
This is the whole of the familiar and unfamiliar Sun Li's life, and let's understand all the achievements of the older generation of writers

author:I'm here

Sun Li, for such a name, we always feel both familiar and unfamiliar. He is familiar because he often appears in students' textbooks, and he is the founder of the "Lotus Lake School", forming his own unique style of writing.

But for such a writer, we always feel a little estranged from him, because except for some works that represent his "Lotus Lake School", such as "Baiyangdian Chronicle", we don't know enough about him.

This is the whole of the familiar and unfamiliar Sun Li's life, and let's understand all the achievements of the older generation of writers

For example, he also created a large number of literary works after the reform and opening up, for example, he lived in Tianjin for a long time, for example, he edited literary journals and cultivated a large number of new literary talents, for example, he and many current first-line writers have intersections, and it can even be said that it is Sun Li who has given these writers very professional help to achieve their success. But these seem to be new to us, and we still need to understand them deeply.

This is the whole of the familiar and unfamiliar Sun Li's life, and let's understand all the achievements of the older generation of writers

Since Sun Li has lived in Tianjin for a long time, he has a place in this set of "Reading Tianjin Stars", which presents us with a comprehensive and detailed Sun Li, and there is such a biography of Sun Li's life written by the well-known writer Zhang Li "Sun Li: Lotus Qin Wenyun".

This is the whole of the familiar and unfamiliar Sun Li's life, and let's understand all the achievements of the older generation of writers

In this book, we can not only understand Sun Li's life growth path in chronological order, but also understand how his literary growth has been continuously improved and evolved, and even in his later years, his literary style has changed and achieved simple and calm writing.

Of course, in these introductions, we not only learned about Sun Li's classic works that we are very familiar with, such as "Lotus Lake", such as "The Song of Baiyangdian", but also learned a lot of literary works that are very important to him, but may be slightly unfamiliar to our readers, such as "The Prequel of Ironwood", such as "Yunzhai Novel", and these actually represent Sun Li's higher literary achievements, and they are also worthy of our readers' in-depth understanding.

This is the whole of the familiar and unfamiliar Sun Li's life, and let's understand all the achievements of the older generation of writers

Sun Li's literary path is certainly the most important part of his life, but in fact, he has more work, such as his relationship with Literature and Art Weekly. As the editor-in-chief of this journal, Sun Li has made unremitting efforts in cultivating newcomers, making this journal a "nursery" for literary youth.

So what are the "literary youths" who are related to Sun Li? In this book, the author also lists for us the representative figures among them, who are now all famous, such as Mo Yan, Jia Pingwa, and Tie Ning.

This is the whole of the familiar and unfamiliar Sun Li's life, and let's understand all the achievements of the older generation of writers

Their growth paths are more or less related to Sun Li, to what extent is this influence? For example, about Tie Ning, Sun Li once hand-copied the "Qin Shaoyou Papers" to her, and this kind of training did have a decisive impact on Tie Ning's literary path, and an older generation of writers can be described as well-intentioned for young people.

This is the whole of the familiar and unfamiliar Sun Li's life, and let's understand all the achievements of the older generation of writers

As a native of New Tianjin, Sun Li is of course also a witness to New Tianjin, and as part of such a set of "Reading Tianjin" book series, Sun Li must also have a deep relationship with Tianjin. But as a writer, he does not belong to one place, it belongs to all China and all mankind.

Then let all of us understand Sun Li, his literary thoughts, his life pursuits, and all his efforts in the field of literature through the reading of this book. #孙犁##人物##文学家#

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