
The modern version of Mulan, who has been in the army for five years and never takes off her clothes to sleep, disguises herself as a man and joins the army to avenge her father

author:Folk legends

Everyone is familiar with Mulan in "Mulan Poems", which is a character in Chinese folklore, a hero who disguises herself as a man and goes on behalf of her father; Although he has been among the male soldiers for many years, no one has ever found his daughter. Xiaobian thought that legends were legends after all, and it was difficult to realize them in reality, until today I learned about her, the only special female combat hero in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Guo Junqing

The modern version of Mulan, who has been in the army for five years and never takes off her clothes to sleep, disguises herself as a man and joins the army to avenge her father

Guo Junqing

Guo Junqing was born in Liaoning in 1931, and then fled to Inner Mongolia with her family, because the family was very poor, her father was forced to work as a long-term laborer for the landlord, and was exhausted to death, her mother has been sick, and she has younger brothers and sisters. Such a family background made Guo Junqing have to carry everything, she shaved her hair and pretended to be a boy, and continued to work for the landlord

But it didn't turn the family's fortune around, and her 3-year-old sister died of illness and starvation. When the Eighth Route Army entered Inner Mongolia in 1945, 14-year-old Guo Junqing thought that being a soldier would allow him to eat and reduce the burden on his family, and at the same time he could fight against the landlords and avenge his father. So she continued to dress as a boy and signed up for the Eighth Route Army, but she was worried that she was too young and the army didn't want her, so she lied that she was 17 years old

The leaders of the army knew that she had lied as soon as they saw her short body, and they didn't ask her, but Guo Junqing didn't give up, and she quietly followed behind the troops for hundreds of miles, like a "little tail", and finally her persistence was recognized by the troops, and the leader let her serve as a communications soldier. After joining the army, Guo Junqing did not lose to others on the battlefield, and fought for three days and three nights with a gun

The modern version of Mulan, who has been in the army for five years and never takes off her clothes to sleep, disguises herself as a man and joins the army to avenge her father

The Eighth Route Army in film and television dramas

The modern version of Mulan, who has been in the army for five years and never takes off her clothes to sleep, disguises herself as a man and joins the army to avenge her father

Female soldiers in film and television dramas

Guo Junqing also rode a horse alone through the enemy's blockade on a snowy night to deliver the letter. Although she dressed as a man, she also maintained the delicacy of a woman, helped her comrades cook and sew clothes, and crossed the river with her injured comrades despite the abdominal pain during menstruation

But the soldiers thought she was very strange, since joining the army, she has not taken off her clothes to sleep, she does not go to the bathhouse to take a bath, and she dances like a girl at the military-civilian party, until 1950, when Guo Junqing entered the hospital due to excessive fatigue, where the doctor asked her to take off her clothes for examination, but she insisted that a female doctor could take it off, and a male doctor could not. For this, people who don't know the truth call her a hooligan

Fortunately, the female doctor found that she was bleeding from the lower half of her body, and she agreed to her request without delay, and it was not until the moment her clothes were taken off that the female doctor found out that she was a female soldier. In the face of everyone's incomprehension, she said why she disguised herself as a man, and soon Guo Junqing's deeds were widely disseminated, and in September of the same year, she was named a special female combat hero, attended the National Combat Heroes Congress, and was received by national leaders

The modern version of Mulan, who has been in the army for five years and never takes off her clothes to sleep, disguises herself as a man and joins the army to avenge her father

Soldiers and doctors in film and television dramas

The modern version of Mulan, who has been in the army for five years and never takes off her clothes to sleep, disguises herself as a man and joins the army to avenge her father

A female warrior on horseback in a film and television drama

After the conference, Guo Junqing, who was only 20 years old, visited the Soviet Union with other young people as a member of the national youth delegation to study at the Eastern University in Moscow. After returning to China to study at the Chinese People's University, after graduation, he was arranged by the army to change jobs, and successively served as the director of Qingdao No. 1 Garment Factory in Shandong Province and the deputy director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Cao County, Shandong Province, until his retirement in 1981

Because of the legendary experience in the first half of her life, she was known as "Modern Mulan" and "National Female Combat Hero", and filmed the movie "Youth in the War" based on her, and her deeds have been widely circulated

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