
The delegation of the German biomedical industry to China went to Fengtai to carry out "one-to-one" exchanges

author:Fengtai, Beijing

Delegation of the German biomedical industry to China

Walk into Fengtai

A few days ago, Dr. Hubertus Kranz, former president of the German Federal Pharmaceutical Association, was invited by Dr. Hubertus Krantz. A delegation of 25 people from the German biomedical industry led by Hubertus Cranz visited the Temple of Heaven Intelligent Medical Industrial Park in Fengtai District, and conducted "one-to-one" in-depth exchanges with representatives of relevant departments, enterprises and universities in Fengtai District.

The delegation of the German biomedical industry to China went to Fengtai to carry out "one-to-one" exchanges

The event was hosted by the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, and organized by the Fengtai District Biomedical Health Work Class (hereinafter referred to as the "Work Class"), the District Investment Promotion Center, the District Foreign Affairs Office, the Fengtai Park Management Committee, the District Bureau of Commerce and Xincun Street. More than 10 companies in the group cover small molecule drug research and development, recombinant protein and antibody preparation, herbal drug manufacturing, skin xenograft and other fields.

In the preparation process of the event, the working group focused on the individual needs of German enterprises, carefully designed the service model of "one enterprise, one member, one policy", and arranged relevant functional departments, high-quality enterprises, universities and research institutes in the region to provide "one-to-one" supply and demand docking services in advance.

In the on-site exchange session, Deputy District Mayor Gao Chongyao welcomed the delegation to China. Dr. Mao Shanhong, a distinguished expert of the Beijing Municipal Government and chief scientist of Fengtai District, on behalf of the working class, comprehensively introduced the location advantages, key functional areas, leading industries, innovation ecology and supporting policies of Fengtai District.

The delegation of the German biomedical industry to China went to Fengtai to carry out "one-to-one" exchanges

For the enterprise cooperation, school-enterprise cooperation, market expansion, investment and financing support, investment and mergers and acquisitions and other matters that German entrepreneurs are concerned about, all Fengtai "docking people" have come up with customized solutions, so that enterprises can feel full of sincerity and enthusiasm, and have been widely praised by enterprise representatives.

SILREAL, a company specializing in solutions for the medical industry, is based in Berlin, Germany, and has come to China to find and provide strategic support to Chinese companies interested in entering the German market. Chenchao Liu, Managing Director, said, "The event was a great platform for communication. Andrea Höcker, Public Relations Specialist, said that the "one-on-one" exchange event made the German biomedical industry delegation "deeply impressed" by the delegation and looked forward to expanding more cooperation opportunities in the field of medical and health care.

Through exchange activities, Beijing Dynaflow Laboratory Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Jointown Technology Incubator Co., Ltd., Beijing Keyuan Xinhai Pharmaceutical Management Co., Ltd. and other enterprises have reached preliminary cooperation intentions with German docking enterprises, laying a solid foundation for expanding a broader cooperation space.

The delegation of the German biomedical industry to China went to Fengtai to carry out "one-to-one" exchanges

During the event, representatives of German companies also visited the Innovation Center of Beijing Tiantan Hospital and the Dingye Industrial Park of Xincun Street, and immersed themselves in the resource, innovation and space advantages of Fengtai District in the development of biomedical and health industry.

Source: Invest in Fengtai

Intern Editor: Qian Yixin

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