
Whether or not to start a war against Lebanon and the Israeli military and the government are singing opposite tunes, in fact, the United States has realized the key

author:Observation Room Seven
Whether or not to start a war against Lebanon and the Israeli military and the government are singing opposite tunes, in fact, the United States has realized the key

Some time ago, the tense posture of Israel and Lebanon attracted global attention. Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu has been repeatedly emphasizing one thing in the past few days, that is, Israel will put aside the fight against Hamas for the time being and will start a war against Lebanon and Pakistan. However, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant, who had not been noncomposed, immediately went to the United States and openly sang the opposite tune to Netanyahu.

According to the Times of Israel, on June 26, Gallant publicly said that with the strength of the Israeli army, Lebanon could directly "return to the Stone Age". However, Gallant then stressed that the Israeli government does not seek war against Allah in Lebanon, preferring to use external means to resolve the current Lebanese-Israeli border conflict.

It's also magical, just before Gallant's statement, Netanyahu was still clamoring for the use of force to turn Lebanon into a second Gaza. As a result, less than three days later, Gallant declared on behalf of the Israeli government that he no longer sought war against Lebanon. Could it be that the Israeli government suddenly received some kind of rumors and was suddenly instigated? The answer is necessarily no. Considering the feud between Gallant and Netanyahu, and the background of Gallant's eyebrows and the fact that Americans have been eye-to-eyed more and more recently. These words, most of which were asked of the Americans, were made by Gallant.

In fact, on June 24, U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters exactly the same thing as Gallant. There are also reports that the Israeli army has long been exhausted due to the prolonged activities of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip, and Charles Brown, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, has issued relevant warnings about the Israeli high-level plan to start a war against Lebanon as soon as possible.

Whether or not to start a war against Lebanon and the Israeli military and the government are singing opposite tunes, in fact, the United States has realized the key

One thing to say is that the Israeli military and political sides, and even the Netanyahu government and the US government, have put forward completely opposite ways of dealing with the Lebanese-Israeli conflict, which is actually within the scope of the outside world's expectations.

On the one hand, Allah is not Iran, it is separated from Israel by several countries, and the two are close together. When Iran launched missiles and drones into Israel in April, Jordan and other countries claimed that Iran's long-range strikes directly threatened their national security, so they intercepted them. In the words of Charles Brown, the U.S. military is deployed farther away from Israel than Lebanon, and its ability to help Israel defend against Allah attacks is limited. Obviously, both the Israeli and American militaries have realized that Netanyahu's intention to open a second battlefield and trouble Allah is tantamount to asking for his own death.

On the other hand, resistance groups in the Middle East, including Allah and the Houthis, have suddenly ushered in a wave of "military technology explosion" recently. There are a variety of weapons and equipment that can directly hit the vital points of the US and Israeli forces, especially the Houthis, and now even hypersonic missiles. In response to this situation, we have reason to suspect that there are many big countries behind it, which have already ended up indirectly. For this reason, if Israel really dares to move Lebanon, then the enemy it will face in the future is definitely not only Allah, but also some existence that the United States cannot provoke. It is worth mentioning that a few days ago, Erdogan was the first to make it clear that Turkey will "stand together" with Lebanon.

Whether or not to start a war against Lebanon and the Israeli military and the government are singing opposite tunes, in fact, the United States has realized the key

To put it bluntly, we have always emphasized that the United States is only one major war away from the complete collapse of its hegemony. Netanyahu may not understand the truth of the death of cold lips and teeth, but the Israeli military still sees it quite clearly. For this reason, the US and Israeli militaries have not only emphasized the use of diplomatic means to quell the Lebanese-Israeli war, but at the end of the day, the United States has realized the key and directly "instigated."

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