
Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action

author:Charm stone screen

In order to further promote the protection and governance of Yilong Lake, and improve the ecological protection awareness of villagers in villages along the lake. Recently, the Social Work Department of the Shiping County Party Committee, together with Yilong Town, Shiping Branch of the State Ecological Environment Bureau, the County Agricultural Science Bureau, the Yilong Lake Administration and other departments, carried out the volunteer activity of "Protecting Mother Lake, Shiping in Action".

Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action

In the small lakeside square of Xiaoruicheng Village, Yilong Town, the staff explained to everyone the "Regulations on the Protection and Management of Yilong Lake in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province (Revision)", and distributed brochures and posters, and patiently explained face-to-face to the villagers the urgency and necessity of protecting Yilong Lake.

Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action
Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action

The villagers said that through this publicity activity, they were deeply aware of their responsibilities and roles in the protection of Yilong Lake, and promised to actively change their living habits and support the protection and management of Yilong Lake with practical actions.

Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action

Gao Yonghong, a villager from Xiaoruicheng Town, Yilong Town, said: "Today, through the staff to promote the relevant knowledge of the protection of Yilong Lake, my understanding of the protection of Yilong Lake has improved, and we should consciously follow the relevant regulations, do not discharge sewage indiscriminately, do not litter, and insist on cleaning our own homes every day." ”

This publicity activity not only improved the villagers' awareness and participation in the protection and governance of Yilong Lake, but also formed a good atmosphere for the whole society to jointly protect Yilong Lake.

Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action
Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action

In recent years, Shiping County has closely focused on the core goal of Yilong Lake, adhered to the "three treatments and one improvement", closely followed the "two reductions, two increases and one recovery", mobilized all parties in the society, integrated all kinds of resources, vigorously promoted the construction of ecological civilization, enhanced the awareness of ecological civilization among the people, widely publicized and mobilized all walks of life to participate in the volunteer service activities of Yilong Lake protection and governance, formed a good atmosphere for the whole people to love the lake and protect the lake, co-governance and sharing, and promoted ecological protection and economic development to complement each other and improve together.

Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action
Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action
Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action
Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action
Protecting the Mother River Shiping is in action

Sun Liang, deputy director of the Social Work Department of Shiping County Party Committee, said: "The protection and governance of Yilong Lake is the common responsibility of each of us, and the Social Work Department of the County Party Committee, as a functional department that undertakes volunteer services, will organize volunteers in the future work, coordinate the forces of all parties, go deep into the river villages along the lake, do a good job in publicity and sanitation rectification, and contribute to the protection and governance of Yilong Lake." ”

Reporter: Shiping County Rong Media Center Pu Wenqing

Part of the picture: Shiping County Rong Media Center material library

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