
The city's flood control work scheduling meeting was held

author:Guangde Rong Media Center
The city's flood control work scheduling meeting was held
The city's flood control work scheduling meeting was held
The city's flood control work scheduling meeting was held
The city's flood control work scheduling meeting was held
The city's flood control work scheduling meeting was held

On the evening of June 29, Zhou Qihong, secretary of the municipal party committee, presided over the city's flood control work scheduling meeting, city leaders Hu Xinghua and Mo Heyi attended the meeting, and the main persons in charge of relevant municipal units attended the meeting. The meeting was held in the form of video and telephone conferences, and sub-venues were set up in each township and street.

The city's flood control work scheduling meeting was held

With regard to doing a good job in flood prevention work, Zhou Qihong stressed: We must attach great importance to it and have a correct attitude. Strictly implement the requirements and task arrangements for flood prevention work, and consolidate the good results of flood prevention work in our city. It is necessary to keep an eye on the key points and persevere. Do a good job in key tasks such as personnel transfer at geological disaster sites, urban flood control, construction site safety, water conservancy dispatching, and enterprise safety production. It is necessary to tighten responsibility and strictly observe discipline. Leaders at all levels should regard flood prevention work as the most important task at present, assume their own responsibilities, fulfill their duties, go down to the front line of flood prevention to visit and supervise, and take the lead in doing a good job in flood prevention work.

The city's flood control work scheduling meeting was held

At the meeting, the Municipal Meteorological Bureau, the Municipal Emergency Bureau, the Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau, and the Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau reported on the flood prevention work.

Source: Municipal Financial Media Center Reporter: Cheng Xian Fei Teng Editor: Wang Han Yang Jing Review: Mei Miao

The city's flood control work scheduling meeting was held
The city's flood control work scheduling meeting was held

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