joy and hearts, and tell touching stories about the hope of "heart".

Thank you "China Heart"! 32 patients "restarted their lives" in three years

"Today, I came to the Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital with great gratitude, and saw the familiar Chief Physician Shao Yongfeng, Deputy Chief Physician Sun Haoliang, Deputy Chief Physician Zhang Wei and the nurses who once took care of me. At the event, Mr. Chen, 41 years old, spoke as a patient representative, and he said emotionally that he had been tormented by heart failure for nearly ten years, and went to many hospitals for treatment, but the treatment effect was not good, "In December last year, my condition continued to worsen, and I could no longer get out of bed and move, and I could only stay in bed and take oxygen every day. As the pillar of the family, looking at my old mother and two underage sons under my knees, I have only one thought in my mind: I want to live! ”

Mr. Chen said that through the introduction, he was admitted to the Department of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, during which he was in critical condition and brushed shoulders with death many times, and finally Director Shao Yongfeng's team successfully implanted an artificial heart for him, "Now I am almost the same as a normal person, I used to walk 200 meters to rest, but now I can walk for half an hour without any problem, and I can finally take a big breath of fresh air and embrace my new life again!" Mr. Chen's heartfelt words resonated with the patients and their families at the scene.

On the third anniversary of the birth of the "heart", the patient of the artificial heart implantation of the provincial people's doctor said: "Thank you for the 'Chinese heart'"!

In addition to Mr. Chen, a special patient was also connected by video - 12-year-old Yunyun from Yili Prefecture, Xinjiang. It is understood that previously, Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, as an export hospital, carried out operations for heart disease patients in Yili Prefecture Friendship Hospital under the guidance and help of Jiangsu Province's counterpart support Xinjiang Yili Prefecture Forward Command and Yili Prefecture Health Commission, and Yunyun was one of them. In mid-June, Professor Shao Yongfeng's team successfully performed artificial heart implantation surgery for Yunyun in Xinjiang, and he was also the youngest child among the 32 surgeries. "I've eaten more today than yesterday, and you're going to come and see me sometime!" In the connection, Yunyun, who was sitting on the hospital bed and recognized the nurse sister in the team at a glance, said with a smile.

"We have performed artificial heart implants for a total of 32 patients, and overall, the surgeries have been very successful, and seeing so many patients on site today are all red and in good spirits, and I am really happy for them as a medical worker," said Professor Shao Yongfeng, Director of the Department of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery at Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital.

On the third anniversary of the birth of the "heart", the patient of the artificial heart implantation of the provincial people's doctor said: "Thank you for the 'Chinese heart'"!

As the doctor in charge after surgery, Zhang Wei, deputy chief physician of the Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Intensive Care Unit, also felt the feelings. He said: "I remember the first case of surgery on July 1, 2021, and I also remember the second case, the third case, and the 32nd case today, we expanded from our headquarters in Nanjing to the whole country including Anhui, Chongqing, Wuxi, Yili and other places, and did one case after another. I hope that everyone will have a strong heart, take a journey of life, and enjoy the flowers of life along the way. Zhang Wei said.

Heart-stirring! Purely domestic artificial hearts bring hope to patients with heart failure

It is understood that ventricular assist devices are internationally recognized means of heart failure treatment, and about 8,000 cases of left ventricular assist device implantation are performed every year in the world, "the demand for ventricular assist devices in China is also more than 10,000 sets of annual demand", Professor Shao Yongfeng introduced, in the past three years, the Department of Cardiac and Vascular Surgery has used three implantable magnetic-liquid suspension ventricular assist devices, which can effectively provide support and help for heart failure patients after implantation in the human body, "Our equipment is all domestic, Its implantation is equivalent to installing an active heart 'pump' for the patient's own heart, which assists or replaces the pumping function of the real heart through the working principle of the 'pump', so that the heart can get 'rest', and also ensures the purpose of perfusion of important organs such as brain, kidney, liver, etc. ”

On the third anniversary of the birth of the "heart", the patient of the artificial heart implantation of the provincial people's doctor said: "Thank you for the 'Chinese heart'"!

Director Shao told reporters that heart failure is the terminal stage of heart disease development, and for most patients with heart failure, the life-saving treatment plan is to carry out heart transplantation and artificial heart implantation. "There are currently at least 10 million heart failure patients in the mainland, and only about 700 heart transplants are performed each year. Due to the scarcity of donors and the difficulty of surgical operations, many patients with heart failure unfortunately pass away after waiting for a donor for a long time. The popularization of artificial heart implantation surgery will bring new hope to these patients. Professor Shao Yongfeng said.

Professor Ding Qiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, said that in the process of creating a national medical center with distinctive characteristics, Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital wants to build a "destination hospital" with complete subspecialties, leading technology, excellent quality and warm service, "Destination hospital, that is, patients can solve problems when they arrive here, and there will be no more doubts. "In the past three years, 32 patients have been reborn due to artificial hearts, which is inseparable from the advanced medical equipment created by the combination of medicine and engineering, and at the same time, it is also inseparable from the practice of the medical workers of our provincial people's medical staff. In the future, we will continue to devote ourselves to the research and application of artificial hearts, and continue to explore new technologies and methods to bring hope to patients with end-stage heart disease. Secretary Ding said.

On the third anniversary of the birth of the "heart", the patient of the artificial heart implantation of the provincial people's doctor said: "Thank you for the 'Chinese heart'"!

On the same day, the public welfare painting exhibition from Jiangsu Second Normal University with the theme of "heart" and "rebirth" also attracted the participants to stop...... At the end of the event, Professor Shao Yongfeng's medical team, artificial heart patients and family members blew out the birthday candle with the number "3" to celebrate the third anniversary of the birth of the "heart".

(Jiangsu News Broadcasting/Zhang Zuming Correspondent/He Yutian, Chen Xiaochen, Zhu Lili, Editor/Zhao Mengyan)

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