
"Old objects" take you to immerse yourself in the → of local culture

author:Tanfang Melter
"Old objects" take you to immerse yourself in the → of local culture

  On June 26, in a labor practice base in Gaomi City, Weifang, children learned about the use of traditional tools and farm tools under the guidance of villagers.

"Old objects" take you to immerse yourself in the → of local culture
"Old objects" take you to immerse yourself in the → of local culture

  On the same day, a primary school in Gaomi City carried out the activity of "experiencing traditional folk customs and feeling the new changes of the times", and the surrounding farmers and party members and volunteers explained the history of various "old objects" to the children on the spot, so that the children could experience the development and changes of local culture and society up close.

"Old objects" take you to immerse yourself in the → of local culture
"Old objects" take you to immerse yourself in the → of local culture
"Old objects" take you to immerse yourself in the → of local culture
"Old objects" take you to immerse yourself in the → of local culture

  Weifang Daily all-media reporter: Sun Shubao/Wentu

  Correspondent: Li Haitao

Edit: Banxia

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