
Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

author:China Net Shandong

Over the years, Wang Yingsheng has been wandering between different art styles and artworks such as fine brushwork, small freehand light color, splashed ink freehand, murals, oil paintings, sculptures, etc., and has wandered between different social professions such as teaching and educating people, concentrating on creation, practicing crafts, reading and researching, teaching management, and organizing activities. There are many kinds of paintings, and many of them are unrelated, but Ying Sheng is at ease, all of them have achievements, and all of them shine, which makes almost all his friends and peers who know him feel incredible! But wandering to wandering, wandering to wandering, ninety-nine to one, Yingsheng is still a painter in the end, the important thing is that he is still a Chinese character painter, and the painter must rely on his works to speak, to speak in the characteristic language of Chinese character painting. Over the years, Yingsheng has proved his ability, strength and potential with a large number of his works. Among them, there are huge murals, there are thematic works that can be called grand masterpieces created by the invitation of important national institutions, there are a large number of interesting sketch handscrolls, and there are landscape characters sketched on the spot...... These works continue to be disseminated through exhibitions, publications and various media, and have caused an impact on the industry and society again and again, which is impressive! Remarkable!

I am not an art theorist, and I cannot summarize and organize Yingsheng's works from a theoretical level, but I am a practitioner of Chinese figure painting. From the perspective of a practitioner, I think that the reason why Wang Yingsheng can be called a phenomenal painter is mainly due to the following artistic characteristics presented by his works themselves.

First, the "Wangjia-like" character modeling is schematized and personalized. Yingsheng has formed his own Wang family schema in the character modeling, especially the facial modeling, and what is valuable is that he makes each image vivid and different in the schematic portrayal, and the normalization is not homogeneous. This characteristic is vividly reflected in his huge new work "Resumption of the College Entrance Examination", more than 100 young candidates of the same age, this kind of big theme, big scene and many characters, even for oil painters who are good at realism, it is also a great test, but Yingsheng completed it very wonderfully: more than 120 young candidates of the same age, all have a "Wang style" face, but the personality is distinct, the portrayal techniques are different, and the characters are many and will never be repeated! This ability to write realistically and unify the paradigm is truly breathtaking! These characteristics are also shown in Yingsheng's other large-scale works.

Second, the degree of humor and witty sense of the characters, and the contrast and harmony with the solemnity and solemnity of the subject characters, are a characteristic of the characters created by Yingsheng. In his "Return of Hong Kong" and "The Oath at Noon", as well as the mural of Genghis Khan's Mausoleum "A Generation of Tianjiao", and the mural of "All Nations Come to Dynasty" in Luoyang Ziwei City Paradise, he moderately exaggerated and deformed important politicians in history, making these cold characters cute, amiable and lovely, such as Wu Zetian in his mural, there is also a little cuteness and cuteness in the majesty, which reflects Yingsheng's relaxed creative mentality and attitude towards life.

Third, the combination of Chinese and Western colors, and the integration of mural heavy color and folk painting in the use of techniques. As mentioned earlier, Yingsheng originally worked hard in traditional Chinese heavy color, and painted a large number of oil paintings during his study visit to Russia, and later studied the color and production of traditional Chinese murals. There is not only the visual impact of Western painting, but also the nuanced portrayal of traditional Chinese painting.

Fourth, the combination of Chinese and Western lines. Yingsheng's line is far from Lao Lian and Bo Nian, and near chasing Ziwu and Zhongyi, and the center is the mainstay, and it absorbs the style of Dürer and Ingres, the master of Western line drawing, and blends it into his own line, forming a family. From many of his works of Chinese opera characters, works of foreign customs and characters, and sketches of white landscapes, we can see that when dealing with complex and colorful costume patterns, ethnic minority costumes, character backgrounds, forest branches and leaves, and still lifes, Wang Yingsheng can sketch, point, reverse, or dye and rub these objects that are difficult to depict with traditional line drawings. Among them, a considerable amount of absorption and use of the method of Western painting with lines, which is both Chinese and Western, is Yingsheng's unique and distinctive artistic personality language, which should be Yingsheng's contribution to the development of Chinese character line drawing.

(Text/Ma Guoqiang, Vice President of the Chinese Painting Society)

Work appreciation

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western


140cm x 200cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

"Prosperous Hong Kong"

140cm x 200cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western


140cm x 200cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

Hong Kong in Style

140cm x 200cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

"Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland"

240cm x480cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

"A Generation of Tianjiao: The Hope of the Mongolian Nation"

450cm x5700cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

"Coming to the World"

399cm x1909cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

"Chinese Peking Opera-Micro Class Enters Beijing"

268cm x 448cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

"Pear Garden from Generation to Generation"

300cm x 600cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

"Planting the Shadow in the Masses - Gaburon"

300cm x 800cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

"Pacing No. 1"

200cm x 125cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

"Pacing No. 2"

200cm x 135cm

Traditional chinese painting

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

"A Generation of Tianjiao: The Hope of the Mongolian Nation"

450cm x5700cm

Traditional chinese painting

(Source: CCTV)

Artist Profile

Ma Guoqiang looks at the "Wang Yingsheng phenomenon": the characters are vivid and different, and the color lines are a blend of Chinese and Western

Wang Yingsheng, admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1995 as a graduate student, graduated in 1997 with a master's degree, received a doctorate degree in 2013, was selected by the National Foundation of China from 2003 to 2004 to be a visiting scholar at the Merinikov Studio of the Repin Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Russia, and is currently a second-level professor and dean of the School of Restoration at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a director of the Chinese Artists Association, director of the Mural Art Committee, a member of the National Art Creation Committee on Major Themes, and the vice president of the China Mural Painting Society. He is a researcher of the Gongbi Painting Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Arts, a consultant of the Chinese Gongbi Painting Society, and a doctoral and master's supervisor. His works have participated in the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th National Art Exhibitions, the First National Sports Art Exhibition, the National Youth Art Exhibition, the 1st and 2nd National Mural Exhibitions, the "Chinese Epic Art Exhibition" - the creation project of historical paintings on the theme of Chinese civilization and history, and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. His works have won the highest award of the 8th National Art Exhibition, the Excellence Award of the 9th National Art Exhibition, the Bronze Award of the 10th National Art Exhibition, the Chinese Young Artist Award of the 1st Beijing International Art Biennale, the Gold Award of the 11th National Art Exhibition, and the Bronze Award of the 12th National Art Exhibition. In 2005, he was named "Artist of Virtue and Art" by the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and published "Into the Painter - Wang Yingsheng's Collection", "60 Generation - Wang Yingsheng's Collection" and "Noon Gate Oath - Wang Yingsheng's Collection", which were collected and introduced by a variety of media.

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