
Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

author:Rice rice mom childcare

The 2024 college entrance examination has been successfully concluded, and now the scoring channels in various regions have been opened, and every candidate knows his or her score, and the champions of various provinces and regions have also been exposed.

This year, many miracles have been manifested one after another, which is dizzying.

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about these factors

In most areas of the mainland, the full score of the college entrance examination is 750 points, if you can score more than 700 points, then it is really not simple, which is equivalent to the error rate within 6.7%.

And everyone should know that in the college entrance examination, some scores are almost 100% lost, such as Chinese, the subjectivity of the college entrance examination language is very strong, so when grading some subjective questions, the teacher who corrects the paper often cannot give a full score.

After all, in the literary world, "there is no best, only better".

Therefore, according to experience, the critical score of the college entrance examination language is 143 points, that is, under normal circumstances, candidates can only score 143 points at most, except for particularly excellent ones.

And this factor has once again had an impact on the error rate of candidates, and candidates can get fewer questions wrong. Therefore, there are really not many people who score 700 points in the whole country.

And those champions who scored 700+ in the exam are the envy of many netizens, who have said that these children have high IQs and good genes.

It is true that the IQ of the top students in the college entrance examination is not low, but you must know that the reason why they can become the top students is not only because of their high IQ, but also because of some special personal factors.

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

● Sichuan Provincial College Entrance Examination champion Dai Siyu

The first champion of the college entrance examination exposed by netizens in 2024 is Dai Siyu of Sichuan Province, who scored 715 points in this college entrance examination, which is really exciting.

You must know that a score of 715 in the college entrance examination means that in this college entrance examination, Dai Siyu only lost 35 points, which has to be admired.

Moreover, Dai Siyu is not only surprised by the total score, she also got two perfect scores in this college entrance examination, namely mathematics and physics.

You must know that the difficulty of getting a full score in a single subject is already very great, not to mention that getting a full score in two subjects is really jaw-dropping, and I have to say that her own strength is really too strong.

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

In addition to mathematics and physics, her foreign language scores also reached an astonishing 144 points, you know, foreign languages and Chinese language subjects, it is very difficult to get high scores, once a teacher analyzed, foreign language subjects can get 143 points is already a hurdle in the college entrance examination, and Dai Siyu can get 144 points, it is really not simple.

In other subjects, Chemistry and Biology performed very well, scoring 96 and 88.5 points respectively, and many people regretted that Dai Siyu only scored 126 points in the Chinese subject.

Although this score is already very good in the college entrance examination, compared with the full score in mathematics, the full score in physics, and the 144 points in foreign language, the Chinese language does lose a bit of points.

But even so, she also scored a super high score of 715 points, and if she scored high in the Chinese test again, she would be a perfect "hexagonal warrior".

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

So, why is Dai Siyu's science projects such as mathematics and physics so strong?

(1) Strong time planning ability

An excellent student must have a strong ability to plan time, and it is precisely because of the students' ability to effectively use every minute and every second that they will make learning more efficient.

Dai Siyu's time planning ability is very strong, she can use every minute of her time efficiently and allocate her time reasonably.

In fact, it is natural that she has strong time planning ability, because time planning ability actually has a lot to do with mathematical thinking.

Therefore, cultivating children's time planning ability can not only make children's learning more efficient, but also indirectly strengthen children's mathematical thinking, so as to improve children's learning effect.

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

(2) The perfect integration of life and learning

When Dai Siyu was in school, he was invited to share his personal life and learning experience with his classmates many times, why did he do this?

In fact, the school wants students to learn Dai Siyu's state of perfect integration of life and learning, so that students can achieve the purpose of living and learning and coordinating the relationship between life and learning.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Dai Siyu knows how to combine work and rest, study when he should study, play when he should play, and rest when he should rest.

Many times, "head cantilever cone thorn strand" is not a good way to learn, only by allowing yourself to always be in the best state when studying, can you really improve your learning efficiency.

And generate enthusiasm for learning, and will not start to hate learning because it is too hard to study.

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

(3) Clear goals and tenacious perseverance

Whether it is learning or doing things, if a person does not have a goal, then he will have no motivation to continue, and he will not have phased achievements.

Dai Siyu not only has a clear goal in learning, but also has the perseverance to make unremitting efforts to achieve the goal, she divides her big goals into many progressive small goals, and then makes practical plans for each small goal, so as to complete all the goals step by step, and finally achieve her ultimate goal.

Therefore, if you want to get the ideal score in the college entrance examination like Dai Siyu, you need to establish clear goals and have tenacious perseverance.

