
【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

author:China Net Shandong

About a year ago, a friend abruptly asked him for calligraphy, which sparked the oil painter's exploration of calligraphy design.

Li Meng's creative calligraphy works combine the principles of calligraphy, painting and literature, and are full of playfulness.

His style of harmony is thus revealed.

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Drunk

Size: 60×35cm

Created in: 2022


A calligraphy game for an oil painter

When Li Meng extended from designing landscapes to designing calligraphy, I gained a new understanding of the artist's freedom. Some people are obsessed with one art all their lives, and some people are comfortable in multiple categories, and art has no boundaries, what a fascinating thing.

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Zen

Size: 33×33cm

Created in: 2022

Li Meng is an outstanding oil painter, known for painting garden themes, and his ethereal, elegant, elegant and transcendent aesthetic realm is admired and followed by his colleagues. How did he get involved in calligraphy design? It turned out that about a year ago, a friend came to visit him and asked him for words in an ingenious way. Li Meng couldn't cry or laugh, calligraphy is not his forte. However, the friend firmly believed that although Li Meng had never practiced calligraphy, he could paint landscape still lifes in line with traditional Chinese style, and he would definitely be able to write good calligraphy. Li Meng couldn't refuse, so he had to agree. What to write it in? He is not professional in brushes, but he is familiar with the brush for oil painting. In the end, he wrote a few calligraphy works using Western oil painting brushes, Eastern ink and rice paper, and his friends were very happy to see them and accepted them with satisfaction. Since then, out of fun, Li Meng has begun to explore and experiment with calligraphy design, and gradually has his own calligraphy appearance.

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Houde

Size: 35×60cm

Created in: 2022

In the art world, it is not uncommon to see examples of multiple skills and two hands. Mr. Huang Yongyu is one of the leaders, he is not only good at painting and writing, but also a design wizard, the design of the zodiac monkey stamps has made the postal market soar, and the design of wine bottle packaging has made the hometown liquor brand very popular. Li Meng is also good at oil painting, watercolor painting, and classical guitar, and now he has added calligraphy design, which can be described as multi-talented.

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Half rounded

Size: 33×33cm

Created in: 2022

The oil painting brush is to Li Meng what the brush is to the calligrapher, and it is easy to use it. An oil brush can't be as flexible as a brush, but it can draw straight lines. Li Meng took a fancy to this characteristic of the script, so he designed and changed it based on the writing style of the simplified script. In ancient times in the mainland, before the invention of papermaking, the bamboo slip (that is, bamboo and wood chips) was the main writing carrier, the pre-Qin slips mostly used ancient scripts, seal scripts, after the Qin unified the whole country, the official script, it can be seen that the script is still neat. Matching the style of the writing instrument to the Chinese character font was the first step for Li Meng.

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Shede

Size: 33×33cm

Created in: 2022

Calligraphy design belongs to the category of creative calligraphy, focusing on the innovation of form. In the field of painting, Li Meng's exploration and expression of form has reached a very high level. In China, he took the lead in introducing design into traditional oil painting, and pioneered the artistic view of "designed landscape", "landscape can be designed", thus elevating the beauty of form to an important position and broadening the subject matter and form of domestic painting. Following his own artistic theory, he has created a "non-neat and neat" schema comparable to the brocade ash pile, and the "Designed Landscape" series of oil paintings are constantly evolving, and his art has a strong oriental rhyme and poetic beauty. He embarked on a road of oil painting with national characteristics, which has a lot to do with his in-depth study and reference of Chinese painting, and the homogeneity of Chinese calligraphy and painting, coupled with the fact that he took a calligraphy course in college, all of which enabled him to quickly and naturally cut into the art of calligraphy. The friend's reluctant invitation was not blind, he saw the potential hidden in Li Meng.

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Shede

Size: 60×35cm

Created in: 2022

On fertile soil, the growth of a new seedling is easy.

Li Meng uses painting into calligraphy, arranging the space of Chinese characters in accordance with the beauty of form, breaking the thinking routine of knots, and deforming and collocation the dots, lines and surfaces of the characters.

