
The property threatens the delivery man with an electric baton? Police report

author:Blue eyes
The property threatens the delivery man with an electric baton? Police report

On June 30, the Chengguan Branch of the Lanzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a notice on "the use of electric batons to threaten delivery workers by property employees in a community in Lanzhou", and after investigation, at 13:01 on June 29, Chen Mougang, a property employee of the Asia-Pacific Oriental Constellation Community in Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, was suspected of illegally possessing and using police weapons (electric shockers) in the process of preventing takeaway personnel from entering the community. On the morning of June 30, the Chengguan Branch of the Lanzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau gave Chen Mougang a punishment of seven days of administrative detention and confiscated his electric shock device in accordance with the law. The units and relevant personnel involved are under further investigation, and those who do have violations of laws and regulations will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

The property threatens the delivery man with an electric baton? Police report

Source: CCTV

The property threatens the delivery man with an electric baton? Police report

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