
The story of "Playground Burial Case" is adapted from a crime novel, and all crimes will eventually be exposed in broad daylight

author:I'm here

In 2019, the "playground burial case" was exposed in broad daylight, which made this incident popular all over the Internet. The truth that has been sealed for 16 years has finally surfaced, and those who have committed numerous crimes have finally been severely punished by the law.

However, in the face of such a case, in addition to lamenting that "the sky net is restored, negligent but not leaky", we also truly feel sorry for the deceased and his family who have been buried in the playground for 16 years, and at the same time, we can also experience the huge disaster brought to society when power is completely out of control, and reflect on the distorted results of the exchange of power and interest. Therefore, such a case is also worth digging into, and it is worth constantly combing through to explore the deeper lessons behind it.

The story of "Playground Burial Case" is adapted from a crime novel, and all crimes will eventually be exposed in broad daylight

Yue Yong, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, has published more than 300,000 words of novels, and as a representative of social mystery novels, he focuses his writing perspective on the most real side of society, reflecting the most complex part of human nature.

His new work "Winter Works" is based on the story of "Playground Burial Case". Of course, as a novel, the writer has the right to interpret freely, and he must make the whole plot reasonable and present its complete logical chain. This novel is undoubtedly in line with this creative concept, and it also satisfies our readers to experience the development of the story in a depressing but hopeful reading atmosphere, enjoy the pleasure of reading, and reflect on the real problems presented by the story.

The story of "Playground Burial Case" is adapted from a crime novel, and all crimes will eventually be exposed in broad daylight

The novel begins with a case from 15 years ago. Xu Jingyuan was in charge of quality supervision in the renovation of the school playground, and it was this job that caused him to be destroyed.

The project was contracted by the principal's nephew, and such a relationship was destined to have all kinds of problems in this project. Therefore, the Education Bureau received Xu Jingyuan's real-name report. But in the midst of this intricate web of relationships, the report letter was sent to the principal and his nephew.

The story of "Playground Burial Case" is adapted from a crime novel, and all crimes will eventually be exposed in broad daylight

In order to cover up his crimes, a premeditated operation has begun. Xu Jingyuan disappeared from people's field of vision. But the story about him is not over, his electric car was found by the lake, and there was a rape case here, and the rapist took the initiative to report his name, that is Mr. Xu. This also gave Xu Jingyuan a bad reputation as a rapist.

The story of "Playground Burial Case" is adapted from a crime novel, and all crimes will eventually be exposed in broad daylight

His daughter did not believe that all this was true, and during the investigation of the whole incident, she was brutally abused, resulting in a mental disorder. Of course, the external explanation is that she ran into human traffickers, and this case is closed, and it has become a historical mystery.

In the novel, time suddenly comes to 15 years later. Mao Yining, a young policeman and Xu Jingyuan's student who once investigated the case, has been repeatedly ostracized in the past ten years, but he has never given up.

The story of "Playground Burial Case" is adapted from a crime novel, and all crimes will eventually be exposed in broad daylight

Fifteen years later, the disappearance of a 12-year-old girl was put on the agenda. The girl mysteriously disappeared on the way home, and through Mao Yining's in-depth investigation, it was found that her death was still related to the school, the former builder of the playground, and now the owner of the construction company.

The story of "Playground Burial Case" is adapted from a crime novel, and all crimes will eventually be exposed in broad daylight

Of course, there are constant reversals in the novel, which also shows us that the seemingly selfless leadership actually has another unknown side behind it. But in the end, everything will be wronged, and the truth will be revealed, which is also the ultimate truth that this novel tells us, so that any criminal behavior that indicates that there should be no luck, otherwise it will be severely punished by the law. #罪案小说##操场埋尸案##好看的小说#

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