
Rubbing red memories and experiencing intangible cultural heritage

author:Tanfang Melter
Rubbing red memories and experiencing intangible cultural heritage

  Weifang Daily Weifang Rong Media News On June 29, Caojiaxiang Community, Chengguan Street, Weicheng District, carried out a handmade rubbing activity of "rubbing red memories and understanding intangible cultural heritage". At the event site, Sun Caiyun, the inheritor of Weifang City's intangible cultural heritage transmission skills, explained in detail the basic steps and methods of rubbing. Residents choose red elements as the theme of rubbing, experience the charm of traditional culture, improve their art appreciation and hands-on ability, and accept the influence of red culture in a subtle way.

Rubbing red memories and experiencing intangible cultural heritage
Rubbing red memories and experiencing intangible cultural heritage
Rubbing red memories and experiencing intangible cultural heritage

Weifang Daily all-media reporter: Zhang Chi/Wentu

Edit: Banxia

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