
Can you make easy money by making a phone call from someone? Once the number is dialed, you are suspected of committing a crime......

author:Ping'an Beibei
Can you make easy money by making a phone call from someone? Once the number is dialed, you are suspected of committing a crime......

"0 threshold, make money with your hands"

Such a "good thing" we unveiled last year

Today we're going to talk about a new type of scam

Set up a "mobile phone port"

Can you make easy money by making a phone call from someone? Once the number is dialed, you are suspected of committing a crime......

What is a "mobile phone port"?



This is a new type of scam

All you need is two mobile phones

can disguise the location of the scam call

Realize to get fraudsters and victims

The purpose of the direct call

The suspect is revealed

The modus operandi of "mobile phone port" fraud

A suspect who was arrested in Shaanxi

The modus operandi of "mobile phone port" fraud was exposed

He chats with software via the web

Use a mobile phone to add friends with the so-called "customer service".

and connect to the voice call

The victim is then forwarded from another mobile phone

Turn on the hands-free function of both phones at the same time

In this way, the two sides can talk directly

Can you make easy money by making a phone call from someone? Once the number is dialed, you are suspected of committing a crime......

The fraudster has successfully added the victim's contact information

will make him hang up

The victim is then subjected to a follow-up scam

Wary! Fraudsters solicit "tool people" in this way

Fraudsters usually use "mobile phone" business

Packaged as a "high-paying" part-time job

"High return, 300 yuan per hour"

"Easy part-time job, no experience required"

These are common tactics used by fraudsters to solicit "tool people".

Aimed at netizens who are in urgent need of money

Can you make easy money by making a phone call from someone? Once the number is dialed, you are suspected of committing a crime......

Once you're involved

Although not a word was said during the whole process

But you are aware of the whole process of fraud

This is actually knowing the law and breaking the law

You are involved in the scam as a "bridge of communication".

Becoming a "tool man" for fraudsters

Be wary of "mobile phone port" crimes

Don't be a "tool man" for wire fraud

Police tips

Clearly knowing that others have committed telecommunications network fraud

Still helping fraud gangs set up call forwarding equipment

Make scam calls in bulk

Or provide mobile phone cards and communication tools to help

Whether paid or not

These acts are suspected of violating the law and committing crimes

will be held accountable in accordance with the law

Can you make easy money by making a phone call from someone? Once the number is dialed, you are suspected of committing a crime......

Forward this popular science to friends and family

Let more people be vigilant

Don't be a "tool man" for wire fraud

"Test your fraud prevention skills

Test your fraud prevention skills

If you see the "mobile phone" recruitment project on the Internet

You know what to do, right?

We have prepared a few quizzes for you

See if your anti-scam skills have improved?

1. The classmate introduces you to a part-time job, you only need to insert an audio cable into two mobile phones, and you can easily earn 200 yuan, the correct way is ( )

A. This is an illegal and criminal act, and it should be ignored

B. If you have money to make, you will do it first

C. Call a good friend to do it all the time

D. Anyway, they are classmates, they are all acquaintances, so they do what their classmates say

Correct Answer: A

Analysis: This behavior may be suspected of fraud or aiding information network criminal activities.

2. Which activities may involve illegal crimes ( ) Multiple choices

A. Someone told you to sell me a bank card or mobile phone card that you don't use and give me 500 yuan

B. Someone asked you to use your ID card to help apply for a bank card and mobile phone card, and sold him a card to give you 1,000 yuan

C. Give the idle bank card and mobile phone card to others to use to make a few small bucks, and do not steal or rob

D. Give idle WeChat accounts and Alipay to others to use

Correct answer: ABCD

Analysis: Article 31, Paragraph 1 of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Countering Telecommunications Network Fraud", no unit or individual may illegally buy, sell, lease, or lend telephone cards, Internet of Things cards, telecommunications lines, SMS ports, bank accounts, payment accounts, Internet accounts, etc., and must not provide real-name verification assistance; The above-mentioned cards, accounts, account numbers, etc., must not be opened by impersonating the identity of others or fictitious agency relationships.

3. How will we deal with those who know that others are using telecommunications networks to carry out fraudulent activities but still provide assistance to them?

A. Only administrative penalties are imposed

B. Pursue their legal responsibilities in accordance with the law

C. Give only verbal warnings

D. No Liability

Correct Answer: B

Analysis: Article 38 of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Countering Telecommunications Network Fraud" provides that where organizing, planning, implementing, or participating in telecommunications network fraud activities or providing assistance to telecommunication network fraud activities constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with law.

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