
Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

author:Konoh E-Renko

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Today (June 30), news related to Wang Xingyue, Yu Zheng and Wu Jinyan has been hot for a whole day.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Some netizens suspected of picking up Wang Xingyue's treasure account and found that he seemed to have bought underwear for his girlfriend? However, there are not too many specific details about the matter, and more netizens believe that first, he is not an idol, and it doesn't matter if he falls in love; The second is that there are too many hot searches about him in one day, and fans feel that he was targeted by "people with hearts" because he became popular.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Compared with this "love" melon that basically has no hammer, Yu Zheng's post is more interesting.

The source of the controversy is that Wang Xingyue's studio previously posted a tidbit of Su Guogong played by Wang Xingyue in "Ink Rain Clouds" vomiting blood and dying in battle, which coincides with the ending of "Ink Rain Clouds" that was previously rumored on the Internet.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

And this plot, what everyone is looking forward to is not BE, there is a side story in the ending of the broadcast, it is the male and female protagonists who start a sweet life after marriage. So it was extended that Wang Xingyue's studio posted a clip of the male protagonist dying in battle, and many people thought that this was a manifestation of the studio's "purification", because if the male protagonist died in the play, the sweet "extra" of the happy life with the female protagonist would be empty.

In this way, the male and female main fans, Yinan fans, passers-by, etc. have joined the chaotic battle of eating melons & mouth cannons, which led Yu Zheng to come out and post an article. He said that the clip of BE was added by the director, and he had severely criticized the publicity staff for the exposure of the tidbits.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

After figuring it out, he continued to tell netizens that it was just the director who made a version to cool himself, but now it has become an inexplicable highlight, and he wants to fire the editor. Those waste films are released, and they have to pay a price.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

"Expulsion" is a serious word.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

In the face of the call of only fans to "refuse the second pair", Yu Zheng also said that "it must be a second ride".

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

The question is, why is Yu Zheng saying that he doesn't understand the rice circle, but he wants to talk about "purification", and he is so angry that he wants to expel the editor (single x3)?

Let's first compare how much impact a popular TV series work, BE and HE endings, has on the audience.

Referring to TVB, there have been several cases where the BE endings of popular works have been complained about.

The biggest influence should be "Dong Du Detective" starring Huang Zihua.

The setting of the play was originally a comedy, and the male and female protagonists went from happy enemies to like-minded soul cp in the end, which is a plot that many viewers like to see, but I didn't expect the ending to make the male protagonist Mo Zuodong suddenly relapse from his old injuries when catching thieves, and fell to the ground in a coma, and Li Huihui, played by the heroine Cai Shaofen, is still wearing a wedding dress to take wedding photos......

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Such a strong sense of BE and the unclear ending of the plot made many viewers unacceptable, and soon many complaints called the TV station, and everyone said that they could not accept such an ending.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

In the end, TVB had to "conform to public opinion" and broadcast the "reunion" version of the episode in the entertainment program. In fact, at that time, the open-ended ending was filmed, and the director wanted to "leave blank" to make a sequel, and the male protagonist Huang Zihua also said that it was "not impossible" to make a sequel, but there has been no sequel yet.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Another drama with a controversial ending is "Ancient Spirit Detective" starring Guo Jinan, the setting of traveling through time and space coupled with Guo Jinan's good acting skills, many audiences like him playing Yu sir.

As a result, the original ending of the series was that Yu Sir was hit by a car and died, and before the finale was broadcast, the plot of this version of "the male protagonist was killed by the male protagonist" was "spoiled" out of the street.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

In this regard, many viewers have said that they don't want to see Yu sir die, and TVB saw that the audience was too loud, so they made some new ways to play, and let the audience vote to decide the ending of Yu sir, as a result, some viewers almost overwhelmingly said that they wanted to see a happy ending, and in the end, TVB could only change the ending, and quickly remade a happy ending, so that Yu sir "lived" and met the audience's wish to watch HE.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

There is also "Tang Shuanglong Costume" that made Lin Feng and Wu Zhuoxi popular, the original drama is also a double death ending, the two male protagonists go to death hand in hand, and there is a close-up of holding hands before death......

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

However, this ending is too controversial, and when it was broadcast in the mainland, it was changed to Kou Zhong losing the immortal secret martial arts to Xu Ziling, sacrificing himself to save his life, although it was also very abusive, but Xu Ziling saw the soul of the other party when he worshiped Kou Zhong, and the two were at least in the same frame.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

The reason why the public hopes that some film and television works have happy endings is actually due to the tone of the plot, for example, the protagonist in the story line is a happy cp from beginning to end, and the painting style of the series is mainly aimed at ordinary family audiences, and it is not a niche story of art streaming.

And Yu Zheng, who studied under TVB screenwriters, actually knows how to grasp the psychology of the audience very well.

The reason why many of his dramas can be popular is precisely because he knows what the audience wants to be cool, and knows what kind of story direction everyone is looking forward to.

As for the two versions of the ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds", the main reason is that Yu Zheng and the director have different ideas, which Yu Zheng also confirmed, when the director cut the film, he suddenly wanted to cut it into BE, and he pulled it back. So in Yu Zheng's eyes, the BE version he chose not to use is a waste film.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

And compared with the "purification" of fans, Yu Zheng also cares more about the psychological dynamics of ordinary audiences: some people have not finished chasing them, and the "BE" ending broke out on the Internet, and those who want to watch the happy ending will abandon the show!

You must know that "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" was originally a cool drama, but in the end, the good guys died, and it was emotionally unacceptable; In terms of plot, the male protagonist died and won on behalf of the country, and some netizens felt that such a plot was equivalent to the male protagonist and Qin Hui, and it didn't make sense from the perspective of plot logic.

So what everyone is looking forward to must be an ending full of positive energy, a happy reunion, and maybe a little pink bubble, although it has been very popular in recent years for male stars to lose their wars, sadomasochism, and vomit blood, but it is not completely suitable in this drama.

For this reason, for the sake of the huge passer-by, Yu Zheng is standing in the perspective of the producer, and he must also stabilize the situation, first claiming to fire the editor, and putting aside the fans who are purifying.

As for netizens who felt that Wu Jinyan was wronged, Yu Zheng didn't stand in line, after all, they were all his own artists, so he emphasized that he didn't understand what grievances Wu Jinyan had suffered, and Wang Xingyue was not unhappy, except for being tired. He himself was not happy, only the waste film was sent out.

Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

Therefore, judging from the current feedback from netizens, there is a reason why Yu Zheng cares so much about "waste films being sent out". But why was this waste film sent out by the editor as a "highlight clip", and what was their original intention? What exactly are the people reviewing this part thinking? In the end, how could it be related to "purification"?

This is more curious than Wang Xingyue's melon hanging on the hot search.

To sum up, Yu Zheng and Wang Xingyue's studio, which side do you approve of more? Let's talk about it in the comment section!

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Yu Zheng Wang Xing dominates the hot search, why can't netizens accept the BE ending of "Ink Rain Clouds"?

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