His pen has a light and heavy square circle, the ink has a dry shade, and sometimes sees flying white, and the pen and ink are completely interesting. Just like the pursuit of momentum in his paintings, his words can be tilted or oblique, steady and dangerous, and the momentum is ups and downs without losing gentleness. The inscription uses a brush, and the smart and dangerous small characters here complement the thick text. If the inscription generally follows the traditional format, the seal is a bit unconventional, where it needs to be embellished or balanced, the idle chapter may fall there. His calligraphy is calligraphy and painting.

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Listen to the rain

Size: 33×33cm

Created in: 2022

For good calligraphy, the person who writes must have a sense of what is written. Li Meng's calligraphy can withstand the meticulous taste, and he has done enough articles in pictographic ideograms and the extension of meanings, so that the artistic conception can be born. Let's look at "listening to the rain", the four points of "rain" turn into two lines of raindrops, and the rain marks are put together, which is quite poetic and picturesque of "a curtain of rain outside the window". "Happy", there is an ellipsis formed by six points at the end, what is "happy to think"? Leave it to the viewer to add to himself, the meaning of this word is wider, and the fun comes. "Viewing the remnant clouds", just looking at the literal "viewing the clouds", and then looking at the title, you can know that the word "cloud" is missing the right side, and "viewing the clouds" is actually "viewing the remnant clouds", which is similar to the ancient Tibetan poems. There is also "drunk", the name stamp is covered upside down, and both drinkers and spectators are "drunk". In Li Meng's calligraphy works, the details are often miraculous, which is quite interesting.

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name:Le Bu Si......

Size: 33×33cm

Created in: 2022

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Observation of Remnant Clouds

Size: 33×33cm

Created in: 2022

The content of Li Meng's writing can be roughly divided into three categories. The first is the words often written in traditional calligraphy, such as Houde, Shede, and Zen. The second is the self-extension of traditional content, such as rare not confused (originally "rare and confused"), Zen tea three flavors (originally "Zen tea one taste"), and love for cattle (originally "playing the piano to cows"). The third is the design of the current Internet terms, such as the gods and horses are floating clouds, do not lie flat, and are lazy. Different contents, writing styles are different, such as "not lying flat" is simple and simple, one is "willing" two ways of writing, one is round and generous, and the other is free and easy.

Li Meng has a profound literary accomplishment, which is especially evident from the inscription. When he supplemented the content of the text with inscriptions, the writing was in classical Chinese colors, and the sentences were full of wisdom, concise and funny. For example, in "drunk", the title is "those who say that they are drunk, they are not drunk"; In "Playing Love to Cows", the title is "It is difficult to talk about love to cows, and it is easy to play the piano to cows". This inscription is the finishing touch, making the whole calligraphy meaningful and interesting.

Li Meng's name badge is engraved with the words "Li Meng's calligraphy", and the words "painting" are light and humble, indicating one of his attitudes: this is not calligraphy in the serious sense, and it cannot be measured by the standards of traditional calligraphy.

Li Meng's creative calligraphy works combine the principles of calligraphy, painting and literature, and are full of playfulness, reflecting his broad and optimistic attitude towards life. They moisten the heart and make people smile at life. His oil paintings are still elegant and elegant, his calligraphy is still rich and interesting, and Li Meng's style is also solemn and harmonious.

If you can read his calligraphy, you will know that this artist with the temperament of a literati has an interesting soul.

(Please enjoy it in landscape mode)

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Do not lie flat

Size: 35×138cm

Created in: 2022

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Romance with cows

Size: 35×138cm

Created in: 2022

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Watching the clouds and listening to the rain

Size: 35×138cm

Created in: 2022

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: It's rare not to be confused

Size: 35×138cm

Created in: 2022

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: Gods and horses are all floating clouds

Size: 35×138cm

Created in: 2022

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Name: A lazy crowd shirt small

Size: 35×138cm

Created in: 2022

(Text/Ke Yin, Art Writer)

(Source: Li Meng Painting Studio)

Artist Profile

【70 Oil Painting Commune】Li Meng's creative calligraphy丨 Calligraphy is based on painting, and the style is also solemn and harmonious

Li Meng

Born in 1974 in Lu'an, Anhui Province

He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association

Evaluation expert of the National Arts Fund

Member of the 70 Oil Painting Commune

Deputy Director of the Watercolor Art Committee of Sichuan Artists Association

Vice President of Sichuan Contemporary Oil Painting Institute

Full-time painter of Chengdu Painting Academy

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