
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held

author:Lao Feng looked at Shanxi

On June 30, the 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross Country Running Race was grandly opened in Yanmen Pass, the "first pass in China", and nearly 1,000 warriors from all over the country gathered together to appreciate the style of this historic "first pass in China".

The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held

The 2024 Yanmen Pass Supercross Race is hosted by the People's Government of Dai County and the Xinzhou Sports Bureau, undertaken by the Dai County Sports Development Center, co-organized by the Capital Media Running Group, Dai County Tourism Development and Investment Co., Ltd., Shanxi Yanmen Wang Liquor Co., Ltd., and Dai County Running and Hiking Association, and operated by Huajian Sports Event Development (Shanxi) Co., Ltd.

Wang Lin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Huajian Sports Group, Cui Zhengling, Member of the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Acting County Party Committee, Jia Lingxiang, Deputy Mayor of Xinzhou City and Deputy Chairman of the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Democratic League, Sun Shaobo, Chairman of the Shanxi Mountaineering and Outdoor Association, Liu Jiang, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Xinzhou Sports Bureau, Zhang Zhijie, Deputy Secretary of the Acting County Party Committee and County Magistrate, Jia Pinghua, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee, Wang Yong, Founder of the Capital Media Running Group and China Marathon Person of the Year, and Xie Zhigang, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Deputy County Magistrate, attended the opening ceremony.

The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held

Zhang Zhijie, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate of Dai County, said in his speech that this event aims to respond to the call of the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China to "travel with the event", promote the deep integration of "sports + tourism", and invite friends from all over the country to enter Dai County and understand Dai County.

The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held

On the day of the race, the sky was clear, and the runners rushed out of the starting line with enthusiasm and stepped on this land full of historical charm. The competition is divided into elite challenge group, public experience group, and parent-child entertainment group, starting from Yanmen Wang Wine Castle, through the scenic area, climbing the Great Wall, admiring the historic sites, running on the rolling ridges and alpine meadows, and enjoying the magnificent mountains and rivers of Yanmen Pass. The contestants stepped on the thousand-year-old road, shuttled between historical sites, and felt the grandeur and magnificence of Yanmen Pass, which made a wonderful supercross race.

The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held

At the same time, the competition also set up a wealth of cultural activities, such as traditional folk performances, local food tasting, etc., so that the contestants can have an in-depth understanding of local culture and customs in the competition.

The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held

Huajian Sports Group adheres to the concept of "holding a game, bringing fire to a city", connects local characteristic tourist attractions, food, culture, etc., extends and expands the benefits of the event, realizes the vision of "one person participates, the whole family travels", "participate in a game, play all over a city", and turn the event traffic into economic increment. Looking forward to the future, Huajian Sports Group will create more self-owned brand events, continuously improve the quality and service level of events, and contribute to the vigorous development of local economy and sports.

The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held


△Please click on the video to watch (the content released by "Lao Feng Looks at Shanxi" in 2023 has been on the hot list of today's headlines 103 times)

The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held
The 2024 Yanmen Pass Super Cross-Country Running Race was successfully held

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