
The United States was attacked by the hegemon, ushered in three bad news, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and there was not much time left for Biden

author:Observation Room Seven

The United States has been attacked by hegemonism, ushered in three bad news, the enemy is getting stronger and stronger, the situation is taking a sharp turn for the worse, and there is not much time left for Biden. Recently, for the United States, it is really "what to be afraid of". Whether it is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict or the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the more the United States wants to avoid falling into the quagmire of war, the more it backfires. It can be said that the United States has never suffered such a big loss in every past regional conflict, but now the United States has tasted the bitter fruit, and because of the backlash against its own pursuit of hegemonism, it has ushered in three bad news at once.

The United States was attacked by the hegemon, ushered in three bad news, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and there was not much time left for Biden

First, in the Middle East, we all know that the United States has been fully supportive of Israel since the outbreak of a new round of large-scale Palestinian-Israeli conflicts. In addition to providing military assistance, it also supports Israel in carrying out various air strikes in the Middle East, fighting Syria, Iraq, Yemen's Houthis and other forces. To put it mildly, it is the United States attacking from all sides, mobilizing strategic capabilities from around the world to demonstrate a strong American presence in the Middle East. In disguise, this is tantamount to provoking an anti-American wave in the region. Soon, because the United States supported Israel's various combat operations in the Gaza Strip, the US troops in the Middle East were severely beaten, which was really self-inflicted. Recently, the Houthis said that they used homegrown hypersonic missiles to attack Israeli ships for the first time, and announced that they would intensify attacks on Israeli ships in the future, as well as threatening to sink American ships defending Israeli interests. Obviously, the United States has suffered a big loss from being tied up with Israel, which is related to the national policy of the United States, and it can be regarded as a backlash.

The United States was attacked by the hegemon, ushered in three bad news, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and there was not much time left for Biden

Second, in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States originally intended to sanction and punish Russia with its allies and bring it to its knees, but everything turned out to be the opposite, under the siege of the United States and the West, the Russian economy grew by 3.2% last year, while the growth rate of the West was very low. So in the case of poor sanctions effect, the United States turned to classic means, intending to deter Russia by force. We can see that now NATO has put the calculation of eastward expansion on Russia's doorstep, but the fighting nation is not vegetarian. In the face of the provocation by force by the United States and the West, Putin has recently brought good news, but it is definitely bad news for the United States. Putin said that the Russian Navy is replenishing new ships with modern types of weapons, and in 2024 Russian shipyards will deliver more than 40 ships to the Russian Ministry of Defense. It is enough from this to see that the Russian military industry has not been stagnate by the blows of the West, but, on the contrary, has exploded with infinite potential.

The United States was attacked by the hegemon, ushered in three bad news, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and there was not much time left for Biden

The third bad news is actually related to the United States' own goals, as McGregor, a former Pentagon adviser and retired colonel, said recently, the United States' attempt to isolate Russia is actually to isolate the United States itself in the end. Countries in the rising Global South, such as developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, such as India, Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa, as well as the Gulf states, have not massively joined sanctions against Russia, but have instead deepened economic ties with Russia and China.

The United States was attacked by the hegemon, ushered in three bad news, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and there was not much time left for Biden

All this proves that the US plan to impose hegemonic domination has failed and is being counterattacked. Now that the enemy is getting stronger and the situation is taking a turn for the worse, the era when the United States was able to cover the sky with one hand is gone, and the Biden administration's desire to maintain hegemonic dominance is ultimately an unattainable dream. At present, the United States is in a situation of internal and external troubles, and the election results are approaching step by step, for Biden, there is really not much time left for him, instead of thinking about how to maintain hegemony, it is better to plan how to save this unsightly approval rate.

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