
I only learned today that there is a mechanism on the garlic body, and the garlic skin will fall off immediately when you touch it, which is really knowledge

author:I'm Qiu Tian

In daily life, garlic is loved by people for its unique spicy taste and rich nutritional value. Whether stir-frying, stewing, or making cold dishes, garlic is an indispensable seasoning. However, garlic has a layer of garlic skin on the outside, and this layer needs to be peeled off before eating. When it comes to peeling garlic, most of my friends may use their nails to pick a little bit, but if you don't peel a few of them, your nails will hurt and a lot of garlic will remain between your nails. In fact, there are clever ways to peel garlic, today I will share with you a few ways to quickly peel garlic, let's learn about it together!

I only learned today that there is a mechanism on the garlic body, and the garlic skin will fall off immediately when you touch it, which is really knowledge

Method 1: Knife slap method.

In this case, we only need to break the garlic into small cloves, and then put them on the cutting board, and then use the back of the knife to slap the garlic and the garlic skin will easily fall off. Although this method is particularly simple and quick, this garlic is not suitable for preservation and needs to be used up in a timely manner.

I only learned today that there is a mechanism on the garlic body, and the garlic skin will fall off immediately when you touch it, which is really knowledge

Method 2: Hand pinching.

We first break the garlic into small cloves, then take one of the small cloves and put it in our hands, pinch the two ends of the garlic with the index finger and thumb respectively, and then pinch it hard in the middle, so that the garlic skin will be squeezed out of a small hole.

I only learned today that there is a mechanism on the garlic body, and the garlic skin will fall off immediately when you touch it, which is really knowledge

Next, we only need to peel through this small crack, and the garlic skin is easily removed. This method of peeling garlic is also very simple, and the peeled garlic is whole, especially suitable for storing whole garlic or for pickling.

I only learned today that there is a mechanism on the garlic body, and the garlic skin will fall off immediately when you touch it, which is really knowledge

Method 3: Immersion method.

If we need to peel a lot of garlic, if we peel it by hand all the time, it will also hurt our fingers, in fact, if we want to peel out a lot of garlic quickly, we can use the soaking method. This method is very simple, first break all the garlic to be peeled into small cloves, and then prepare a container and put the broken garlic inside. Then add water that has not covered the garlic to it, and let the garlic soak in the water for half an hour.

I only learned today that there is a mechanism on the garlic body, and the garlic skin will fall off immediately when you touch it, which is really knowledge

We all know that garlic is very dry, which causes the garlic skin to stick tightly to the garlic. When we soak garlic in water, the garlic skin will be soaked soft, and there will be water between the garlic skin and the garlic, and there will be a gap. After soaking, we only need to hold the garlic in our hands and rub it, and the garlic skin can be easily rubbed off. This method is simple and easy to use, you can peel a lot of garlic at once, and all the garlic is intact. If you need to preserve, remember to dry the moisture on the surface of the garlic, otherwise the moisture is not conducive to preservation.

I only learned today that there is a mechanism on the garlic body, and the garlic skin will fall off immediately when you touch it, which is really knowledge

Method 4: Drying method.

You need to peel a lot of garlic, in addition to the soaking method, we can also dry the garlic, which can also make the garlic peel fall off quickly. In the same way, we are going to peel the garlic and break it into small cloves, and then spread the garlic out and let it dry in the sun for a day. The garlic skin is originally dry, and after drying, the garlic skin will become very dry, which will create a certain gap between the garlic skin and the garlic.

I only learned today that there is a mechanism on the garlic body, and the garlic skin will fall off immediately when you touch it, which is really knowledge

After the garlic is sunburned, we rub the garlic on top of each other again, and the garlic skin will fall off easily. If it's too much trouble, we can also put the dried garlic in a larger bowl, then turn the other bowl upside down, grasp the bowl with both hands and shake it quickly.

I only learned today that there is a mechanism on the garlic body, and the garlic skin will fall off immediately when you touch it, which is really knowledge

During the shaking process, the garlic will collide frequently with the inner wall of the bowl. Since the garlic skin has become very dry and fragile, such a collision will cause the garlic skin to fall off on its own. In a short time, we will have a bunch of garlic that has been easily peeled, which saves time and effort, and is very practical. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

I only learned today that there is a mechanism on the garlic body, and the garlic skin will fall off immediately when you touch it, which is really knowledge

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