
NetEase strikes hard! 1288 battle network for reporting scripts, 100,000 for reporting studios!

author:Apple cow watch the game

I believe that everyone should have noticed recently that in addition to normal gamers, there are also a lot of in-game scripts. For example, you will find that many studios' scripts are brushed in the north wind tundra, and for the fight against scripts, in addition to the official processing, the cooperation of players is also very important, so the official has also released a new event, calling on players to fight bad behavior in the game.

NetEase strikes hard! 1288 battle network for reporting scripts, 100,000 for reporting studios!

Wrath of the Lich King is now open, and the World of Warcraft national server team will crack down on anyone who tries to upset the balance and order of the game.

In order to ensure that everyone can enjoy the game in a good environment, we have launched a special campaign to combat illegal gaming from now on. Let's work together to protect Azeroth and create a fair and healthy gaming atmosphere.

Event time

June 29, 2024 00:00——July 28, 2024 23:59

How to get involved

1. All accounts that have not been penalized in World of Warcraft can participate in this event.

2. If you find a suspected violation during the game, you can report it in the following three ways:

(1) Open the in-game menu interface (the default button ESC) and click the "Support Button" or visit the customer support website to report to the customer service team.

NetEase strikes hard! 1288 battle network for reporting scripts, 100,000 for reporting studios!

(2) Right-click on the avatar of the suspected violating character in the game, select "Report Player", select the "Cheat" or "Disrupt Game Experience" option, fill in the reason and submit.

NetEase strikes hard! 1288 battle network for reporting scripts, 100,000 for reporting studios!

(3) Visit and follow the [Blizzard Game Service Center] WeChat official account, click [Service Center] at the bottom to open the service page, and select [Report Plug-in].

NetEase strikes hard! 1288 battle network for reporting scripts, 100,000 for reporting studios!

3. Within 3 days after the successful report, if the reported person is found to be in violation of the rules and punished, one successful report will be counted. Multiple reports of the same person will only be counted as one time. If the reported character has been penalized at the time of reporting, it will not be counted.

4. At the end of the month, the total number of successful reports for each player participating in the event will be counted, and the ranking will be made according to the total number of reports.

5. The ranking results will be published every week, and the top 100 players who have successfully reported the cumulative number of reports will be announced on the leaderboard. If two or more players are tied (i.e. the cumulative number of successful reports is the same), they will be sorted according to the time when the number of reports was reached.

There are two ways for players to view the leaderboard:

(1) Go to the [Blizzard Game Service Center] WeChat service account, and click [More Services] - [Customer Service Announcement] at the bottom to view.

(2) Go to the [NetEase God] APP, follow World of Warcraft, and click [Customer Service Announcement] to view.

6. The number of successful reports is subject to the actual situation after verification by the customer service team.

Event Rewards

In this event, the top 100 players who successfully report the total number of times will be rewarded with Battlenet Points. The more successful reports a player makes, the more rewards and rewards they will receive, as follows:

1st place: 1288 battle points

2nd place: 988 battle points

3rd place: 688 battle points

4th~10th person: 375 points

11th~20th person: 225 points

21~100 people: 75 points

After the event, the winners will be announced and the rewards will be distributed after the publicity period.

In addition to cracking down on in-game misconduct, NetEase will also crack down on the production, sale, and distribution of cheats. If players find any related illegal acts, please report to NetEase through email [email protected].

If the evidence is sufficient and legally enforceable, and can help the national service team cooperate with the police to file a case, NetEase will provide a reward of up to 100,000 yuan.


NetEase's move is unprecedented, demonstrating the government's determination to crack down on in-game abuse. In-game scripting is endless. In particular, many studios' scripts have caused great damage to the balance and fairness of the game.

NetEase has launched a new whistleblower reward campaign, calling on players to actively participate, which not only shows the importance that the official attaches to cleaning up the game environment, but also encourages players to actively report violations through generous rewards, believing that all players want to get an unscripted Azeroth, so this can not only combat the arrogance of the script and the studio, but also players can get actual benefits from it, which is really a double win.

There are also a lot of rewards of 100,000 yuan, and I believe that there will be warriors under the heavy reward, who can stand up and hit the studio fiercely!

So what do you think of this wave of NetEase's operations, and how much impact will it have on the script?

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