
The 2024 Equipment Safety Technology Conference for New Power Systems will be held in Han

author:Wuhan headlines

Focus on equipment safety and support, and talk about technological innovation support. On the morning of June 28, the 2024 Equipment Safety Technology Conference for New Power Systems was held in Han. The conference was jointly sponsored by the Power Grid Operation and Maintenance Technology Training Committee of China Electric Power Equipment Management Association, the Electrical Equipment Condition Maintenance Working Committee of China Electric Power Equipment Management Association, Hubei Electrical Engineering Society, Wuhan Science and Technology Association, and Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone Smart Grid Industry Technology Innovation Association, and undertaken by Wuhan NARI Co., Ltd. of State Grid Electric Power Research Institute. At the opening ceremony, more than 30 leaders and experts from leading enterprises, universities and research institutes in the power industry discussed the new pattern of power grid equipment safety technology and helped make new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation.

The 2024 Equipment Safety Technology Conference for New Power Systems will be held in Han

Peng Xudong, Executive Director and Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan NARI Co., Ltd., State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, delivered a speech. Photo courtesy of the correspondent

Peng Xudong, Executive Director and Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan NARI Co., Ltd., State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, delivered a speech at the conference, saying that Wuhan NARI has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the country on building a new power system, and actively implemented the decisions and arrangements of NARI Group. Strive to tackle key problems in scientific research, build an innovation platform, accelerate the transformation of achievements, expand the degree of openness, and continue to provide high-quality scientific research, engineering and technical services, equipment joint and overall solutions for power grid construction. As a long-term practitioner in the field of domestic high-voltage technology application and engineering department, Wuhan NARI adheres to continuous innovation and development, takes maintaining the safe and stable operation of power equipment and accelerating the research and development and application of related technologies as its own responsibility, focuses on the three major business areas of smart grid operation and maintenance, high-end material application, energy conservation and environmental protection services, and comprehensively and systematically carries out basic research on social safety operation from the aspects of social production and manufacturing, on-site test and detection, operation and maintenance. He looks forward to in-depth exchanges with experts, scholars and all security-related practitioners, learning from each other, jointly promoting the development of new TV equipment security technology, and better supporting and serving Chinese modernization.

Pan Yuan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary dean of the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, was invited to give a report entitled "Understanding and Thinking on the New Power System".

The 2024 Equipment Safety Technology Conference for New Power Systems will be held in Han

Academician Pan Yuan shared the theme. Photo courtesy of the correspondent

Starting from the major national strategic needs and key scientific and technological issues, Pan Yuan conducted an in-depth analysis of the key issues of energy and power transformation. How is a green power system different from a traditional power system? Pan Yuan believes that in the traditional power system, such as thermal power, hydropower or nuclear power, most of them use synchronous motors, which have strong mechanical inertia, and the traditional power system has an electromechanical steady state process dominated by rotating motors, and strong electromechanical properties and weak electromagnetism are the biggest characteristics of traditional power systems. This is just the opposite of the green power system, the new energy generation, transmission and distribution links have introduced more power electronic equipment, and the power system has changed to the electromagnetic transient process of power electronic equipment as the leading factor, showing weak motor and strong electromagnetism.

At present, there are five major technical problems to be overcome to achieve a green power system. Pan Yuan believes that the problems of peak regulation, stability, corridors, power dispatching and power flow control, and power safety are the more prominent key issues, which must be overcome one by one in technology. How to solve the problem and ensure the key technologies for green energy transformation and safe development? Pan Yuan focused on discussing and sharing five key technologies for building a green power system, such as distributed mountaintop pumped storage power station and rapid response capacity. Implement a "new type of national system" and concentrate efforts on major tasks. Pan Yuan suggested that the "Green Power Innovation and R&D Center" of the industry, learning and research alliance should be established, bringing together the country's advantageous universities and core leading enterprises and research institutes, and aiming at the five major directions of "green power generation, transmission, energy storage, control and load" through the integration of talents and technical resources in the relevant fields of green power in the country, so as to carry out green technology and equipment research and achievement transformation of the whole industry chain and serve the national and local new energy development strategies.

The 2024 Equipment Safety Technology Conference for New Power Systems will be held in Han

The Hongkong Electric Group Co., Ltd. Au Wai Nian gave a keynote speech. Photo courtesy of the correspondent

Mr Au Wai Nien, Director of the Operations Department of The Hongkong Electric Group Limited, delivered a report entitled "Innovation and Application of Condition Diagnosis Technology for Power Cables". With a history of more than 130 years, the Hongkong Electric Group provides electricity to Hong Kong Island, Lamma Island and Ap Lei Chau. These areas are located in commercial and financial centers and require very high power supply reliability and power quality, with a power consumption density of 260 megavolt-amperes per square kilometer. When it comes to building world-class power supply reliability, HK Electric Group has provided lessons to be learned. For the transmission and distribution system, the condition of 11 kV cables is classified through the "Cable Health Management" index to determine whether they need to be replaced in time and scheduled for future inspections. If the test cable has a health index of grade 1, it means that the cable is in good condition, but if the health index is grade 5, the test cable needs to be repaired in time.

Au Weinian said that Wuhan has superior geographical conditions, has many well-known universities and research institutes, and has strong scientific and technological innovation capabilities, and HK Electric Group will also seize the development opportunities in Han and actively promote the implementation of the cooperation plan with NARI Group in low-voltage Internet of Things switches and DC flexible interconnection, and apply the innovative technologies and achievements of power supply reliability to HK Electric Group.

According to reports, the conference carried out a number of thematic forums, and more than 200 industry experts and scholars exchanged views on four major themes: digital intelligent operation and maintenance of equipment and smart supply chain, new power materials and high-end electrical equipment, disaster prevention and mitigation and digital intelligent security, and energy storage and efficient utilization of new power systems. Through the sharing and discussion of the latest research results, we will further link the national innovation resources, jointly promote interdisciplinary integration, and share cutting-edge technology information, better support the construction of new power systems, lay the foundation for sustainable development and industrial upgrading in the future, and contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of the "double carbon" goal.

(Wu Qiuna, correspondent Zhang Luxin)

[Editor: Ji Jie]

[Source: Wuhan client]

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