
Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 received 3666.3 grams of lunar soil, and the United States collected 382 kilograms of lunar landing! But I still want to ask for it

author:Steering wheel

China's Chang'e-6 has been a complete success, bringing back 1,935.3 grams of samples from the far side of the moon, which is a successful completion compared to the roughly 2,000 grams of lunar samples originally collected by the mainland.

Of course, many people may say, why not collect a little more? There is no way to do this, since the mainland has set up to collect about 2,000 grams, it must be planned and arranged, and although there are only not a lot of samples on the far side of the moon, the mainland has also taken the surface extraction, drilling and other methods to obtain the best lunar soil, which is a good thing.

Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 received 3666.3 grams of lunar soil, and the United States collected 382 kilograms of lunar landing! But I still want to ask for it

However, after the handover of Chang'e-6 lunar samples this time, the mainland also has more lunar samples, which will definitely be helpful for subsequent research.

However, this also makes many people think that the American Apollo program brought back a total of 382 kilograms of lunar soil and lunar rock (I will directly say lunar soil), but it still came to China, why is this? Let's take a closer look.

Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 received 3666.3 grams of lunar soil!

That's right, the Chang'e-5 mission and the Chang'e-6 mission are the two lunar sampling missions carried out by the mainland, and they have created a new history of lunar exploration on the mainland, and although these two missions are on the moon, there are indeed differences, I will briefly explain them.

Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 received 3666.3 grams of lunar soil, and the United States collected 382 kilograms of lunar landing! But I still want to ask for it

Chang'e-5 is China's first lunar probe to return unmanned lunar surface samples, and it landed in the area north of the Lumke Mountains, located in the stormy ocean on the front of the moon.

After the successful landing, Chang'e-5 started the collection of lunar samples and successfully brought back 1,731 grams, and this time the lunar samples also made the mainland achieve a lot of achievements in lunar exploration:

  • For the first time, a new mineral was discovered on the moon and named it "Chang'eite".
  • For the first time, the presence of submicron-scale magnetites of impact origin in lunar soil has been confirmed.
  • 首次发现具有蒸发沉积特征的蓝辉铜矿矿物(Cu1.8S)

In addition, there is the first discovery of natural glass fiber, the first discovery of natural graphene, etc., which all show the uniqueness of the continental Chang'e-5 lunar sample, which is really unique.

It is really surprising that many people may be surprised that China can give so many first results with such a few lunar samples, which is completely the pinnacle of cognition, and what is even more surprising is that China's Chang'e-5 has also rewritten a success in lunar history.

Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 received 3666.3 grams of lunar soil, and the United States collected 382 kilograms of lunar landing! But I still want to ask for it

That is, the magmatic activity of the Moon continued until about 2 billion years ago, and the life span of the Moon was about 800 million years longer than previously estimated. Therefore, the results brought by Chang'e-5 make everyone really look at it, and this is even more exciting for Chang'e-6.

This time, Chang'e-6 brought back more lunar samples, much more than Chang'e-5, totaling 1,935.3 grams of lunar samples. Therefore, under Chang'e-6, the lunar samples that China has obtained on the moon add up to 3666.3 grams.

Let's see if this sample on the far side of the moon can bring different surprises, but as a sample on the far side of the moon, it is so unique and the world's first lunar sample, so the follow-up results should be good.

Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 received 3666.3 grams of lunar soil, and the United States collected 382 kilograms of lunar landing! But I still want to ask for it

Therefore, after the Chang'e-5 and 6 missions, continental lunar samples are already enough for research.

However, it is also because of the uniqueness of China's lunar samples that other countries are waiting for China to share them, including the United States.

The American Apollo took 382 kilograms of samples, but wanted China to share them

In the 60s and 70s of the last century, the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, locked their hegemony on the moon, the only satellite of the earth 380,000 kilometers away from the earth, and proved their strength by exploring the moon.

Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 received 3666.3 grams of lunar soil, and the United States collected 382 kilograms of lunar landing! But I still want to ask for it

In that lunar race, the United States brought back a total of 382 kilograms of lunar soil and lunar rock, including 110.5 kilograms of lunar samples returned to Earth in one go during the Apollo 17 mission in 1972.

The Soviet Union collected about 300 grams of lunar soil samples from the moon through three unmanned lunar missions, the Luna 16, 20 and 24 probes. Therefore, the comparison of these two data can be seen that there are really too many lunar samples in the United States, and the number is scary.

However, although the competition on the moon is vigorous, it is from the front side of the moon, not the far side of the moon, so the American Apollo collected 382 kilograms of samples, but still wants China to share.

Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 received 3666.3 grams of lunar soil, and the United States collected 382 kilograms of lunar landing! But I still want to ask for it

Then again, the United States wants not only China's Chang'e-6 lunar samples, but also China's Chang'e-5 samples. The situation of Chang'e-5 is a little different, that is, in order to get the lunar soil, the United States directly gave the green light to its own "Wolf Clause", and in the end, there were really many applications, and half of the entire list were from the United States.

It's just that no one knows if it was given in the end. But Chang'e-6 is different, this time the mainland directly explained, it can be said that it directly refused, and even the Wolf clause to give the "so-called green light" is useless.

The mainland has made it clear that China has always been open to space exchanges and cooperation with the United States, but the root cause of the problems and difficulties faced by China-US space cooperation lies in the "Wolf Clause" and other domestic laws of the United States, which hinder normal exchanges and dialogues between the space agencies of the two countries.

Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 received 3666.3 grams of lunar soil, and the United States collected 382 kilograms of lunar landing! But I still want to ask for it

If the US side really wants to promote exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States in the field of space, it should take practical measures to remove these obstacles. Therefore, if the United States does not abolish the Wolf Clause, saying that it is useless to say that it wants China to share, it is also absolutely impossible.

Why does the United States want it so much?

In fact, as I told you above, the results of the mainland's lunar sample output are unprecedented, Chang'e-5 has succeeded so many for the first time, and Chang'e-6 is bound to be the same trend.

Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 received 3666.3 grams of lunar soil, and the United States collected 382 kilograms of lunar landing! But I still want to ask for it

In fact, it is not necessary to say vaguely that as long as any research on the mainland Chang'e-6 is to create history, it is because it comes from the far side of the moon, and if there are the same results as Chang'e-5, it also highlights the characteristics of the far side and the front of the moon, and it is still a unique achievement.

Therefore, they all want to create the history of the moon, and from the situation that the mainland has announced, the mineral and chemical composition of the samples on the far side of the moon collected by Chang'e-6 may be very different from the front samples, and the scientific research around the samples on the far side of the moon will involve many disciplines and research directions such as basic physical and chemical property analysis, geological and geochemical research.

Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 received 3666.3 grams of lunar soil, and the United States collected 382 kilograms of lunar landing! But I still want to ask for it

From the appearance, we found that the Chang'e-6 sample was more viscous than other samples, and there was a phenomenon of agglomeration, which was intuitively seen.

These faint details have come out, and it can be seen that there is such a big difference, not to mention the situation of the research in the real sense, the more I talk about it, the more excited I become, I really can't wait to see what that gram is. But if the mainland wants to study, it will have to wait for a while, because it needs to be allocated and encapsulated, which will take time, so everyone can continue to wait.


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