
This year and next, families with "two suites" will have to face "three major problems"

This year and next, families with "two suites" will have to face "three major problems"

In our country, every fine-tuning of the property market policy affects the hearts of countless families.

Since the property market entered a downward cycle in 2021, in the past two years, we have witnessed a series of "bailout" policies, such as the initial "fall limit", to the purchase subsidy, to the increase in the amount of provident fund loans, including the recent most noteworthy of everyone's attention, the reduction of loan interest rates, the reduction of down payment ratios, and the cancellation of purchase restrictions.

The implementation of these policies has indeed brought a certain vitality to the market, but at the same time, we have to face another reality:

There are pros and cons, and every policy will ultimately be a double-edged sword, with both positive and positive aspects.

This year and next, families with "two suites" will have to face "three major problems"


There are several challenges that may be faced under policy stimulus

1. Reduce the down payment ratio

As we all know, in the past, the down payment ratio for our house purchase was just 30% of the down payment for the purchase of the house, and the down payment ratio for the purchase of a second house was 50% or even 60%.

Nowadays, the proportion of people who just need to buy a house has dropped to 15%, and the lowering of the threshold also means that more people can enter the real estate market, so that everyone only needs to pay less down payment than the original to buy the ideal home.

This is certainly a good thing for home buyers, if more loan interest is not taken into account, but for home sellers, this move could also further increase competition in the market, especially in popular cities.

For example, if a family who already owns two or more properties thinks about selling their surplus properties, they will find that there are actually more competitors in the market than before, in other words, the sales process has become more complicated and difficult than it has been.

This year and next, families with "two suites" will have to face "three major problems"

2. Reduce the loan interest rate

In fact, this policy is undoubtedly good news at first glance, after all, it directly reduces the pressure of holding a house after buying a house.

But for families who already own two properties, this policy is not simply a pure benefit.

For example, if they want to buy a third home, it may not be as easy as they think, after all, when the bank approves the loan, it not only looks at the interest rate, but more importantly, it also depends on the borrower's repayment ability and the mortgage of the property.

In other words, when they apply for a third home loan, they may also encounter more problems due to the strict review of the bank, so it seems that the policy is relaxed, but in fact, the difficulty of borrowing is not much lessened.

This year and next, families with "two suites" will have to face "three major problems"

3. Cancel the restrictions on house purchases

The landing of this policy is indeed a great thing for home buyers, after all, breaking the geographical restrictions, everyone has more choices in buying houses.

However, it cannot be ignored that the implementation of this measure may also lead to the increase in housing prices in some hot cities. In other words, for home buyers, the cost of buying a home may be higher as a result.

And for those families who only have two homes, the value of their assets is indeed rising, but at the same time, they also face higher costs of owning a home.

For example, rising property taxes and property taxes, etc., for them, will the rising cost of holding a home be able to offset the benefits of asset appreciation? This is a question that really needs to be carefully weighed.

In the face of these changes, we feel that families who own suites need to prepare in advance, and may have to face "3 major troubles" in the future

This year and next, families with "two suites" will have to face "three major problems"


The troubles that homeowners are in

1. The liquidity of real estate is getting weaker and weaker, and it is more difficult to sell

With the changes in the market, as well as various factors such as the lowering of the entry threshold in towns, the choices of home buyers have also become diverse.

For example, it turns out that everyone has to buy a commercial house to enjoy the qualification of household registration, and in the future, everyone can rent a house to enter the city household registration and enjoy urban resources.

And in the city, there are not only commercial housing, but also affordable housing, public rental housing, etc., once the market is more and more selective, second-hand housing, especially poor quality properties, its sales will be more difficult.

This year and next, families with "two suites" will have to face "three major problems"

2. The rental market is becoming more and more involuted

In fact, the current third- and fourth-tier cities have become more and more obvious about this problem, and the phenomenon of oversupply of real estate has made many third- and fourth-tier cities now face difficulties in both selling and renting houses.

In addition, there is an expectation that it is worth preparing in advance, with the national team closing the house, the supply of affordable housing will continue to rise in the future, and the rent of affordable housing is more affordable than commercial housing after all, which also indicates that the rental market in first- and second-tier cities will also usher in new changes, and the commercial housing rental market may become more and more involuted.

This year and next, families with "two suites" will have to face "three major problems"

3. The imminent implementation of the property tax will make the burden on homeowners heavier

Once the property tax is in place, the magnetic cost pressure on households with two or more properties will rise significantly.

In fact, the property tax has been discussed for several years, and although it has not been fully implemented so far, it is clear that the property tax is getting closer and closer to us as time goes by.

Although the implementation of property tax will implement some exempt areas, for families with multiple suites, the burden will undoubtedly increase in the future.

This year and next, families with "two suites" will have to face "three major problems"

Moreover, as the real estate market gradually matures, the financial attributes of houses are becoming weaker, the uncertainty of investment returns is increasing, and the cost of holding a house is also rising due to various factors.

Under this change, for families with multiple houses, how to make the most appropriate decision in such an environment is the most important problem they need to face at present.

Wan Ziwen said: Every word of the article was typed out by me, and I clicked "watching" to let me know that you are also "doing your best" for life.

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