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

● Hubei college entrance examination champion Zhang Yudong

There is a school in Hubei that is very famous this year, that is, Wuhan No. 3 Middle School, and the fame of Wuhan No. 3 Middle School actually comes from the 37th class of this school, that is, Qian Xuesen's class, which has been concerned by the people of the whole country because of the 600+ college entrance examination for all employees.

And Zhang Yudong, the top student in Hubei's college entrance examination, is from this class. In this college entrance examination, he achieved a good score of 708 points, and his results are generally similar to Dai Siyu's results, but he did not get a full score in mathematics, and his Chinese is much better than Dai Siyu, with 138 points.

Zhang Yudong actually didn't accept it for a while about becoming the top student in the college entrance examination.

Because my performance in school is actually average, although my studies are not bad, I have only entered the top ten in my grade once in the whole high school stage, and I have not been in the top ten at all other times.

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

Moreover, his usual score has always been around 670 points, and there is no time to score 700 points at all.

Therefore, in an interview, Zhang Yudong said that his success was "by luck", and he was helped by "mysterious power" to get this score that even he couldn't believe.

But is this really the case? Obviously, no. No student becomes a champion by luck.

So, why did Zhang Yudong become the top student in the college entrance examination?

(1) Practical, confident, and good mentality

When the teacher of Class 37 was interviewed, his evaluation of Zhang Yudong was that he was diligent and practical, and he was good at reflecting and summarizing. And Zhang Yudong's parents also said that their children are also very "regular" at home, such as putting their things in place very well, and they are also very serious about learning. In short, in the eyes of teachers and parents, Zhang Yudong is a typical good student, down-to-earth, studious, and full of confidence.

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

In addition, Zhang Yudong's mentality is also really good, when he took the college entrance examination, other people were nervous, but Zhang Yudong was very calm, as if the college entrance examination was an ordinary test.

Zhang Yudong said that he was "like God's help" during the exam, which is actually a manifestation of his confidence in his own knowledge base, which allows him to use the knowledge he has learned unscrupulously.

Facts have proved that his steadfastness, self-confidence and mentality have brought good results to his learning.

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

(2) Companionship of parents and teachers

When the 37th class of Wuhan No. 3 Middle School became popular because of "600+ in all staff", the head teacher was interviewed, and when sharing his teaching skills, the teacher said that he paid more attention to "companionship".

Coincidentally, when Zhang Yudong's father was interviewed because Zhang Yudong was the top student in the college entrance examination, he also said that he and the child's mother often accompany the child, accompany him to read, accompany him to study, accompany him to develop good habits, accompany him to combine work and rest, accompany him to watch movies, etc.

Therefore, Zhang Yudong's excellence is very related to the company of teachers and parents. When parents accompany their children, they can guide their children to form habits.

For example, independent reading is actually gradually transformed from parent-child reading, and the basis of parent-child reading is the companionship of parents to their children.

Therefore, if we want our children to "accumulate steadily" like Zhang Yudong, then we also need to pay attention to the companionship of our children.

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

(3) There are different learning methods for different subjects

In an interview, Zhang Yudong also shared his learning methods in different subjects.

In terms of language, Zhang Yudong has an important experience, that is, the accumulation of materials. To put it bluntly, it is necessary to read more books and accumulate literary language, words, etc.

In fact, the learning experience of reading more books is already a well-known learning method, and this method is very effective.

However, the perseverance of children is very demanding, and the reason why many children know this excellent learning method but do not benefit is that they cannot continue to read.

In addition, Zhang Yudong also shared his skills for raising scores for subjective questions, usually when he practices reading comprehension questions, he will always compare the difference between his answers and standard answers after doing them, and then continue to summarize and summarize by referring to the answers, so as to find the "answering rules" of subjective questions in reverse, so as to make his answers closer to the standard answers.

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

In terms of mathematics and physics, Zhang Yudong's method is the same, that is, "to simplify the complex, good at induction", he has his own "loose-leaf notebook", when he encounters mistakes, he writes them down, summarizes the problems he missed, and then summarizes.

When he was reviewing before the exam, he read his notebook, most of them only looked at the questions, and then came up with a solution in his mind, so that all the question types could be counted as a last resort.

In English, his learning method is similar to Chinese, but he pays more attention to accumulation than Chinese, not only likes to read English books, but also memorizes English words in a planned way, "mastering more words, so that there are no obstacles in reading and writing".

Why can the top student in the college entrance examination score more than 700 points? It's not just about IQ, it's about learning methods

Write at the end

The learning skills and scoring skills of the top students in the college entrance examination are all worth learning, but when using them, we must use them selectively according to our own situation.

Because different methods will show different effects on different people, one learning method may make others become champions, but it may not work if it is used on oneself.

(The pictures in this article are all from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted immediately)

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