
Mobile free delivery traffic is thankless, and old users in different regions are treated differently

author:Digital spicy strips

Speaking of China Mobile, there has always been a "tradition" of differential treatment of old users. For example, in the Internet Age Data Delivery Campaign, the mobile number in some areas does not take effect in the current month, but takes effect in the next month.

Mobile free delivery traffic is thankless, and old users in different regions are treated differently

I recommended this event to a friend of mine, who immediately handled it for his mother, but it didn't take long for his mother to come to him and ask why he ran out of 5G data after sending it. My friend took her mobile phone and looked at the text message, and it turned out that it was written that it would take effect the next month (below), and this month she still used her own traffic.

Mobile free delivery traffic is thankless, and old users in different regions are treated differently

I took a closer look, and my Beijing Mobile number took effect immediately this month (below). In other words, the marketing policies of different regions of mobile are different, so it is easy to mislead consumers in terms of promotion, such as my friend's mother, who almost overspent traffic.

Mobile free delivery traffic is thankless, and old users in different regions are treated differently

I hope that China Mobile will sincerely think about old users, and in the future, this kind of nationwide activity can unify the timeliness of the activity and avoid causing trouble to consumers. In addition, my own mobile card in 2006, I have already handled the 8 yuan insurance number package, if it is not for my personal nostalgia, and this main number is bound to too many things, otherwise it will be cancelled.

Mobile free delivery traffic is thankless, and old users in different regions are treated differently

Now my main traffic card is telecommunications, on the one hand, it is not expensive, on the other hand, it is a gigabit broadband, said it is free, in fact, there is a bound 15 yuan IPTV set-top box fee every month, you have to pay if you don't use it, I think the broadband fee is 15 yuan per month, 180 yuan per year.

In addition, now the Internet traffic card is fighting a price war, which is getting cheaper and cheaper, and the mobile advantage is gone. I personally have a traffic card of 19 yuan 185G in the first year, and the original price of 29 yuan will be restored after the second year, and it will be valid for 20 years, which is not bad. It's just that the traffic card should pay attention to the speed problem, most of them are 300MB speed, and my one is free to 500MB speed.

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