
National anti-fraud|poke in! The high school entrance examination to prevent fraud "patted" you

author:Ping An Shantou
National anti-fraud|poke in! The high school entrance examination to prevent fraud "patted" you

Summer Sun Flame

The annual high school entrance examination is coming as scheduled

Thousands of students are ready to go

Parents are looking forward to it

But you can't let your guard down at this time

Fraudsters are on the move

Here are a few common types of scams

Candidates and parents, please

Improve your anti-deception ability and beware of being deceived

Guarantee a high score in the secret paper

Tempting people's hearts like a spring breeze

As the high school entrance examination approaches, scammers take advantage of the candidates' desire to get high scores, using text messages, phone calls, advertisements and other means to send "sell test questions" and "sell standard answers" to candidates and parents, claiming to provide high hit rate test questions, usually the price ranges from thousands to tens of thousands of yuan, some candidates and parents try to buy these materials to cope with the exam, but they fall into the fraud trap set by scammers.

National anti-fraud|poke in! The high school entrance examination to prevent fraud "patted" you

The police remind: It is illegal to illegally sell or provide test questions and answers to others, and cheating on the exam will cancel the results at least and break the law at worst.

Look for the candidate's admission ticket

There are many ways to scam

Every year during the exam season, I often see in WeChat groups and circles of friends: "A friend has picked up an admission ticket for a candidate, and I will notify you if I know you." Name: ×××, Test Center: ×××, Examination Room: ×××, Seat Number: ××, Admission Ticket Number: ×××××××, Diffusion, Diffusion, Don't Delay Your Child's Exam, Help Others Leave a Lingering Fragrance! Rumors like that.

National anti-fraud|poke in! The high school entrance examination to prevent fraud "patted" you

Police remind: Similar rumors are actually scams set up by some people with ulterior motives with the help of exams to attract public attention on the grounds of losing the admission ticket, so as to attract traffic or wait for an opportunity to defraud. If you really pick up the admission ticket, you must contact the police station as soon as possible. Netizens who see this kind of information should not forward, follow, or call the relevant contact number without verification, and beware of being deceived.


Claiming that the score change is a scam

After the test, many parents and candidates hope to know the test results as soon as possible, so scammers take advantage of the psychology of candidates and parents who are eager to know the scores, and send fake URLs with Trojan links through text messages, claiming that they can "check the score in advance" or even "change the score in the background" through technology. Once you click on the link in the text message, the Trojan virus will be planted on the phone to obtain key information such as a verification code.

National anti-fraud|poke in! The high school entrance examination to prevent fraud "patted" you

Police remind: Candidates and parents should follow the query time and score checking website announced by the education department when checking scores, and do not easily believe that others click on unknown links in text messages at will and fall into the trap of scammers. If you accidentally click, uninstall the payment instrument on your phone immediately to ensure the safety of your funds.

Internal indicators are a façade

Check the official website for the most insurance

Some criminals take advantage of the psychology of parents who want to send their children to key high schools, and lie that the score line of a certain high school has been drawn high, and the quota is not full, so they can spend money to "dot" to get a supplementary quota.

Before the exam, scammers will also take advantage of the fact that candidates or parents do not understand the admissions policy, falsely claiming that they can buy "internal indicators" and "exceptional admission", promising that as long as they are willing to spend money, they can get and guarantee admission, deceive candidates and parents, and disappear after charging "activity" and "dotting" fees.

National anti-fraud|poke in! The high school entrance examination to prevent fraud "patted" you

The police remind: whether it is a key high school or an ordinary high school, there are strict and formal enrollment procedures, and admission will not incur any additional fees.

Hard work will be rewarded

Personal information is well protected

After the results of the high school entrance examination come out, many students or parents smile and take a photo to send to the circle of friends, at this time, your admission ticket, ID number, candidate number, score inquiry form, etc. may become the source of information leakage.

After these personal privacy is leaked, once it falls into the hands of criminals, they will be used, spam text messages are endless, harassing phone calls are repeated, and cheats and abductors take advantage of the situation, causing great harm to their own rights and interests.

National anti-fraud|poke in! The high school entrance examination to prevent fraud "patted" you

Police remind: When candidates or parents are ready to post transcripts on social platforms such as Weibo and Moments to share their joy, remember not to disclose sensitive personal privacy such as ID card number and admission ticket number at will. The online world is exciting, but safety is just as important, so don't let the excitement of the moment become a source of trouble in the future.

Ping An Jun safety tips

1. Before registering, please check and understand the official recruitment information in time, and do not believe any unofficial school enrollment information and admission score line.

2. If there are any suspicious admissions officers, leaders add friends or come to the door, verify and confirm with the relevant departments and schools in time.

3. If the candidate's score does not reach the admission score line, do not easily believe the so-called spending money to buy "unplanned indicators".

4. If you encounter an admissions scam, you must stay calm, collect relevant evidence in time and report it to the police.


Source: Cyber Security Bureau, Ministry of Public Security

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